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The Ice Run Time in Detail : 32.20 The Ice::Stats Interface
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

32.20 The Ice::Stats Interface

The Ice run time reports bytes sent and received over the wire on every operation invocation via the Ice::Stats interface:
module Ice {
    local interface Stats {
        void bytesSent(string protocol, int num);
        void bytesReceived(string protocol, int num);

    local interface Communicator {
        Stats getStats();
        // ...
The Ice run time calls bytesReceived as it reads from the network and bytes­Sent as it writes to the network. A very simple implementation of the Stats interface could look like the following:
class MyStats : public virtual Ice::Stats {
    virtual void bytesSent(const string& prot, Ice::Int num)
        cerr << prot << ": sent " << num << "bytes" << endl;

    virtual void bytesReceived(const string& prot, Ice::Int)
        cerr << prot << ": received " << num << "bytes" << endl;
To register your implementation, you must pass it in an InitializationData parameter when you call initialize to create the communicator (see Section 32.3):
Ice::InitializationData id;
id.stats = new MyStats;
Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic = Ice::initialize(id);
You can install a Stats object on either the client or the server side (or both). Here is some example output produced by installing a MyStats object in a simple server:
tcp: received 14 bytes
tcp: received 32 bytes
tcp: sent 26 bytes
tcp: received 14 bytes
tcp: received 33 bytes
tcp: sent 25 bytes
In practice, your Stats implementation will probably be a bit more sophisticated: for example, the object can accumulate statistics in member variables and make the accumulated statistics available via member functions, instead of simply printing everything to the standard error output.

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