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Client-Side Slice-to-C++ Mapping : 6.3 Mapping for Identifiers
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

6.3 Mapping for Identifiers

Slice identifiers map to an identical C++ identifier. For example, the Slice identi­fier Clock becomes the C++ identifier Clock. There is one exception to this rule: if a Slice identifier is the same as a C++ keyword, the corresponding C++ identi­fier is prefixed with _cpp_. For example, the Slice identifier while is mapped as _cpp_while.1
A single Slice identifier often results in several C++ identifiers. For example, for a Slice interface named Foo, the generated C++ code uses the identifiers Foo and FooPrx (among others). If the interface has the name while, the generated identifiers are _cpp_while and whilePrx (not _cpp_whilePrx), that is, the prefix is applied only to those generated identifiers that actually require it.

As suggested in Section 4.5.3 on page 92, you should try to avoid such identifiers as much as possible.

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