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Server-Side Slice-to-C++ Mapping : 8.5 Parameter Passing
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

8.5 Parameter Passing

For each parameter of a Slice operation, the C++ mapping generates a corre­sponding parameter for the virtual member function in the skeleton. In addition, every operation has an additional, trailing parameter of type Ice::Current. For example, the name operation of the Node interface has no parameters, but the name member function of the Node skeleton class has a single parameter of type Ice::Current. We explain the purpose of this parameter in Section 32.6 and will ignore it for now.
Parameter passing on the server side follows the rules for the client side:
• in-parameters are passed by value or const reference.
• out-parameters are passed by reference.
• return values are passed by value
To illustrate the rules, consider the following interface that passes string parame­ters in all possible directions:
module M {
    interface Example {
        string op(string sin, out string sout);
The generated skeleton class for this interface looks as follows:
namespace M {
    class Example : virtual public ::Ice::Object {
        virtual std::string
                    op(const std::string&, std::string&,
                       const Ice::Current& = Ice::Current()) = 0;
        // ...
As you can see, there are no surprises here. For example, we could implement op as follows:
ExampleI::op(const std::string& sin,
                   std::string& sout,
             const Ice::Current&)
    cout << sin << endl;        // In parameters are initialized
    sout = "Hello World!";      // Assign out parameter
    return "Done";              // Return a string
This code is in no way different from what you would normally write if you were to pass strings to and from a function; the fact that remote procedure calls are involved does not impact on your code in any way. The same is true for parame­ters of other types, such as proxies, classes, or dictionaries: the parameter passing conventions follow normal C++ rules and do not require special-purpose API calls or memory management.

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