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Ice Properties and Configuration : 30.4 Setting Properties on the Command Line
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

30.4 Setting Properties on the Command Line

In addition to setting properties in a configuration file, you can also set properties on the command line, for example:
$ ./server Ice.UDP.SndSize=65535 IceSSL.Trace.Security=2
Any command line option that begins with  and is followed by one of the reserved prefixes (see page 856) is read and converted to a property setting when you create a communicator. Property settings on the command line override settings in a configuration file. If you set the same property more than once on the same command line, the last setting overrides any previous ones.
For convenience, any property not explicitly set to a value is set to the value 1. For example,
$ ./server Ice.Trace.Protocol
is equivalent to
$ ./server Ice.Trace.Protocol=1
Note that this feature only applies to properties that are set on the command line, but not to properties that are set from a configuration file.
You can also clear a property from the command line as follows:
$ ./server Ice.Trace.Protocol=
As for properties set from a configuration file, assigning nothing to a property clears that property.

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