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Ice Properties and Configuration : 30.5 Using Configuration Files
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

30.5 Using Configuration Files

The ability to configure an application’s properties externally provides a great deal of flexibility: you can use any combination of command-line options and configuration files to achieve the desired settings, all without having to modify your application. This section describes two ways of loading property settings from a file.

30.5.1 Prerequisites

The Ice run time automatically loads a configuration file during the creation of a property set, which is an instance of the Ice::Properties interface. Every communicator has its own property set from which it derives its configuration. If an application does not supply a property set when it calls Ice::initialize (or the equivalent in other language mappings), the Ice run time internally creates a property set for the new communicator.
Note however that Ice loads a configuration file automatically only when the application creates a property set using an argument vector. This occurs when the application passes an argument vector to create a property set explicitly (as discussed in Section 30.9), or when the application passes an argument vector to Ice::initialize.
Both of the mechanisms described below can also retrieve property settings from additional sources. Refer to Section 30.6 for more information.

30.5.2 The ICE_CONFIG Environment Variable

Ice automatically loads the contents of the configuration file named in the ICE_CONFIG environment variable (assuming the prerequisites described in Section 30.5.1 are met). For example:
$ export ICE_CONFIG=/usr/local/filesystem/config
$ ./server
This causes the server to read its property settings from the configuration file in /usr/local/filesystem/config.
If you use the ICE_CONFIG environment variable together with command-line options for other properties, the settings on the command line override the settings in the configuration file. For example:
$ export ICE_CONFIG=/usr/local/filesystem/config
./server Ice.MessageSizeMax=4096
This sets the value of the Ice.MessageSizeMax property to 4096 regardless of any setting of this property in /usr/local/filesystem/config.
You can use multiple configuration files by specifying a list of configuration file names, separated by commas. For example:
$ export ICE_CONFIG=/usr/local/filesystem/config,./config
$ ./server
This causes property settings to be retrieved from /usr/local/file­system/config, followed by any settings in the file config in the current directory; settings in ./config override settings /usr/local/file­system/config.

30.5.3 The Ice.Config Property

The Ice.Config property has special meaning to the Ice run time: it determines the path name of a configuration file from which to read property settings. For example:
$ ./server Ice.Config=/usr/local/filesystem/config
This causes property settings to be read from the configuration file in /usr/local/filesystem/config.
The Ice.Config command-line option overrides any setting of the ICE_CONFIG environment variable, that is, if the ICE_CONFIG environment variable is set and you also use the Ice.Config command-line option, the configuration file specified by the ICE_CONFIG environment variable is ignored.
If you use the Ice.Config command-line option together with settings for other properties, the settings on the command line override the settings in the configuration file. For example:
$ ./server Ice.Config=/usr/local/filesystem/config \
This sets the value of the Ice.MessageSizeMax property to 4096 regardless of any setting of this property in /usr/local/filesystem/config. The placement of the Ice.Config option on the command line has no influence on this precedence. For example, the following command is equivalent to the preceding one:
$ ./server Ice.MessageSizeMax=4096 \
Settings of the Ice.Config property inside a configuration file are ignored, that is, you can set Ice.Config only on the command line.
If you use the Ice.Config option more than once, only the last setting of the option is used and the preceding ones are ignored. For example:
$ ./server Ice.Config=file1 Ice.Config=file2
This is equivalent to using:
$ ./server Ice.Config=file2
You can use multiple configuration files by specifying a list of configuration file names, separated by commas. For example:
$ ./server Ice.Config=/usr/local/filesystem/config,./config
This causes property settings to be retrieved from /usr/local/filesystem/config, followed by any settings in the file config in the current directory; settings in ./config override settings /usr/local/filesystem/config.

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