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The Slice Language : 4.20 Using the Slice Compilers
Copyright © 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc.

4.20 Using the Slice Compilers

Ice provides a separate Slice compiler for each language mapping, as shown in Table 4.3.
The compilers share a similar command-line syntax:
<compilername> [options] file…
Regardless of which compiler you use, a number of command-line options are common to the compilers for any language mapping. (See the appropriate language mapping chapter for options that are specific to a particular language mapping.) The common command-line options are:
• h, help
Displays a help message.
• v, version
Displays the compiler version.
Defines the preprocessor symbol NAME.
Defines the preprocessor symbol NAME with the value DEF.
Undefines the preprocessor symbol NAME.
Add the directory DIR to the search path for #include directives.
• E
Print the preprocessor output on stdout.
• outputdir DIR
Place the generated files into directory DIR.
• d, debug
Print debug information showing the operation of the Slice parser.
• ice
Permit use of the normally reserved prefix Ice for identifiers. Use this option only when compiling the source code for the Ice run time.
The Slice compilers permit you to compile more than a single source file, so you can compile several Slice definitions at once, for example:
slice2cpp I.

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