A session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and
release objects. Client sessions are either created with the
Registry object or the registry client ::Glacier2::SessionManager
See Also
- Registry
- ::Glacier2::SessionManager
Operation Index
- keepAlive
Keep the session alive.
- allocateObjectById
Allocate an object.
- allocateObjectByType
Allocate an object with the given type.
- releaseObject
Release an object.
- setAllocationTimeout
Set the allocation timeout.
Keep the session alive. Clients should call this operation
regularly to prevent the server from reaping the session.
See Also
- Registry::getSessionTimeout
Allocate an object. Depending on the allocation timeout, this
operation might hang until the object is available or until the
timeout is reached.
- id
The identity of the object to allocate.
Return Value
The proxy of the allocated object.
- ObjectNotRegisteredException
Raised if the object with
the given identity is not registered with the registry.
- AllocationException
Raised if the object can't be
See Also
- setAllocationTimeout
- releaseObject
Allocate an object with the given type. Depending on the
allocation timeout, this operation can block until an object
becomes available or until the timeout is reached.
- type
The type of the object.
Return Value
The proxy of the allocated object.
- ObjectNotRegisteredException
Raised if no objects with the given type can be allocated.
- AllocationException
Raised if the object could not be allocated.
See Also
- setAllocationTimeout
- releaseObject
Release an object.
- id
The identity of the object to release.
- ObjectNotRegisteredException
Raised if the object with
the given identity is not registered with the registry.
- AllocationException
Raised if the given object can't be
released. This might happen if the object isn't allocatable or
isn't allocated by the session.
See Also
- allocateObjectById
- allocateObjectByType
Set the allocation timeout. If no objects are available for an
allocation request, the request will hang for the duration of
this timeout.
- timeout
The timeout in milliseconds.
See Also
- allocateObjectById
- allocateObjectByType