Incremental, In-place Page Updates

One of the key features of Direct-to-DOM rendering is the ability to perform incremental changes to the DOM that translate into in-place editing of the page and result in smooth, flicker-free page updates without the need for a full page refresh. This basic concept is illustrated in Figure 5 .

Figure 5 Incremental Update with Direct-to-DOM Rendering

Again, incremental updates are transparent from the development perspective. As the presentation layer changes during a render pass, those changes are seamlessly realized in the client browser.

Armed with incremental Direct-to-DOM rendering, you can begin to imagine a more dynamic presentation environment for the user. You no longer have to design pages around the full page refresh model. Instead, you can consider fine-grained manipulation of the page to achieve rich effects in the application. For example, selective content presentation, based on application state, becomes easy to implement. Components can simply include value bindings on their isRendered attribute to programmatically control what elements of the presentation are rendered for any given application state. ICEfaces incremental Direct-to-DOM update will ensure smooth transition within the presentation of that data.

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