Chapter 10. Tweak Tool

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New in v0.46.

The Tweak Tool is used to make small changes to paths and colors. While at first paths and colors may seem to have little to do with each other, the use of Tweak Tool to edit them is surprisingly very similar.

To use the Tweak Tool select the tool from the Tool Box ( ) or use either of the shortcuts: W or Shift+F2.

The Tweak Tool works like a brush that covers a circular part of the screen, indicated by an orange circle. The affect of the brush is strongest in the center and falls off smoothly till the edge. Two parameters, located in the Tool Controls affect the “physical” nature of the brush:

The Tweak Tool has a number of modes for editing paths and colors. The mode is selected by clicking on the corresponding icon in the Tool Controls or using a keyboard shortcut. Each mode has its own cursor. The various modes are discussed in the next two sections.

Objects must be selected to be tweaked. Using the Space Bar is a quick way to switch back and forth between the Select Tool and the Tweak Tool. Note that there is no onscreen indication of what objects are selected when the Tweak Tool is in use.

Tweak - Example.
An example of using the Tweak Tool on a series of Rectangles. The brush size is indicated by the orange circle and the Mode by the cursor (in this case Push).