Complex Examples

This section features some examples of complex filters built out of primitives.


This example uses the Matrice di Colore to convert a photograph into an Alpha layer. The Alpha layer is then embossed by the Illuminazione Diffusa filter.

An embossed photograph.

Settings: Matrice di Colore: In: Source Graphics, Mode: Luminance to Alpha. Illuminazione Diffusa: In: Color Matrix output, Diffuse Color: White, Surface Scale: 10, Constant: 2, Light Source: Distant Light, Azimuth: 45, Elevation: 15.


This filter effect is broken in Inkscape v0.46. It displays properly in Opera 9 and Firefox 3.

This example uses the Morfologia primitive to create the glow around a neon tube. The glow color is derived from the neon color using the Matrice di Colore primitive. A couple Sfocatura Gaussiana primitives create the soft feel of the neon and a Mischia primitive combines the neon and glow together.

A neon sign.

Settings: See below for overall structure and for Matrice di Colore primitive inputs. Morfologia: Operator: Dilate, Radius: 6 (x and y); Sfocatura Gaussiana: Standard Deviation: 1st: 6, 2nd: 1.

Filter Effects dialog: Neon.
Filtri dialog for neon effect, showing Matrice di Colore parameters.

Stereoscopic Pictures

This filter effect is partially broken in Inkscape. It displays properly in Opera 9 but not Firefox 3.

This example uses the Mappa di Spostamento filter primitive to create a stereoscopic picture. The Turbulenza primitive is used to generate a picture that is distorted with the Mappa di Spostamento primitive.

A stereoscopic image. Look at the left picture with the left eye and the right picture with the right eye. It may help to place a sheet of paper vertical and extending from your nose to the line between the two pictures. When your brain combines the two images, a shape should pop out.

Settings: Turbulence: Input: Source Alpha, Type: Turbulence, Base Frequency: 0.1, Octaves 5, Seed 0. Displacement Map: Input 1: Turbulence output, Input 2: Source Graphic, Scale:: 10, X Channel: Red, Y Channel: Green. Composite: Input 1: Displacement Map, Input 2: Source Graphic, Operator: In.

Stereoscopic displacement map.
The Source Graphic. The red levels control the displacement in the x direction.

Solar Flare

This filter effect displays in Firefox 3 but not Opera 9.

This example uses the Turbulenza primitive to modify a radial Gradiente and thus simulating a solar flare during an eclipse.

Solar Flare.
A solar flare seen during an eclipse.

Settings: Turbulence: Input: Source Alpha, Type: Turbulence, Base Frequency: 0.5, Octaves 3, Seed 0. Color Matrix: Input: Turbulence output, Matrix: All 0 except a00 and a33 are 1. Composite: Input 1: Source Graphic, Input 2: Color Matrix, Operator: Arithmetic, K: 0, 1, -0.75, 0.

Solar flare gradient.
The Source Graphic.