
Inkscape has its own terminology and way of doing many of the things found in Illustrator. Here is a dictionary between the two.

Illustrator to Inkscape

Anchor Points

Nodes. Use Strumento Nodo to manipulate.

Arc Tool

Strumento Ellisse.

Autotrace Tool

Use Vettorizza Bitmap dialog.

Blend Tool

Use Interpolate effect.


Use Pattern Along Path effect or Crea Cloni in Serie dialog.

Eye Dropper Tool

Strumento Contagocce.

Hand Tool

Use Middle Mouse Drag with any tool.

Knife Tool

Draw a «Cutting» path, then use Tracciato Taglia Tracciato (Ctrl+Alt+/) or Tracciato Divisione (Ctrl+/). See Path Operations.

Marquee Selection

Use elastico selection.

Measure Tool

Use Measure Path effect.

Paint Brush Tool

Strumento Pennino.

Paint Bucket Tool

Paint Bucket Tool (coming in v0.46).



Polygon Tool

Strumento Stella.

Rectangle Grid Tool

Draw a Rettangolo, then use the Grid Effect.

Reflect Tool

Use Strumento Selettore (see Transformations), or from the keyboard, use h and v.

Reshape Tool

Use Strumento Nodo; see node sculpting.

Rotate Tool

Use Strumento Selettore (double click on object to get rotation handles: see Transformations), or from the keyboard, use [ and ].

Scale Tool

Use Strumento Selettore (see Transformations), or from the keyboard, use > and <.

Scissors Tool

Draw a «Cutting» path, then use Tracciato Taglia Tracciato (Ctrl+Alt+/) See Path Operations. If you just want to open a path in one place, create a new node (double click on path with Strumento Nodo) and then click on the icon.

Shear Tool

Use Strumento Selettore (double click on object to get skew handles: see Transformations).

Smooth Tool

Use Tracciato Semplifica (Ctrl+L) command.

Type Tool

Strumento Testo.

Zoom Tool

Strumento Ingrandimento. You don't need to hold Ctrl down when using + and keys.