IT_Bus_Services::IT_SessionManager::SessionStateCallbackManager Class Reference

#include <it_bus_services/session_state_callback_manager.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class used to register a session state callback implementation class with the bus.

Definition at line 22 of file session_state_callback_manager.h.

Static Public Member Functions

static void register_callback (IT_Bus::Bus_ptr bus, SessionStateCallback &callback)
 Register a callback object.
static void deregister_callback (IT_Bus::Bus_ptr bus, SessionStateCallback &callback)
 Deregister the callback object.

Member Function Documentation

static void IT_Bus_Services::IT_SessionManager::SessionStateCallbackManager::deregister_callback ( IT_Bus::Bus_ptr  bus,
SessionStateCallback callback 
) [static]

Deregister the callback object.

A pointer to the bus that loaded the session manager endpoint plugin.
A reference to the callback object.

static void IT_Bus_Services::IT_SessionManager::SessionStateCallbackManager::register_callback ( IT_Bus::Bus_ptr  bus,
SessionStateCallback callback 
) [static]

Register a callback object.

 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     IT_Bus::Bus_var bus = IT_Bus::init(argc, argv);
     // instantiate an instance of the application
     // specific session state callback class
     SessionStateCallbackSubClassImpl state_callback;
     // register the callback object with the bus
       (bus, state_callback);
     // rest of server mainline code
   catch(IT_Bus::Exception& e)
     // exception handling code
   return 0;

A pointer to the bus that loaded the session manager endpoint plugin.
A reference to the callback object.

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