IT_Reflect Namespace Reference


class  BoundsException
 BoundsException Class. More...
class  BuiltInType
 BuiltInType class. More...
class  Choice
 Reflection of a choice type. More...
class  ComplexContent
 Reflection of a ComplexContentComplexType. More...
class  ComplexContentImplT
 Template base class for complex content implementations. More...
class  ComplexType
 Base for all complex type reflections. More...
class  ComplexTypeImpl
 Base class for complex type generated reflection classes. More...
class  ComplexValueRef
 Template implementation of IT_Reflect::Value that holds a reference to a complex type. More...
class  DerivedSimpleType
 Reflection of a derived simple type. More...
class  ElementList
 Collection of objects of type IT_Reflect::Reflection. More...
class  ElementListImplBase
 Base class for ElementList of reflection classes. More...
class  ElementListImplT
 Template base class for element list implementations. More...
class  ModelGroup
 The model group types are sequence, choice and all. More...
class  ModelGroupImpl
 Base implementation for generated sequence, choice and all reflections. More...
class  ModelGroupWithSubstitutables
class  Nillable
 Reflection of a Nillable type. More...
class  NillablePtrImplT
 Template base class for nillable type implementations. More...
class  NillableRawPtrImplT
 Template base class for nillable type implementations. More...
class  NillableValueImplT
 Template base class for nillable value implementations. More...
class  NullReflection
 Reflection object used when reflection is unavailable. More...
class  OccuringTypeImplT
 Template base class for occuring types implementation. More...
class  ReflectException
 Exception class for reflection API. More...
class  ReflectedNillablePtr
 Template implementation of Nillable that supports reflection. More...
class  ReflectedNillableValue
 Nillable template implementation that supports reflection. More...
class  Reflection
 Base class for reflection objects. More...
struct  Copier
 Copier utility. More...
class  ReflectionImpl
 Base class for reflection implementations. More...
class  ReflectionImplT
 Template base class for reflection implementations. More...
class  SimpleContent
 Reflection of a SimpleContentComplexType. More...
class  SimpleType
 Base class for BuiltInType and DerivedSimpleType types. More...
class  SimpleTypeList
 Reflection of the SimpleTypeList class. More...
class  SimpleTypeListImplBase
 Base class for simple type list generated reflection classes. More...
class  SimpleTypeListImplT
 Template implementation of simple type list reflection. More...
struct  Traits
class  TypeListImplT
 Template implementation of type list reflection. More...
class  Union
 Reflection of a union simple type. More...
class  UnionImpl
 Base implementation for a generated union restriction. More...
class  UnsupportedException
 UnsupportedException class. More...
class  Value
 Reflection of a value type. More...
class  ValueImplT
 Template implementation of value type reflection. More...
class  ValueRef
 Template implementation of IT_Reflect::Value that holds a reference to a simple type such as Float, Int, Date etc. More...
class  ValueRefBase
 Template base implementation of IT_Reflect::Value that holds a reference to a value of some built-in type. More...
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Boolean >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Float >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Double >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Int >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::UInt >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Long >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Short >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::ULong >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::UShort >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Byte >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::UByte >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::String >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::DateTime >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Decimal >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::Base64Binary >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::HexBinary >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::QName >
struct  Traits< IT_Bus::AnyHolder >


typedef ModelGroup Sequence
typedef ModelGroup All
typedef ModelGroupWithSubstitutables SequenceWithSubstitutables


IT_AFC_API void copy (IT_Reflect::Reflection &destination, const IT_Reflect::Reflection &source) IT_THROW_DECL((ReflectException))
 Copy reflected values.
IT_AFC_API void copy (IT_Bus::AnyType &destination, const IT_Bus::AnyType &source) IT_THROW_DECL((ReflectException))
 Copy AnyTypes.
IT_AFC_API IT_Bus::AnyTypeclone (const IT_Bus::AnyType &value) IT_THROW_DECL((ReflectException))
 Clone an AnyType.

Function Documentation

IT_AFC_API void IT_Reflect::copy ( IT_Reflect::Reflection destination,
const IT_Reflect::Reflection source 

Copy reflected values.

destination Copy data to this object.
source Copy data from this object.
ReflectException If source and destination are incompatible.

Referenced by IT_Reflect::Copier< T >::copy(), and IT_Bus::AnySimpleTypeT< T >::copy().

IT_AFC_API void IT_Reflect::copy ( IT_Bus::AnyType destination,
const IT_Bus::AnyType source 

Copy AnyTypes.

destination Copy data to this object.
source Copy data from this object.
ReflectException If source and destination are incompatible.

IT_AFC_API IT_Bus::AnyType* IT_Reflect::clone ( const IT_Bus::AnyType value  ) 

Clone an AnyType.

Caller must delete.

Generated on Thu Sep 7 11:40:59 2006 for Artix by  doxygen 1.4.7