IT_WSDL Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The namespace for Artix components that represent the in-memory model of the WSDL file.


 using namespace IT_WSDL;


class  WSDLBinding
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a WSDL file <binding> element. More...
class  WSDLBindingFault
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a binding operation <fault> element. More...
class  WSDLBindingInput
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a binding operation <input> element. More...
class  WSDLBindingOperation
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a binding <operation> element. More...
class  WSDLBindingOutput
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a binding operation <output> element. More...
class  WSDLDefinitions
class  WSDLErrorHandler
class  WSDLException
class  WSDLExtensionElement
 Base class for WSDL file elements representing extensions to the WSDL schema. More...
class  WSDLExtensionFactory
class  WSDLFactory
class  WSDLFault
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of an operation <fault> element. More...
class  WSDLInput
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of an operation <input> element. More...
class  WSDLMessage
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a WSDL file <message> element. More...
class  WSDLNode
 Base class for nodes representing WSDL file elements. More...
class  WSDLExtensibleNode
 Base class for nodes representing WSDL file elements described in the WSDL schema definition. More...
class  WSDLOperation
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a portType <operation> element. More...
class  WSDLOutput
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of an operation <output> element. More...
class  WSDLPart
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a message <part> element. More...
class  WSDLPort
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of the WSDL file <port> element. More...
class  WSDLPortType
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a WSDL file <portType> element. More...
class  WSDLProcessor
 The class is used to create the in-memory WSDL Model using XML as input. More...
class  WSDLService
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of the WSDL file <service> element. More...
class  WSDLTypes
 The class that corresponds to the in-memory representation of a WSDL file <types> element. More...


namespace  CORBAConstants
namespace  FixedConstants
namespace  HttpConfConstants
namespace  HttpConstants
namespace  MqConstants
namespace  SOAPConstants
namespace  TaggedConstants
namespace  TibrvConstants
namespace  XMLFormatConstants


typedef IT_Bus::StringMap<
WSDLBindingOperation * > 
 Definition of the WSDLBindingOperationMap type.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLBindingFault * > WSDLBindingFaultVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLBindingFault instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLPart * > WSDLPartVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLPart instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLFault * > WSDLFaultVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLFault instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLOperation * > WSDLOperationVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLOperation instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLPort * > WSDLPortVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLPort instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLService * > WSDLServiceVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLService instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLBinding * > WSDLBindingVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLBinding instances.
typedef WSDLDefinitionsWSDLDefinitions_ptr
 Definition of the WSDLDefinitions_ptr type.
typedef IT_Bus::Var< WSDLDefinitionsWSDLDefinitions_var
 Definition of the WSDLDefinitions_var type.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLExtensionElement * > WSDLExtensionElementList
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLNode * > WSDLNodeList
typedef IT_Bus::StringMap<
WSDLBindingOperation * > 
 Definition of the WSDLBindingOperationMap type.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLBindingFault * > WSDLBindingFaultVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLBindingFault instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLPart * > WSDLPartVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLPart instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLFault * > WSDLFaultVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLFault instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLOperation * > WSDLOperationVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLOperation instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLPort * > WSDLPortVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLPort instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLService * > WSDLServiceVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLService instances.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLBinding * > WSDLBindingVector
 A vector containing zero or more IT_WSDL::WSDLBinding instances.
typedef WSDLDefinitionsWSDLDefinitions_ptr
 Definition of the WSDLDefinitions_ptr type.
typedef IT_Bus::Var< WSDLDefinitionsWSDLDefinitions_var
 Definition of the WSDLDefinitions_var type.
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLExtensionElement * > WSDLExtensionElementList
typedef IT_Vector< WSDLNode * > WSDLNodeList


enum  NodeType
 An Artix application maintains an in-memory representation of a WSDL file that application code may examine and, in some situations, modify. More...
enum  NodeType
 An Artix application maintains an in-memory representation of a WSDL file that application code may examine and, in some situations, modify. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum IT_WSDL::NodeType

An Artix application maintains an in-memory representation of a WSDL file that application code may examine and, in some situations, modify.

Within the in-memory model, elements in the WSDL file correspond to nodes. The enum NodeType is used to identify the content of each node.

 WSDL_DEFINITIONS:          identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLDefinitions class.
 WSDL_MESSAGE:              identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLMessage class.
 WSDL_PART:                 identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLPart class.
 WSDL_PORT_TYPE:            identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLPortType class.
 WSDL_BINDING:              identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBinding class.
 WSDL_BINDING_OPERATION:    identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingOperation class.
 WSDL_BINDING_INPUT:        identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingInput class.
 WSDL_BINDING_OUTPUT:       identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingOutput class.
 WSDL_BINDING_FAULT:        identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingFault class.
 WSDL_SERVICE:              identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLService class.
 WSDL_PORT:                 identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLPort class.
 WSDL_INPUT:                identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLInput class.
 WSDL_OUTPUT:               identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLOutput class.
 WSDL_FAULT:                identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLFault class.
 WSDL_OPERATION:            identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLOperation class.
 WSDL_TYPES:                identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypes class.
 WSDL_EXTENSION_ELEMENT:    identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLExtensionElement class.
 WSDL_IMPORT:               identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLImport or WSDLImportSchema class.
 WSDL_TYPES_IMPORT:         identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypesImport class.
 WSDL_TYPES_SCHEMA_IMPORT:  identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypesImport class.
 WSDL_TYPES_SCHEMA_INCLUDE: identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypesSchema class.

Definition at line 61 of file wsdl_node.h.

enum IT_WSDL::NodeType

An Artix application maintains an in-memory representation of a WSDL file that application code may examine and, in some situations, modify.

Within the in-memory model, elements in the WSDL file correspond to nodes. The enum NodeType is used to identify the content of each node.

 WSDL_DEFINITIONS:          identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLDefinitions class.
 WSDL_MESSAGE:              identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLMessage class.
 WSDL_PART:                 identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLPart class.
 WSDL_PORT_TYPE:            identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLPortType class.
 WSDL_BINDING:              identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBinding class.
 WSDL_BINDING_OPERATION:    identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingOperation class.
 WSDL_BINDING_INPUT:        identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingInput class.
 WSDL_BINDING_OUTPUT:       identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingOutput class.
 WSDL_BINDING_FAULT:        identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLBindingFault class.
 WSDL_SERVICE:              identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLService class.
 WSDL_PORT:                 identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLPort class.
 WSDL_INPUT:                identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLInput class.
 WSDL_OUTPUT:               identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLOutput class.
 WSDL_FAULT:                identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLFault class.
 WSDL_OPERATION:            identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLOperation class.
 WSDL_TYPES:                identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypes class.
 WSDL_EXTENSION_ELEMENT:    identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLExtensionElement class.
 WSDL_IMPORT:               identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLImport or WSDLImportSchema class.
 WSDL_TYPES_IMPORT:         identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypesImport class.
 WSDL_TYPES_SCHEMA_IMPORT:  identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypesImport class.
 WSDL_TYPES_SCHEMA_INCLUDE: identifies a node as an instance of the WSDLTypesSchema class.

Definition at line 61 of file wsdl_node.h.

Generated on Thu Sep 7 11:41:09 2006 for Artix by  doxygen 1.4.7