IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration Class Reference

#include <it_bus_config/http_client_configuration.h>

Inheritance diagram for IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration:

IT_HTTP::HttpWSDLExtensionElement IT_Bus::SequenceComplexType IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement IT_Bus::XMLNode IT_Bus::ComplexType IT_Bus::AnyType IT_WSDL::WSDLNode IT_Bus::AnyType IT_Bus::PrefixResolver IT_Bus::XMLSaxHandler IT_Bus::ImplementationDetails IT_Bus::ImplementationDetails List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class representing HTTP transport configuration settings in a client application.

Definition at line 37 of file http_client_configuration.h.

Public Member Functions

void set_defaults ()
 Sets default values for all required configuration entries.
void ReadCookieConfiguration (IT_Bus::XMLHelper &Configuration)
 Initialize this instance from the XMLHelper.
void ReadCookieConfiguration (const IT_Bus::XMLIterator &Configuration)
 Store cookie.
void setUseSecureSockets (const IT_Bool &bUseSecureSockets)
 UseSecureSockets - if set to true, will load SSL libraries.
const IT_Bool & getUseSecureSockets () const
 Returns a flag indicating whether SSL is being used.
IT_Bool & getUseSecureSockets ()
 Returns a flag indicating whether SSL is being used.
void setClientCertificate (const IT_Bus::String &strClientCertificate)
 Set the ClientCertificate, the PKCS12 encoded client certificate when using client authentication.
const IT_Bus::StringgetClientCertificate () const
 Return the client certificate data.
IT_Bus::StringgetClientCertificate ()
 Return the client certificate data.
void setClientPrivateKey (const IT_Bus::String &strClientPrivateKey)
 Set the ClientPrivateKey, the PEM encoded private key for the ClientCertificate.
const IT_Bus::StringgetClientPrivateKey () const
 Return the client private key data.
IT_Bus::StringgetClientPrivateKey ()
 Return the client private key data.
void setClientPrivateKeyPassword (const IT_Bus::String &strClientPrivateKeyPassword)
 Set the ClientPrivateKeyPassword, the password for decrypting the private key.
const IT_Bus::StringgetClientPrivateKeyPassword () const
 Return the client private key password.
IT_Bus::StringgetClientPrivateKeyPassword ()
 Return the client private key password.
void setTrustedRootCertificates (const IT_Bus::String &strTrustedRootCertificates)
 Set the TrustedRootCertificates, PEM encoded certificates for checking validity of server certificate.
const IT_Bus::StringgetTrustedRootCertificates () const
 Return the client trusted root certificate data.
IT_Bus::StringgetTrustedRootCertificates ()
 Return the client trusted root certificate data.
void setClientCertificateChain (const IT_Bus::String &strClientCertificateChain)
 Set the ClientCertificateChain, when a chain of issuance needs to be presented for the ClientCertificate.
const IT_Bus::StringgetClientCertificateChain () const
 Return the client certificate chain.
IT_Bus::StringgetClientCertificateChain ()
 Return the client certificate chain.
void setPort (const IT_ULong &ulPort)
 Set the remote port to connect to (Default is 80 - the HTTP standard port).
const IT_ULong & getPort () const
 Return the remote port number.
void set_connection_attempts (unsigned short connection_attempts)
 Set the number of connection attempts to be made in case of server shutdown.
unsigned short get_connection_attempts () const
 Return the number of retry attempts.
void setSendTimeout (const IT_ULong &lSendTimeout)
 Set the SendTimeout, timeout for send packet response (default is 30 seconds).
const IT_ULong & getSendTimeout () const
 Return the send timeout value.
void setReceiveTimeout (const IT_ULong &lReceiveTimeout)
 Set the ReceiveTimeout, timeout for receive packet response (default is 30 seconds).
const IT_ULong & getReceiveTimeout () const
 Return the receive timeout value.
void setMethod (const IT_Bus::String &strMethod)
 Set the HTTP method to use (e.g., GET or POST), default is POST.
const IT_Bus::StringgetMethod () const
 Return the HTTP method.
void setURL (const IT_Bus::String &strURL)
 Set the URL of the document or execution request; this value must be set; default is
const IT_Bus::StringgetURL () const
 Return the HTTP URL.
void setAuthorization (const IT_Bus::String &strAuthorization)
 Set the authorization.
const IT_Bus::StringgetAuthorization () const
 Return the authorization.
void setAuthorizationType (const IT_Bus::String &strAuthorizationType)
 Set the authorization type.
const IT_Bus::StringgetAuthorizationType () const
 Return the authorization type.
void setUserName (const IT_Bus::String &strUserName)
 Set the UserName for basic authentication.
const IT_Bus::StringgetUserName () const
 Return the UserName.
void setPassword (const IT_Bus::String &strPassword)
 Set the password for basic authentication.
const IT_Bus::StringgetPassword () const
 Return the password.
void setProxyServer (const IT_Bus::String &strProxyServer)
 Set the URL for the ProxyServer.
const IT_Bus::StringgetProxyServer () const
 Return the URL for the proxy server.
void setProxyAuthorization (const IT_Bus::String &strProxyAuthorization)
 Set the proxy authorization.
const IT_Bus::StringgetProxyAuthorization () const
 Get the proxy authorization.
void setProxyAuthorizationType (const IT_Bus::String &strProxyAuthorizationType)
 Get the proxy authorization type.
const IT_Bus::StringgetProxyAuthorizationType () const
 Get the proxy authorization type.
void setProxyUserName (const IT_Bus::String &strProxyUserName)
 Set the proxy user name.
const IT_Bus::StringgetProxyUserName () const
 Get the proxy proxy user name.
void setProxyPassword (const IT_Bus::String &strProxyPassword)
 Set the proxy password.
const IT_Bus::StringgetProxyPassword () const
 Get the proxy proxy password.
void setAccept (const IT_Bus::String &strAccept)
 Set the accept value, tells the server what mime types are OK.
const IT_Bus::StringgetAccept () const
 Return the list of acceptable mime types.
void setAcceptLanguage (const IT_Bus::String &strAcceptLanguage)
 Set the accept language, what language is OK for server responses.
const IT_Bus::StringgetAcceptLanguage () const
 Get the accept language.
void setAcceptEncoding (const IT_Bus::String &strAcceptEncoding)
 Set the accept encoding, what Encoding is OK for server responses.
const IT_Bus::StringgetAcceptEncoding () const
 Get the accept encoding.
void setContentType (const IT_Bus::String &strContentType)
 Set the content type, what kind of stream is being sent (e.g., application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
const IT_Bus::StringgetContentType () const
 Return the content type specification.
void setHost (const IT_Bus::String &strHost)
 Set the host from which the response should come (e.g., overriding default processing for caching, etc.
const IT_Bus::StringgetHost () const
 Get the value of the host setting.
void setConnection (const IT_Bus::String &strConnection)
 Set the connection directives (e.g., Keep-Alive or close); default is Keep-Alive.
const IT_Bus::StringgetConnection () const
 Return the connection directive setting.
void setKeepAlive (const IT_Bool &bKeepAlive)
 Set KeepAlive setting; preparse of m_Connection for Keep-Alive.
const IT_Bool & getKeepAlive () const
 Return the KeepAlive setting.
void setCacheControl (const IT_Bus::String &strCacheControl)
 Set the CacheControl setting; request cache directives.
const IT_Bus::StringgetCacheControl () const
 Return the CacheControl setting.
void setCacheDNS (const IT_Bool &cache_dns)
 Set the CacheDNS setting, controls whether DNS lookup results are cached to improve performance.
const IT_Bool & getCacheDNS () const
 Return the CacheDNS setting.
void setCookie (const IT_Bus::String &strCookie)
 Set the cookie to send to the server for this client.
const IT_Bus::StringgetCookie () const
 Return the cookie.
void setBrowserType (const IT_Bus::String &strBrowserType)
const IT_Bus::StringgetBrowserType () const
void setReferer (const IT_Bus::String &strReferer)
const IT_Bus::StringgetReferer () const
void setIfModifiedSince (const IT_Bus::String &strIfModifiedSince)
const IT_Bus::StringgetIfModifiedSince () const
void setETag (const IT_Bus::String &strETag)
const IT_Bus::StringgetETag () const
void setUsingHTTP11 (const IT_Bool &bUsingHTTP11)
const IT_Bool & getUsingHTTP11 () const
void setSuppressTLSv1 (const IT_Bool &bSuppressTLSv1)
const IT_Bool & getSuppressTLSv1 () const
void setSuppressBugTolerance (const IT_Bool &bSuppressBugTolerance)
const IT_Bool & getSuppressBugTolerance () const
void setSoapAction (const IT_Bus::String &strSoapAction)
 Set the SoapAction, see SOAP/WSDL specification.
const IT_Bus::StringgetSoapAction () const
 Return the SoapAction.
 HTTPClientConfiguration (const HTTPClientConfiguration &copyThis)
 Copy constructor.
const HTTPClientConfigurationoperator= (const HTTPClientConfiguration &assignThis)
 Assignment operator.
void InitializeFromURL (const IT_Bus::String &strURL)
 Initialize this instance from information obtained from the URL.
void InitializeFromFile (const IT_Bus::String &strFile)
 Initialize this instance from information read from a file.
virtual void write (IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream &stream) const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException))
 Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified; same behavior as write_attributes.
virtual void write_attributes (IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream &stream) const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException))
 Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified.
virtual bool export_to_client () const
virtual void read_contents (IT_Bus::ComplexTypeReader &os) throw ((IT_Bus::DeserializationException))
 Read the member values into the instance.
virtual void write_contents (IT_Bus::ComplexTypeWriter &os) const throw ((IT_Bus::SerializationException))
 Write the member values of the instance.
virtual void read (const IT_Bus::QName &element_name, IT_Bus::ComplexTypeReader &reader) throw ((IT_Bus::DeserializationException))
 Read the value into the instance.
virtual void write (const IT_Bus::QName &element_name, IT_Bus::ComplexTypeWriter &writer) const throw ((IT_Bus::SerializationException))
 Write the content of the instance.
virtual const IT_Bus::QNameget_type () const
 Returns the IT_Bus::QName for the type.
virtual IT_Bus::AnyTypecopy (const IT_Bus::AnyType &rhs)
 Return a reference to this instance.
IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElementclone () const
 Return a clone of this instance.

Static Public Member Functions

static HTTPClientConfigurationget_from_port (const IT_WSDL::WSDLPort &wsdl_port)
 Obtain the HTTPClientConfiguration from the specified WSDLPort instance.

Private Attributes

IT_Bool m_bUseSecureSockets
IT_Bus::String m_ClientCertificate
IT_Bus::String m_ClientPrivateKey
IT_Bus::String m_ClientPrivateKeyPassword
IT_Bus::String m_TrustedRootCertificates
IT_Bus::String m_ClientCertificateChain
IT_ULong m_ulPort
IT_ULong m_lSendTimeout
IT_ULong m_lReceiveTimeout
IT_Bus::String m_Method
IT_Bus::String m_URL
IT_Bus::String m_Authorization
IT_Bus::String m_AuthorizationType
IT_Bus::String m_UserName
IT_Bus::String m_Password
IT_Bus::String m_ProxyServer
IT_Bus::String m_ProxyAuthorization
IT_Bus::String m_ProxyAuthorizationType
IT_Bus::String m_ProxyUserName
IT_Bus::String m_ProxyPassword
IT_Bus::String m_Accept
IT_Bus::String m_AcceptLanguage
IT_Bus::String m_AcceptEncoding
IT_Bus::String m_ContentType
IT_Bus::String m_Host
IT_Bus::String m_Connection
unsigned short m_connection_attempts
IT_Bool m_bKeepAlive
IT_Bus::String m_CacheControl
IT_Bool m_cache_dns
IT_Bus::String m_Cookie
IT_Bus::String m_BrowserType
IT_Bus::String m_Referer
IT_Bus::String m_IfModifiedSince
IT_Bus::String m_ETag
IT_Bool m_bUsingHTTP11
IT_Bool m_bSuppressTLSv1
IT_Bool m_bSuppressBugTolerance
IT_Bus::String m_SoapAction
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_ClientTrustedRootCertificatesData
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_ClientPrivateKeyData
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_ClientCertificateData
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_ClientCertificateChainData
char m_szAuthorizationHeader [256]
char m_szProxyAuthorizationHeader [256]
IT_HTTP::HttpWSDLExtensionFactory * m_extension_factory
IT_Bus::String m_encoding
IT_Bus::BusContextRegistry * m_ctx_registry

Member Function Documentation

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::ReadCookieConfiguration ( IT_Bus::XMLHelper Configuration  ) 

Initialize this instance from the XMLHelper.

A reference to a IT_Bus::XMLHelper instance.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setUseSecureSockets ( const IT_Bool &  bUseSecureSockets  )  [inline]

UseSecureSockets - if set to true, will load SSL libraries.

IT_Bool indicating whether to SSL.

Definition at line 110 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bool& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getUseSecureSockets (  )  const [inline]

Returns a flag indicating whether SSL is being used.

IT_Bool indicating use of SSL.

Definition at line 123 of file http_client_configuration.h.

IT_Bool& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getUseSecureSockets (  )  [inline]

Returns a flag indicating whether SSL is being used.

IT_Bool indicating use of SSL.

Definition at line 134 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setClientCertificate ( const IT_Bus::String strClientCertificate  )  [inline]

Set the ClientCertificate, the PKCS12 encoded client certificate when using client authentication.

String containing the client certificate data.

Definition at line 146 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientCertificate (  )  const [inline]

Return the client certificate data.

String containing the PKCS12 encoded client certificate.

Definition at line 160 of file http_client_configuration.h.

IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientCertificate (  )  [inline]

Return the client certificate data.

String containing the PKCS12 encoded client certificate.

Definition at line 172 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setClientPrivateKey ( const IT_Bus::String strClientPrivateKey  )  [inline]

Set the ClientPrivateKey, the PEM encoded private key for the ClientCertificate.

This will be deprecated due to the move to PKCS12.

String containing the client private key data.

Definition at line 185 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientPrivateKey (  )  const [inline]

Return the client private key data.

This will be deprecated due to the move to PKCS12.

String containing the PEM encoded private key data.

Definition at line 199 of file http_client_configuration.h.

IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientPrivateKey (  )  [inline]

Return the client private key data.

This will be deprecated due to the move to PKCS12.

String containing the PEM encoded private key data.

Definition at line 211 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setClientPrivateKeyPassword ( const IT_Bus::String strClientPrivateKeyPassword  )  [inline]

Set the ClientPrivateKeyPassword, the password for decrypting the private key.

String containing the client private key password.

Definition at line 223 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientPrivateKeyPassword (  )  const [inline]

Return the client private key password.

String containing the client private key password.

Definition at line 236 of file http_client_configuration.h.

IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientPrivateKeyPassword (  )  [inline]

Return the client private key password.

String containing the client private key password.

Definition at line 247 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setTrustedRootCertificates ( const IT_Bus::String strTrustedRootCertificates  )  [inline]

Set the TrustedRootCertificates, PEM encoded certificates for checking validity of server certificate.

String containing the trusted root certificate data.

Definition at line 259 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getTrustedRootCertificates (  )  const [inline]

Return the client trusted root certificate data.

String containing the certificate data.

Definition at line 272 of file http_client_configuration.h.

IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getTrustedRootCertificates (  )  [inline]

Return the client trusted root certificate data.

String containing the certificate data.

Definition at line 283 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setClientCertificateChain ( const IT_Bus::String strClientCertificateChain  )  [inline]

Set the ClientCertificateChain, when a chain of issuance needs to be presented for the ClientCertificate.

This will be deprecated due to the move to PKCS12.

String containing the client certificate chain data.

Definition at line 296 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientCertificateChain (  )  const [inline]

Return the client certificate chain.

This will be deprecated due to the move to PKCS12.

String containing the client certificate chain.

Definition at line 310 of file http_client_configuration.h.

IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getClientCertificateChain (  )  [inline]

Return the client certificate chain.

This will be deprecated due to the move to PKCS12.

String containing the client certificate chain.

Definition at line 322 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setPort ( const IT_ULong &  ulPort  )  [inline]

Set the remote port to connect to (Default is 80 - the HTTP standard port).

IT_ULong representing the TCP/IP port number.

Definition at line 334 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_ULong& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getPort (  )  const [inline]

Return the remote port number.

IT_ULong for the target service's TCP/IP port number.

Definition at line 347 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::set_connection_attempts ( unsigned short  connection_attempts  )  [inline]

Set the number of connection attempts to be made in case of server shutdown.

unsigned short setting the number of retry attempts.

Definition at line 359 of file http_client_configuration.h.

unsigned short IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::get_connection_attempts (  )  const [inline]

Return the number of retry attempts.

unsigned short indicating the number of retries.

Definition at line 372 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setSendTimeout ( const IT_ULong &  lSendTimeout  )  [inline]

Set the SendTimeout, timeout for send packet response (default is 30 seconds).

IT_ULong representing the timeout value in milliseconds.

Definition at line 384 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_ULong& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getSendTimeout (  )  const [inline]

Return the send timeout value.

IT_ULong representing the timeout value in milliseconds.

Definition at line 397 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setReceiveTimeout ( const IT_ULong &  lReceiveTimeout  )  [inline]

Set the ReceiveTimeout, timeout for receive packet response (default is 30 seconds).

IT_ULong representing the timeout value in milliseconds.

Definition at line 409 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_ULong& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getReceiveTimeout (  )  const [inline]

Return the receive timeout value.

IT_ULong representing the timeout value in milliseconds.

Definition at line 422 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setMethod ( const IT_Bus::String strMethod  )  [inline]

Set the HTTP method to use (e.g., GET or POST), default is POST.

String containing either "GET" or "POST".

Definition at line 434 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getMethod (  )  const [inline]

Return the HTTP method.

String containing either "GET" or "POST".

Definition at line 447 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setURL ( const IT_Bus::String strURL  )  [inline]

Set the URL of the document or execution request; this value must be set; default is

String containing the HTTP URL for the Web service.

Definition at line 459 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getURL (  )  const [inline]

Return the HTTP URL.

String containing the URL.

Definition at line 489 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setAuthorization ( const IT_Bus::String strAuthorization  )  [inline]

Set the authorization.


Definition at line 500 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getAuthorization (  )  const [inline]

Return the authorization.


Definition at line 513 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setAuthorizationType ( const IT_Bus::String strAuthorizationType  )  [inline]

Set the authorization type.


Definition at line 524 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getAuthorizationType (  )  const [inline]

Return the authorization type.


Definition at line 537 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setUserName ( const IT_Bus::String strUserName  )  [inline]

Set the UserName for basic authentication.

This setting must be used in conjunction with the password setting.

String containing the user name.

Definition at line 550 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getUserName (  )  const [inline]

Return the UserName.

String containing the user name.

Definition at line 563 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setPassword ( const IT_Bus::String strPassword  )  [inline]

Set the password for basic authentication.

This setting must be used in conjunction with the UserName setting.

String containing the password.

Definition at line 576 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getPassword (  )  const [inline]

Return the password.

String containing the password.

Definition at line 589 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setProxyServer ( const IT_Bus::String strProxyServer  )  [inline]

Set the URL for the ProxyServer.

Format is http://host:port; port is optional.

String containing the HTTP URL for the proxy server.

Definition at line 601 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getProxyServer (  )  const [inline]

Return the URL for the proxy server.

String containing the HTTP URL.

Definition at line 614 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setProxyAuthorization ( const IT_Bus::String strProxyAuthorization  )  [inline]

Set the proxy authorization.


Definition at line 625 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getProxyAuthorization (  )  const [inline]

Get the proxy authorization.


Definition at line 638 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setProxyAuthorizationType ( const IT_Bus::String strProxyAuthorizationType  )  [inline]

Get the proxy authorization type.


Definition at line 649 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getProxyAuthorizationType (  )  const [inline]

Get the proxy authorization type.


Definition at line 662 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setProxyUserName ( const IT_Bus::String strProxyUserName  )  [inline]

Set the proxy user name.

String containing the user name for the proxy server.

Definition at line 673 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getProxyUserName (  )  const [inline]

Get the proxy proxy user name.

String containing the user name for the proxy server.

Definition at line 686 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setProxyPassword ( const IT_Bus::String strProxyPassword  )  [inline]

Set the proxy password.

String containing the password for the proxy server.

Definition at line 697 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getProxyPassword (  )  const [inline]

Get the proxy proxy password.

String containing the password for the proxy server.

Definition at line 710 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setAccept ( const IT_Bus::String strAccept  )  [inline]

Set the accept value, tells the server what mime types are OK.

String containing a list of acceptable mime types.

Definition at line 721 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getAccept (  )  const [inline]

Return the list of acceptable mime types.

String containing the acceptable mime types.

Definition at line 734 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setAcceptLanguage ( const IT_Bus::String strAcceptLanguage  )  [inline]

Set the accept language, what language is OK for server responses.

String indicating the language.

Definition at line 745 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getAcceptLanguage (  )  const [inline]

Get the accept language.

String indicating the language.

Definition at line 758 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setAcceptEncoding ( const IT_Bus::String strAcceptEncoding  )  [inline]

Set the accept encoding, what Encoding is OK for server responses.

String containing the encoding specification; default is UTF8.

Definition at line 770 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getAcceptEncoding (  )  const [inline]

Get the accept encoding.

String containing the encoding specification.

Definition at line 783 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setContentType ( const IT_Bus::String strContentType  )  [inline]

Set the content type, what kind of stream is being sent (e.g., application/x-www-form-urlencoded).

String containing the content type.

Definition at line 795 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getContentType (  )  const [inline]

Return the content type specification.

String containing the content type.

Definition at line 808 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setHost ( const IT_Bus::String strHost  )  [inline]

Set the host from which the response should come (e.g., overriding default processing for caching, etc.


String containing the host computer name

Definition at line 820 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getHost (  )  const [inline]

Get the value of the host setting.


Definition at line 833 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setConnection ( const IT_Bus::String strConnection  )  [inline]

Set the connection directives (e.g., Keep-Alive or close); default is Keep-Alive.

String containing connection directive.

Definition at line 845 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getConnection (  )  const [inline]

Return the connection directive setting.


Definition at line 858 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setKeepAlive ( const IT_Bool &  bKeepAlive  )  [inline]

Set KeepAlive setting; preparse of m_Connection for Keep-Alive.

IT_Bool indicating whether to set Keep-Alive.

Definition at line 869 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bool& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getKeepAlive (  )  const [inline]

Return the KeepAlive setting.


Definition at line 882 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setCacheControl ( const IT_Bus::String strCacheControl  )  [inline]

Set the CacheControl setting; request cache directives.


Definition at line 893 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getCacheControl (  )  const [inline]

Return the CacheControl setting.


Definition at line 906 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setCacheDNS ( const IT_Bool &  cache_dns  )  [inline]

Set the CacheDNS setting, controls whether DNS lookup results are cached to improve performance.


Definition at line 918 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bool& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getCacheDNS (  )  const [inline]

Return the CacheDNS setting.


Definition at line 931 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setCookie ( const IT_Bus::String strCookie  )  [inline]

Set the cookie to send to the server for this client.

String containing cookie content.

Definition at line 942 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getCookie (  )  const [inline]

Return the cookie.

String containing the cookie content.

Definition at line 955 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::setSoapAction ( const IT_Bus::String strSoapAction  )  [inline]

Set the SoapAction, see SOAP/WSDL specification.

String containing the soap action.

Definition at line 1082 of file http_client_configuration.h.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::getSoapAction (  )  const [inline]

Return the SoapAction.


Definition at line 1095 of file http_client_configuration.h.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::InitializeFromURL ( const IT_Bus::String strURL  ) 

Initialize this instance from information obtained from the URL.

String containing the URL.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::InitializeFromFile ( const IT_Bus::String strFile  ) 

Initialize this instance from information read from a file.

String containing the path to the file.

virtual void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::write ( IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream stream  )  const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException)) [virtual]

Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified; same behavior as write_attributes.

A reference to the desired stream.

Reimplemented from IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement.

virtual void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::write_attributes ( IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream stream  )  const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException)) [virtual]

Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified.

A reference to the desired stream.

Reimplemented from IT_Bus::XMLNode.

virtual void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::read_contents ( IT_Bus::ComplexTypeReader os  )  throw ((IT_Bus::DeserializationException)) [virtual]

Read the member values into the instance.

Derived subclasses implement this method.

Implements IT_Bus::SequenceComplexType.

virtual void IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::write_contents ( IT_Bus::ComplexTypeWriter os  )  const throw ((IT_Bus::SerializationException)) [virtual]

Write the member values of the instance.

Derived subclasses implement this method.

Implements IT_Bus::SequenceComplexType.

virtual const IT_Bus::QName& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::get_type (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the IT_Bus::QName for the type.

Derived subclasses implement this method and return their QName.


Implements IT_Bus::AnyType.

virtual IT_Bus::AnyType& IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::copy ( const IT_Bus::AnyType rhs  )  [virtual]

Return a reference to this instance.

A reference to this instance.

Reimplemented from IT_HTTP::HttpWSDLExtensionElement.

IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement* IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::clone (  )  const [virtual]

Return a clone of this instance.

A pointer to a WSDLExtensionElement, which is the superclass of the HTTPClientConfiguration class.

Reimplemented from IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement.

static HTTPClientConfiguration* IT_HTTP::HTTPClientConfiguration::get_from_port ( const IT_WSDL::WSDLPort wsdl_port  )  [static]

Obtain the HTTPClientConfiguration from the specified WSDLPort instance.

A reference to a WSDLPort instance.
A pointer to the corresponding HTTPClientConfiguration.

Generated on Tue Mar 20 15:28:31 2007 for Artix by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1