IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration Class Reference

#include <it_bus_config/http_wsdl_server.h>

Inheritance diagram for IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration:

IT_HTTP::HttpWSDLExtensionElement IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement IT_Bus::XMLNode IT_WSDL::WSDLNode IT_Bus::AnyType IT_Bus::PrefixResolver IT_Bus::XMLSaxHandler IT_Bus::ImplementationDetails List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class representing HTTP transport configuration settings in a server application.

Definition at line 33 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

Public Member Functions

void setURL (const IT_Bus::String &strURL, IT_WSDL::WSDLPort *wsdl_port=0)
 Set the HTTP URL.
const IT_Bus::StringgetURL ()
 Return the HTTP URL.
const IT_Bus::Stringget_path ()
 Return the part of the URL that follows the hostname (or IP address).
void get_port_from_url (IT_Bus::String &port_string)
 Extracts the port name from the stored URL.
void ReadCookieConfiguration (IT_Bus::XMLHelper &Configuration)
 Stores a cookie in a collection.
void ReadCookieConfiguration (const IT_Bus::XMLIterator &Configuration)
 Stores a cookie in a collection.
void setContentType (const IT_Bus::String &strContentType)
 Sets the content type (the type of stream that is being sent (e.g., application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
const IT_Bus::StringgetContentType ()
 Return the content type.
 HTTPServerConfiguration (const HTTPServerConfiguration &copyThis)
 Copy constructor.
virtual void write (IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream &stream) const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException))
 Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified; same behavior as write_attributes.
virtual void read (const IT_Bus::QName &, IT_Bus::ComplexTypeReader &) throw ((IT_Bus::DeserializationException))
 Not implemented.
virtual void write (const IT_Bus::QName &, IT_Bus::ComplexTypeWriter &) const throw ((IT_Bus::SerializationException))
 Not implemented.
virtual void write_attributes (IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream &stream) const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException))
 Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified.
IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElementclone () const
 Return a clone of this instance.
void set_path (const IT_Bus::String &str_url)
 Store the part of the URL that follows the hostname (or IP address).
virtual IT_Bus::AnyTypeoperator= (const IT_Bus::AnyType &)
 Assignment operator to AnyType.
const IT_Bus::BinaryBufferget_server_cert_data () const
 Return the server certificate.
const IT_Bus::BinaryBufferget_server_cert_chain_data () const
 Return the server certificate chain.
const IT_Bus::BinaryBufferget_server_privkey_data () const
 Return the server private key.
const IT_Bus::BinaryBufferget_trusted_cert_data () const
 Return the trusted certificate.
unsigned long get_default_port () const
void set_default_port (unsigned long default_port)
void set_encoding (const IT_Bus::String &encoding)
const IT_Bus::Stringget_encoding () const

Static Public Member Functions

static HTTPServerConfigurationget_from_port (const IT_WSDL::WSDLPort &wsdl_port)
 Obtain the HTTPServerConfiguration from the specified WSDLPort instance.

Public Attributes

bool m_bUseSecureSockets
 HTTPS secure sockets parameters that may be manipulated directly in code.
IT_Bus::String m_ServerCertificate
IT_Bus::String m_ServerPrivateKey
IT_Bus::String m_ServerPrivateKeyPassword
IT_Bus::String m_TrustedRootCertificates
IT_Bus::String m_ServerCertificateChain
unsigned long m_ulPort
 Standard HTTP parameters that may be manipulated directly in code.
long m_lSendTimeout
long m_lReceiveTimeout
bool m_bSuppressClientSendErrors
bool m_bSuppressClientReceiveErrors
IT_ULong m_HTTPReplyCode
 HTTP Reply Status Code.
IT_Bus::String m_HTTPReply
 Description e.g., ("Object Moved").
bool m_bHonorKeepAlive
 Whether to allow a connection to stay open.
IT_Bus::String m_RedirectURL
 The URL to which to redirect a request.
vecString m_cookies
 Vector of cookies.
IT_Bus::String m_Pragma
 Value of the pragma field (usually used for HTTP 1.0 no-cache), but can contain other pragmas.
IT_Bus::String m_CacheControl
 Cache-control: no-cache replaces use of pragma for HTTP 1.1.
IT_Bus::String m_ContentLocation
 The ultimate URL as far as the server is concerned.
IT_Bus::String m_ContentEncoding
 What kind of stream is this.
IT_Bus::String m_ContentLanguage
 Content language.
IT_Bus::String m_ServerType
 Type of server.
IT_Bus::String m_WWWAuthenticate
 Server Challenge Header -- when password is required, and what type of authentication (e.g., basic or CHAPS).
bool m_bSuppressTLSv1
 Turn off TLSv1.
bool m_bSuppressBugTolerance
 Turn off Bug Tolerance.
unsigned long m_port_range_max
 Maximum port number for an acceptable TCP/IP port assignment.

Private Attributes

unsigned long m_default_port
 Connection details that must be manipulated through accessor methods.
IT_Bus::String m_ContentType
IT_Bus::String m_URL
IT_Bus::String m_path
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_ServerCertificateData
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_ServerCertificateChainData
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_ServerPrivateKeyData
IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer m_TrustedRootCertificatesData
IT_HTTP::HttpWSDLExtensionFactory * m_extension_factory
IT_Bus::BusContextRegistry * m_ctx_registry
IT_Bus::String m_encoding
IT_Mutex m_mutex

Member Function Documentation

void IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::setURL ( const IT_Bus::String strURL,
IT_WSDL::WSDLPort wsdl_port = 0 

Set the HTTP URL.

String containing the URL.
WSDLPort representing the port on which to set the URL.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::getURL (  ) 

Return the HTTP URL.

String containing the URL.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::get_path (  ) 

Return the part of the URL that follows the hostname (or IP address).

String containing local name of the service QName and the port name, e.g., HelloWorldService/HelloWorldPort.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::get_port_from_url ( IT_Bus::String port_string  ) 

Extracts the port name from the stored URL.

String that contains the port name. Note that this is an out parameter.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::setContentType ( const IT_Bus::String strContentType  ) 

Sets the content type (the type of stream that is being sent (e.g., application/x-www-form-urlencoded).

String identifying the content type.

const IT_Bus::String& IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::getContentType (  ) 

Return the content type.

String identifying the content type.

virtual void IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::write ( IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream stream  )  const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException)) [virtual]

Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified; same behavior as write_attributes.

A reference to the desired stream.

Reimplemented from IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement.

virtual void IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::write_attributes ( IT_Bus::XMLOutputStream stream  )  const throw ((IT_Bus::IOException)) [virtual]

Writes the attributes for the node to the stream specified.

A reference to the desired stream.

Reimplemented from IT_Bus::XMLNode.

IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement* IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::clone (  )  const [virtual]

Return a clone of this instance.

A pointer to a WSDLExtensionElement, which is the superclass of the HTTPServerConfiguration class.

Reimplemented from IT_WSDL::WSDLExtensionElement.

static HTTPServerConfiguration* IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::get_from_port ( const IT_WSDL::WSDLPort wsdl_port  )  [static]

Obtain the HTTPServerConfiguration from the specified WSDLPort instance.

A reference to a WSDLPort instance.
A pointer to the corresponding HTTPServerConfiguration.

void IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::set_path ( const IT_Bus::String str_url  ) 

Store the part of the URL that follows the hostname (or IP address).

String containing URL.
For example, if the parameter is http://localhost:9000/HelloWorldService/HelloWorldPort the value set is HelloWorldService/HelloWorldPort.

const IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer& IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::get_server_cert_data (  )  const [inline]

Return the server certificate.

A reference to an IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer containing the certificate data.

Definition at line 271 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

const IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer& IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::get_server_cert_chain_data (  )  const [inline]

Return the server certificate chain.

A reference to the IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer containing the certificate chain data.

Definition at line 283 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

const IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer& IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::get_server_privkey_data (  )  const [inline]

Return the server private key.

A reference to an IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer containing the private key data.

Definition at line 295 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

const IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer& IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::get_trusted_cert_data (  )  const [inline]

Return the trusted certificate.

A reference to an IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer containing the trusted certificate data.

Definition at line 307 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

Member Data Documentation

bool IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::m_bUseSecureSockets

HTTPS secure sockets parameters that may be manipulated directly in code.

 bool            m_bUseSecureSockets;
 IT_Bus::String  m_ServerCertificate;
 IT_Bus::String  m_ServerPrivateKey;
 IT_Bus::String  m_ServerPrivateKeyPassword;
 IT_Bus::String  m_TrustedRootCertificates;
 IT_Bus::String  m_ServerCertificateChain;

Definition at line 343 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

unsigned long IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::m_ulPort

Standard HTTP parameters that may be manipulated directly in code.

 unsigned long       m_ulPort;
 long                m_lSendTimeout;
 long                m_lReceiveTimeout;
 bool                m_bSuppressClientSendErrors;
 bool                m_bSuppressClientReceiveErrors;

Definition at line 368 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

IT_ULong IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::m_HTTPReplyCode

HTTP Reply Status Code.

e.g., 302

Definition at line 377 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

unsigned long IT_HTTP::HTTPServerConfiguration::m_default_port [private]

Connection details that must be manipulated through accessor methods.

 IT_Bus::String                      m_ContentType;
 IT_Bus::String                      m_URL;
 IT_Bus::String                      m_path;
 IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer                m_ServerCertificateData;
 IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer                m_ServerCertificateChainData;
 IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer                m_ServerPrivateKeyData;
 IT_Bus::BinaryBuffer                m_TrustedRootCertificatesData;
 IT_HTTP::HttpWSDLExtensionFactory * m_extension_factory;
 IT_Bus::BusContextRegistry*         m_ctx_registry;            
 IT_Bus::String                      m_encoding;

Definition at line 494 of file http_wsdl_server.h.

Generated on Tue Mar 20 15:28:32 2007 for Artix by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1