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Part I. Starting from Java Code


One of the advantages of JAX-WS is that it does not require you to start with a WSDL document that defines their service. You can start with Java code that defines the features you want to expose as services. The code me be a class, or classes, from a legacy application that is being upgraded. It may also be a class that is currently being used as part of a non-distributed application and implements features that you want to use in a distributed manner. You annotate the Java code and generate a WSDL document from the annotated code. If you do not wish to work with WSDL at all, you can create the entire application without ever generating WSDL.

Table of Contents

1. Developing a Service from a Java Class
Creating the SEI
Annotating the Code
Required Annotations
Optional Annotations
Generating WSDL
2. Developing a Consumer Without a WSDL Contract
Creating a Service Object
Adding a Port to a Service
Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint
Implementing the Consumer's Business Logic