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Creating the SEI

The service endpoint interface (SEI) is the piece of Java code that is shared between a service and the consumers that make requests on it. It defines the methods implemented by the service and provides details about how the service will be exposed as an endpoint. When starting with a WSDL contract, the SEI is generated by the code generators. However, when starting from Java, it is the up to a developer to create the SEI.

There are two basic patterns for creating an SEI:

Writing the interface

The SEI is a standard Java interface. It defines a set of methods that a class will implement. It can also define a number of member fields and constants to which the implementing class has access.

In the case of an SEI the methods defined are intended to be mapped to operations exposed by a service. The SEI corresponds to a wsdl:portType element. The methods defined by the SEI correspond to wsdl:operation elements in the wsdl:portType element.

[Tip] Tip

JAX-WS defines an annotation that allows you to specify methods that are not exposed as part of a service. However, the best practice is to leave such methods out of the SEI.

Example 1.1, “Simple SEI shows a simple SEI for a stock updating service.

Example 1.1. Simple SEI

package com.iona.demo;

public interface quoteReporter
  public Quote getQuote(String ticker);

Implementing the interface

Because the SEI is a standard Java interface, the class that implements it is just a standard Java class. If you started with a Java class you will need to modify it to implement the interface. If you are starting fresh, the implementation class will need to implement the SEI.

Example 1.2, “Simple Implementation Class” shows a class for implementing the interface in Example 1.1, “Simple SEI.

Example 1.2. Simple Implementation Class

package com.iona.demo;

import java.util.*;

public class stockQuoteReporter implements quoteReporter
public Quote getQuote(String ticker)
    Quote retVal = new Quote();
    Date retDate = new Date();

[1] Board is an assumed class whose implementation is left to the reader.