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About This Book

What is Covered in This Book

This book describes how to use the JAX-WS APIs to develop applications using Celtix Advanced Service Engine.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is intended for Java developers. The main focus of this book is developing distributed applications. It assumes that the reader has a good understanding of the following:

  • general distributed programming concepts.

  • general SOA concepts.

  • Java 5.

  • the runtime environment into which you are deploying services.

How to Use This Book

This book is organized as follows:

  • Part I, “Starting from Java Code” describes how to create service providers and service consumers using just the JAX-WS APIs. This section is most useful for developers who do not want to use WSDL when developing services. It walks you through all of the steps needed to create a SOA application using only Java.

  • Part II, “Starting from WSDL” describes how to create service providers and service consumers starting with a WSDL contract. This section is most useful for developers who implement service providers and service consumers based on interfaces that are specified by a WSDL contract. It discusses using the provided code generators and how to fill in the stub code they generate.

  • Chapter 6, Publishing a Service describes how to develop a mainline for deploying a JAX-WS based service as a stand-alone process.

  • Chapter 7, Developing Asynchronous Applications describes how to develop JAX-WS based service consumers that can interact with their service providers asynchronously.

  • Chapter 8, Working with Message and Transport Attributes describes how to use Celtix Advanced Service Engine specific APIs to access information about the the data binding and transport being used by a deployed endpoint. This section is useful for developers who are developing applications that will only one transport and are very familiar with the workings of that transport.