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@OneWay, The @OneWay annotation
@RequestWrapper, The @RequestWrapper annotation
className property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
localName property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
targetNamespace property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
@ResponseWrapper, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
className property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
localName property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
targetNamespace property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
@SOAPBinding, The @SOAPBinding annotation
parameterStyle property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
style property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
use property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
@WebFault, The @WebFault annotation
faultName property, The @WebFault annotation
name property, The @WebFault annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebFault annotation
@WebMethod, The @WebMethod annotation
action property, The @WebMethod annotation
exclude property, The @WebMethod annotation
operationName property, The @WebMethod annotation
@WebParam, The @WebParam annotation
header property, The @WebParam annotation
mode property, The @WebParam annotation
name property, The @WebParam annotation
partName property, The @WebParam annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebParam annotation
@WebResult, The @WebResult annotation
header property, The @WebResult annotation
name property, The @WebResult annotation
partName property, The @WebResult annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebResult annotation
@WebService, The @WebService annotation
endpointInterface property, The @WebService annotation
name property, The @WebService annotation
portName property, The @WebService annotation
serviceName property, The @WebService annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebService annotation
wsdlLocation property, The @WebService annotation


@OneWay (see @OneWay)
@RequestWrapper (see @RequestWrapper)
@ResponseWrapper (see @ResponseWrapper)
@SOAPBinding (see @SOAPBinding)
@WebFault (see @WebFault)
@WebMethod (see @WebMethod)
@WebParam (see @WebParam)
@WebResult (see @WebResult)
@WebService (see @WebService)
asynchronous applications
callback approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Callback Approach
polling approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Polling Approach
polling approach
implementation patterns, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Polling Approach
asyncronous applications
calback approach, Developing Asynchronous Applications
polling approach, Developing Asynchronous Applications
asyncronous methods, Generated code
callback approach, Generated code
pooling approach, Generated code


code generation
asynchronous consumers, Running wsdl2java
consumer, Running wsdl2java
customization, Defining the customization
service, Running wsdl2java
service implementation, Generating the implementation code
WSDL contract, Generating WSDL
implementing business logic, Implementing the Consumer's Business Logic, Consumer main function
consumer, Working with Consumer Connection Properties, Setting JMS Properties
consumer, Working with Consumer Connection Properties, Getting JMS Message Header Properties in a Consumer
WebServiceContext (see WebServiceContext)


JAX-WS service endpoint, Publishing a Service


adding to a Service object, Adding a Port to a Service
determining the address, The addPort() method
determining the binding type, The addPort() method
determining the port name, The addPort() method
getting, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint, Generated service class, Instantiating an Endpoint
publishing, Publishing an endpoint
Endpoint object
create() method, Instantiating an Endpoint
creating, Instantiating an Endpoint
publish() method, Instantiating an Endpoint, Publishing an endpoint


generated code
asynchronous operations, Generated code
consumer, Generated code
packages, Generated packages, Generated code
server mainline, Generating a Server Mainline
service, Generated code
service implementation, Generated code
stub code, Generated code
WSDL contract, Generating WSDL


handleResponse(), Implementing the callback


java2wsdl, Generating WSDL, Implementing the callback (see Service object)
getting JMS message headers in a service, Procedure
getting optional header properties, Optional Header Properties
inspecting message header properties, Inspecting JMS Message Headers
setting message header properties, JMS Header Properties
setting optional message header properties, Optional JMS Header Properties
setting the client's timeout, Client Receive Timeout


package name mapping, Generated packages
parameter mapping, Service endpoint interface
JAX-WS service endpoint, Publishing a Service


SEI, Creating the SEI, Generated code, Service endpoint interface
annotating, Annotating the Code
creating, Writing the interface
creation patterns, Creating the SEI
generated from WSDL contract, Generated code
relationship to wsdl:portType, Writing the interface, Service endpoint interface
required annotations, Annotating the SEI
implementing the operations, Implement the operation's logic
service enablement, Creating the SEI
service endpoint interface (see SEI)
service implementation, Generated code
generating, Generating the implementation code
operations, Implementing the interface
required annotations, Annotating the service implementation
Service object, Creating a Service Object
adding an endpoint, Adding a Port to a Service
determining the port name, The addPort() method
addPort() method, Adding a Port to a Service
bindingId parameter, The addPort() method
endpointAddress parameter, The addPort() method
portName parameter, The addPort() method
create() method, The create() methods
serviceName parameter, The create() methods
creating, The create() methods, Generated service class
determining the service name, The create() methods
generated from a WSDL contract, Generated code
generated methods, Generated service class
getPort() method, The getPort() method
portName parameter, The getPort() method
getting a service proxy, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint
relationship to wsdl:service element, Creating a Service Object, Generated code
service proxy
getting, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint, Generated service class, Consumer main function