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consumer endpoint (see jms:conduit)
consumer runtime, Configuration element
JMS session pool (see jms:sessionPool)
jms:address (see jms:address)
provider endpoint (see jms:destination)
provider endpoint properties, Specifying configuration data
provider runtime, Configuration element
specifying the message type, Specifying the message type
(see also jms:runtimePolicy)
connection URL
Celtix Advanced Messaging, The connection factory URL
consumer endpoint configuration
specifying the message type, Specifying the message type
(see also jms:runtimePolicy)
consumer runtime configuration, Configuration element
request time to live, Configure the request time to live
response timeout, Configuring the response timeout interval


endpoint address configuration (see jms:address)


specifying the message type, Using WSDL
JMS destination
specifying, The address element
jms:address, The address element
connectionPassword attribute, The address element
connectionUserName attribute, The address element
destinationStyle attribute, The address element, JMS Addressing Information
jndiConnectionFactoryName attribute, The address element, JMS Addressing Information
jndiDestinationName, JMS Addressing Information
jndiDestinationName attribute, The address element
jndiReplyDestinationName attribute, The address element, Using a named reply destination
jms:client, Using WSDL
messageType attribute, Using WSDL
jms:clientConfig, Configuration element
clientReceiveTimeout attribute, Configuring the response timeout interval
messageTimeToLive attribute, Configure the request time to live
jms:conduit, Configuration elements
jms:destination, Configuration elements
jms:JMSNamingProperties, The JMSNamingProperties element
consumer endpoint properties, Specifying the message type
durableSubscriberName attribute, Specifying configuration data
messageSelector attribute, Specifying configuration data
messageType attribute, Specifying the message type
provider configuration, Specifying configuration data
transactional attribute, Specifying configuration data
useMessageIDAsCorrealationID attribute, Specifying configuration data
jms:server, Using WSDL
durableSubscriberName attribute, Using WSDL
messageSelector attribute, Using WSDL
transactional attribute, Using WSDL
useMessageIDAsCorrealationID attribute, Using WSDL
jms:serverConfig, Configuration element
durableSubscriptionClientId attribute, Configuring the durable subscriber identifier
messageTimeToLive attribute, Configuring the response time to live
jms:sessionPool, Configuration element
highWaterMark, Configuration element
lowWaterMark attribute, Configuration element
specifying the connection factory, The address element
specifying the initial context factory, The JNDI Initial Context Factory


named reply destination
specifying in WSDL, The address element
using, Using a named reply destination


provider endpoint configuration, Specifying configuration data
provider runtime configuration, Configuration element
durable subscriber identification, Configuring the durable subscriber identifier
response time to live, Configuring the response time to live


session pool configuration (see jms:sessionPool)


WSDL extensors
jms:address (see jms:address)
jms:client (see jms:client)
jms:JMSNamingProperties (see jms:JMSNamingProperties)
jms:server (see jms:server)