Interface EntityTrackingRevisionListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface EntityTrackingRevisionListener
extends RevisionListener

Extension of standard RevisionListener that notifies whenever an entity instance has been added, modified or removed within current revision boundaries.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void entityChanged(Class entityClass, String entityName, Serializable entityId, RevisionType revisionType, Object revisionEntity)
          Called after audited entity data has been persisted.
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.envers.RevisionListener

Method Detail


void entityChanged(Class entityClass,
                   String entityName,
                   Serializable entityId,
                   RevisionType revisionType,
                   Object revisionEntity)
Called after audited entity data has been persisted.

entityClass - Audited entity class.
entityName - Name of the audited entity. May be useful when Java class is mapped multiple times, potentially to different tables.
entityId - Identifier of modified entity.
revisionType - Modification type (addition, update or removal).
revisionEntity - An instance of the entity annotated with RevisionEntity.

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