Class BayeuxService

  extended by org.mortbay.cometd.BayeuxService
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChatService, CometdDemoServlet.EchoRPC, CometdDemoServlet.Monitor

public abstract class BayeuxService
extends Object

Abstract Bayeux Service class. This is a base class to assist with the creation of server side @ link Bayeux} clients that provide services to remote Bayeux clients. The class provides a Bayeux Client and Listener together with convenience methods to map subscriptions to methods on the derived class and to send responses to those methods.

If a #set_threadPool(ThreadPool) is set, then messages are handled in their own threads. This is desirable if the handling of a message can take considerable time and it is desired not to hold up the delivering thread (typically a HTTP request handling thread).

If the BayeuxService is constructed asynchronously (the default), then messages are delivered unsynchronized and multiple simultaneous calls to handling methods may occur.

If the BayeuxService is constructed as a synchronous service, then message delivery is synchronized on the internal Client instances used and only a single call will be made to the handler method (unless a thread pool is used).

See Also:

Constructor Summary
BayeuxService(org.cometd.Bayeux bayeux, String name)
          Instantiate the service.
BayeuxService(org.cometd.Bayeux bayeux, String name, int maxThreads)
          Instantiate the service.
BayeuxService(org.cometd.Bayeux bayeux, String name, int maxThreads, boolean synchronous)
          Instantiate the service.
Method Summary
protected  void exception(org.cometd.Client fromClient, org.cometd.Client toClient, Map<String,Object> msg, Throwable th)
          Handle Exception.
 org.cometd.Bayeux getBayeux()
 org.cometd.Client getClient()
 ThreadPool getThreadPool()
 boolean isSeeOwnPublishes()
protected  void send(org.cometd.Client toClient, String onChannel, Object data, String id)
          Send data to a individual client.
 void setSeeOwnPublishes(boolean own)
 void setThreadPool(ThreadPool pool)
          Set the threadpool.
protected  void subscribe(String channelId, String methodName)
          Subscribe to a channel.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BayeuxService(org.cometd.Bayeux bayeux,
                     String name)
Instantiate the service. Typically the derived constructor will call @ #subscribe(String, String)} to map subscriptions to methods.

bayeux - The bayeux instance.
name - The name of the service (used as client ID prefix).


public BayeuxService(org.cometd.Bayeux bayeux,
                     String name,
                     int maxThreads)
Instantiate the service. Typically the derived constructor will call @ #subscribe(String, String)} to map subscriptions to methods.

bayeux - The bayeux instance.
name - The name of the service (used as client ID prefix).
maxThreads - The size of a ThreadPool to create to handle messages.


public BayeuxService(org.cometd.Bayeux bayeux,
                     String name,
                     int maxThreads,
                     boolean synchronous)
Instantiate the service. Typically the derived constructor will call @ #subscribe(String, String)} to map subscriptions to methods.

bayeux - The bayeux instance.
name - The name of the service (used as client ID prefix).
maxThreads - The size of a ThreadPool to create to handle messages.
synchronous - True if message delivery will be synchronized on the client.
Method Detail


public org.cometd.Bayeux getBayeux()


public org.cometd.Client getClient()


public ThreadPool getThreadPool()


public void setThreadPool(ThreadPool pool)
Set the threadpool. If the ThreadPool is a LifeCycle, then it is started by this method.

pool -


public boolean isSeeOwnPublishes()


public void setSeeOwnPublishes(boolean own)


protected void subscribe(String channelId,
                         String methodName)
Subscribe to a channel. Subscribe to channel and map a method to handle received messages. The method must have a unique name and one of the following signatures:


protected void send(org.cometd.Client toClient,
                    String onChannel,
                    Object data,
                    String id)
Send data to a individual client. The data passed is sent to the client as the "data" member of a message with the given channel and id. The message is not published on the channel and is thus not broadcast to all channel subscribers. However to the target client, the message appears as if it was broadcast.

Typcially this method is only required if a service method sends response(s) to channels other than the subscribed channel. If the response is to be sent to the subscribed channel, then the data can simply be returned from the subscription method.

toClient - The target client
onChannel - The channel the message is for
data - The data of the message
id - The id of the message (or null for a random id).


protected void exception(org.cometd.Client fromClient,
                         org.cometd.Client toClient,
                         Map<String,Object> msg,
                         Throwable th)
Handle Exception. This method is called when a mapped subscription method throws and exception while handling a message.

fromClient -
toClient -
msg -
th -

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