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Chapter 5
Basics of Server-Side JavaScript

This chapter describes the basics of server-side JavaScript. It introduces server-side functionality and the differences between client-side and server-side JavaScript. The chapter describes how to embed server-side JavaScript in HTML files. It discusses what happens at runtime on the client and on the server, so that you can understand what to do when. The chapter describes how you use JavaScript to change the HTML page sent to the client and, finally, how to share information between the client and server processes.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Server-side JavaScript contains the same core language as the client-side JavaScript with which you may already be familiar. The tasks you perform when running JavaScript on a server are quite different from those you perform when running JavaScript on a client. The different environments and tasks call for different objects.

What to Do Where

The client (browser) environment provides the front end to an application. In this environment, for example, you display HTML pages in windows and maintain browser session histories of HTML pages displayed during a session. The objects in this environment, therefore, must be able to manipulate pages, windows, and histories.

By contrast, in the server environment you work with the resources on the server. For example, you can connect to relational databases, share information across users of an application, or manipulate the server's file system. The objects in this environment must be able to manipulate relational databases and server file systems.

In addition, an HTML page is not displayed on the server. It is retrieved from the server to be displayed on the client. The page retrieved can contain client-side JavaScript. If the requested page is part of a JavaScript application, the server may generate this page on the fly.

In developing a JavaScript application, keep in mind the differences between client and server platforms. They are compared in the following table.

Table 5.1 Client and server comparison  
Servers Clients

Servers are usually (though not always) high-performance workstations with fast processors and large storage capacities.

Clients are often (though not always) desktop systems with less processor power and storage capacity.

Servers can become overloaded when accessed by thousands of clients.

Clients are often single-user machines, so it can be advantageous to offload processing to the client.

Preprocessing data on the client can also reduce bandwidth requirements, if the client application can aggregate data.

There are usually a variety of ways to partition an application between client and server. Some tasks can be performed only on the client or on the server; others can be performed on either. Although there is no definitive way to know what to do where, you can follow these general guidelines:

As a rule of thumb, use client processing (the SCRIPT tag) for these tasks:

Use server processing (the SERVER tag) for these tasks:

JavaScript's Session Management Service provides objects to preserve information over time, but client-side JavaScript is more ephemeral. Client-side objects exist only as the user accesses a page. Also, servers can aggregate information from many clients and many applications and can store large amounts of data in databases. It is important to keep these characteristics in mind when partitioning functionality between client and server.

Overview of Runtime Processing

Once you've installed and started a JavaScript application, users can access it. The basic procedure is as follows:

  1. A user accesses the application URL with a web browser, such as Netscape Communicator. The web browser sends a client request to the server for a page in the application.
  2. If the request is to a page under the application URL, the JavaScript runtime engine running on the server finds information in the web file corresponding to that URL. For details on what happens in this and the next two steps, see "Runtime Processing on the Server" on page 100.
  3. The runtime engine constructs an HTML page to send to the client in response. It runs the bytecodes associated with SERVER tags from the original source code HTML, creating an HTML page based on those bytecodes and any other HTML found in the original. For information on how you can influence that page that is constructed, see "Constructing the HTML Page" on page 105.
  4. The runtime engine sends the new HTML page (which may contain client-side JavaScript statements) to the client.
  5. The JavaScript runtime engine inside the web browser interprets any client-side JavaScript statements, formats HTML output, and displays results to the user.
Figure 5.1 illustrates this process.

Figure 5.1   Processing a JavaScript page request

Of course, the user must have Netscape Navigator (or some other JavaScript-capable web browser), for the client to be able to interpret client-side JavaScript statements. Likewise, if you create a page containing server-side JavaScript, it must be installed on a Netscape server to operate properly.

For example, assume the client requests a page with this source:

<head> <title> Add New Customer </title> </head>
<body text="#FFFF00" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" background="blue_marble.gif">
<img src="billlog2.gif">
if ( project.lock() ) {
   project.lastID = 1 + project.lastID;
   client.customerID = project.lastID;
<h1>Add a New Customer </h1>
<p>Note: <b>All</b> fields are required for the new customer
<form method="post" action="add.htm"></p>
<br><server>write("<STRONG><FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">" +
   project.lastID + "</FONT></STRONG>");</server>
<!-- other html statements -->
When this page is accessed, the runtime engine on the server executes the code associated with the SERVER tags. (The code shown in bold.) If the new customer ID is 42, the server sends this HTML page to the client to be displayed:

<head> <title> Add New Customer </title> </head>
<body text="#FFFF00" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" background="blue_marble.gif">
<img src="billlog2.gif">
<h1>Add a New Customer </h1>
<p>Note: <b>All</b> fields are required for the new customer
<form method="post" action="add.htm"></p>
<!-- other html statements -->

Server-Side Language Overview

Client-side and server-side JavaScript both implement the JavaScript language. In addition, each adds objects and functions specific to working in the client or the server environment. For example, client-side JavaScript includes the form object to represent a form on an HTML page, whereas server-side JavaScript includes the database object for connecting to an external relational database.

The Client-Side JavaScript Guide discusses in detail the core JavaScript language and the additions specific to client-side JavaScript.

ECMA, the European standards organization for standardizing information and communication systems, derived its ECMA-262 standard from the JavaScript language. You can download the standard specification from ECMA's web site at


As described in the Server-Side JavaScript Reference, you can use the prototype property of many classes to add new properties to a class and to all of its instances. As described in "Classes and Objects" on page 94, server-side JavaScript adds several classes and predefined objects. For the new classes that have the prototype property, it works for server-side JavaScript exactly as for client-side JavaScript.

You can use the prototype property to add new properties to the Blob, Connection, Cursor, DbPool, File, Lock, Resultset, SendMail, and Stproc classes. In addition, you can use the prototype property of the DbBuiltin class to add properties to the predefined database object. Note that you cannot create an instance of the DbBuiltin class; instead, you use the database object provided by the JavaScript runtime engine.

You cannot use prototype with the client, project, request, and server objects.

Also, as for client-side JavaScript, you can use the prototype property for any class that you define for your application.

Remember that all JavaScript applications on a server run in the same environment. This is why you can share information between clients and applications. One consequence of this, however, is that if you use the prototype property to add a new property to any of the server-side classes added by JavaScript, the new property is available to all applications running on the server, not just the application in which the property was added. This provides you with an easy mechanism for adding functionality to all JavaScript applications on your server.

By contrast, if you add a property to a class you define in your application, that property is available only to the application in which it was created.


You need to be aware of how the JavaScript application compiler recognizes client-side and server-side JavaScript in an HTML file.

Client-side JavaScript statements can occur in several situations:

For detailed information, see the Client-Side JavaScript Guide.

Server-side JavaScript statements can occur in these situations:

Notice that you cannot specify a server-side JavaScript statement as an event handler. For more information, see "Embedding JavaScript in HTML" on page 96.


The LiveConnect feature of the core JavaScript language works differently on the server than it does on the client. For more information, see Chapter 14, "LiveConnect Overview."

JavaScript provides additional functionality without the use of objects. You access this functionality through functions not associated with any object (global functions). The core JavaScript language provides the global functions described in the following table (as well as other functions described in the Core JavaScript documentation).

Table 5.2 Core JavaScript global functions  
Function Description

Returns the hexadecimal encoding of an argument in the ISO Latin-1 character set; used to create strings to add to a URL.


Returns the ASCII string for the specified value; used in parsing a string added to a URL.


Evaluates an argument to determine if it is not a number.


Parses a string argument and returns a floating-point number.


Parses a string argument and returns an integer.

Server-side JavaScript adds the global functions described in the following table.

Table 5.3 JavaScript server-side global functions  
Function Description

Adds statements to the client-side HTML page being generated. (See "Generating HTML" on page 106.)


Flushes the output buffer. (See "Flushing the Output Buffer" on page 106.)


Redirects the client to the specified URL. (See "Changing to a New Client Request" on page 107.)


Gets values of individual options in an HTML SELECT form element. (See "Using Select Lists" on page 114.)


Gets the number of options in an HTML SELECT form element. (See "Using Select Lists" on page 114.)


Displays values of expressions in the trace window or frame. (See "Using the debug Function" on page 63.)


Appends client information to URLs. (See "Manually Appending client Properties to URLs" on page 156.)


Registers a native function for use in server-side JavaScript. (See "Registering Native Functions" on page 180.)


Calls a native function. (See "Using Native Functions in JavaScript" on page 181.)


Removes information from the s sent to the client. (See "Request and Response Manipulation" on page 182.)


Adds new information to the response header sent to the client. (See "Request and Response Manipulation" on page 182.)


Returns the identifier for the client object used by some of JavaScript's client-maintenance techniques. (See "Uniquely Referring to the client Object" on page 134.)


Returns an identifier you can use to uniquely specify the client object. (See "Uniquely Referring to the client Object" on page 134.)


Returns the value of the specified CGI environment variable. (See "Accessing CGI Variables" on page 108.)

Classes and Objects

To support the different tasks you perform on each side, JavaScript has classes and predefined objects that work on the client but not on the server and other classes and predefined objects that work on the server but not on the client.

Important These names of these objects are reserved for JavaScript. Do not create your own objects using any of these names.
The core JavaScript language provides the classes described in the following table. For details of all of these objects, see the Server-Side JavaScript Reference.

Table 5.4 Core JavaScript classes  
Class Description

Represents an array.


Represents a Boolean value.


Represents a date.


Specifies a string of JavaScript code to be compiled as a function.


Provides basic math constants and functions; for example, its PI property contains the value of pi.


Represents primitive numeric values.


Contains the base functionality shared by all JavaScript objects.


Represents a Java package in JavaScript. Used with LiveConnect.


Represents a JavaScript string.

Server-side JavaScript includes the core classes, but not classes added by client-side JavaScript. Server-side JavaScript has its own set of additional classes to support needed functionality, as described in the following table.

Table 5.5 Server-side JavaScript classes  
Class Description

Represents a single database connection from a pool of connections. (See "Individual Database Connections" on page 203.)


Represents a database cursor. (See "Manipulating Query Results with Cursors" on page 218.)


Represents a pool of database connections. (See "Database Connection Pools" on page 193.)


Represents a database stored procedure. (See "Calling Stored Procedures" on page 233.)


Represents the information returned by a database stored procedure. (See "Calling Stored Procedures" on page 233.)


Provides access to the server's file system. (See "File System Service" on page 170.)


Provides functionality for safely sharing data among requests, clients, and applications. (See "Sharing Objects Safely with Locking" on page 158.)


Provides functionality for sending electronic mail from your JavaScript application. (See "Mail Service" on page 167.)

In addition, server-side JavaScript has the predefined objects described in the following table. These objects are all available for each HTTP request. You cannot create additional instances of any of these objects.

Table 5.6 Server-side JavaScript singleton objects  
Object Description

Represents a database connection. (See "Approaches to Connecting" on page 191.)


Encapsulates information about a client/application pair, allowing that information to last longer than a single HTTP request. (See "The client Object" on page 132.)


Encapsulates information about an application that lasts until the application is stopped on the server. (See "The project Object" on page 139.)


Encapsulates information about a single HTTP request. (See "The request Object" on page 129.)


Encapsulates global information about the server that lasts until the server is stopped. (See "The server Object" on page 141.)

Embedding JavaScript in HTML

There are two ways to embed server-side JavaScript statements in an HTML page:

When you embed server-side JavaScript in an HTML page, the JavaScript runtime engine on the server executes the statements it encounters while processing the page. Most statements perform some action on the server, such as opening a database connection or locking a shared object. However, when you use the write function in a SERVER tag or enclose statements in backquotes, the runtime engine dynamically generates new HTML to modify the page it sends to the client.

The SERVER tag

The SERVER tag is the most common way to embed server-side JavaScript in an HTML page. You can use the SERVER tag in any situation; typically, however, you use backquotes instead if you're generating attributes names or values for the HTML page.

Most statements between the <SERVER> and </SERVER> tags do not appear on the HTML page sent to the client. Instead, the statements are executed on the server. However, the output from any calls to the write function do appear in the resulting HTML.

The following excerpt from the Hello World sample application illustrates these uses:

<P>This time you are 
client.oldname = request.newname;
<h3>Enter your name</h3>
When given this code snippet, the runtime engine on the server generates HTML based on the value of request.newname in the write statement. In the second statement, it simply performs a JavaScript operation, assigning the value of request.newname to client.oldname. It does not generate any HTML. So, if request.newname is "Mr. Ed," the runtime engine generates the following HTML for the previous snippet:

<P>This time you are 
Mr. Ed
<h3>Enter your name</h3>


Use backquotes (`) to enclose server-side JavaScript expressions as substitutes for HTML attribute names or attribute values. JavaScript embedded in HTML with backquotes automatically generates HTML; you do not need to use write.

In general, HTML tags are of the form

<TAG ATTRIB="value" [...ATTRIB="value"]>
where ATTRIB is an attribute and "value" is its value. The bracketed expression indicates that any number of attribute/value pairs is possible.

When you enclose a JavaScript expression in backquotes to be used as an attribute value, the JavaScript runtime engine automatically adds quotation marks for you around the entire value. You do not provide quotation marks yourself for this purpose, although you may need them to delimit string literals in the expression, as in the example that follows. The runtime engine does not do this for attribute names, because attribute names are not supposed to be enclosed in quotation marks.

For example, consider the following line from the Hangman sample application:

<IMG SRC=`"images\hang" + client.num_misses + ".gif"`>
This line dynamically generates the name of the image to use based on the value of client.num_misses. The backquotes enclose a JavaScript expression that concatenates the string "images\hang" with the integer value of client.num_misses and the string ".gif", producing a string such as "images\hang0.gif". The result is HTML such as

<IMG SRC="images\hang0.gif">
The order of the quotation marks is critical. The backquote comes first, indicating that the following value is a JavaScript expression, consisting of a string ("images\hang"), concatenated with an integer (client.num_misses), concatenated with another string (".gif"). JavaScript converts the entire expression to a string and adds the necessary quotation marks around the attribute value.

You need to be careful about using double quotation marks inside backquotes, because the value they enclose is interpreted as a literal value. For this reason, do not surround JavaScript expressions you want evaluated with quotation marks. For example, if the value of client.val is NetHead, then this statement:

<A NAME=`client.val`>
generates this HTML:

<A NAME="NetHead">
But this statement:

<A NAME=`"client.val"`>
generates this HTML:

<A NAME="client.val">
As another example, two of the ANCHOR tag's attributes are HREF and NAME. HREF makes the tag a hyperlink, and NAME makes it a named anchor. The following statements use the choice variable to set the attrib and val properties of the client object and then create either a hyperlink or a target, depending on those values:

if (choice == "link") {
   client.attrib = "HREF";
   client.val = "";
if (choice == "target") {
   client.attrib = "NAME";
   client.val = "NetHead";
<A `client.attrib`=`client.val`>Netscape Communications</A>
If the value of choice is "link", the result is

<A HREF="">Netscape Communications</A>
If the value of choice is "target", the result is

<A NAME="NetHead">Netscape Communications</A>

When to Use Each Technique

In most cases, it is clear when to use the SERVER tag and when to use backquotes. However, sometimes you can achieve the same result either way. In general, it is best to use backquotes to embed JavaScript values inside HTML tags, and to use the SERVER tag elsewhere.

For example, in Hangman, instead of writing

<IMG SRC=`"images\hang" + client.num_misses + ".gif"`>
you could write

write("<IMG SRC=\"images\hang");
Notice the backslash that lets you use a quotation mark inside a literal string. Although the resulting HTML is the same, in this case backquotes are preferable because the source is easier to read and edit.

Runtime Processing on the Server

"Overview of Runtime Processing" on page 88 gives an overview of what happens at runtime when a single user accesses a page in a JavaScript application. This section provides more details about steps 2 through 4 of this process, so you can better see what happens at each stage. This description provides a context for understanding what you can do on the client and on the server.

One of the most important things to remember when thinking about JavaScript applications is the asynchronous nature of processing on the Web. JavaScript applications are designed to be used by many people at the same time. The JavaScript runtime engine on the server handles requests from many different users as they come in and processes them in the order received.

Unlike a traditional application that is run by a single user on a single machine, your application must support the interleaving of multiple simultaneous users. In fact, since each frame in an HTML document with multiple frames generates its own request, what might seem to be a single request to the end user can appear as several requests to the runtime engine.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the protocol by which an HTML page is sent to a client. This protocol is stateless, that is, information is not preserved between requests. In general, any information needed to process an HTTP request needs to be sent with the request. This poses problems for many applications. How do you share information between different users of an application or even between different requests by the same user? JavaScript's Session Management Service was designed to help with this problem. This service is discussed in detail in Chapter 6, "Session Management Service." For now simply remember that the runtime engine automatically maintains the client, server, project, and request objects for you.

When the Netscape server receives a client request for an application page, it first performs authorization. This step is part of the basic server administration functions. If the request fails server authorization, then no subsequent steps are performed. If the request receives server authorization, then the JavaScript runtime engine continues. The runtime engine performs these steps, described in the following sections:

  1. Constructs a new request object and constructs or restores the client object.
  2. Finds the page for the request and starts constructing an HTML page to send to the client.
  3. For each piece of the source HTML page, adds to the buffer or executes code.
  4. Saves the client object properties.
  5. Sends HTML to the client.
  6. Destroys the request object and saves or destroys the client object.

Step 1. Construct request object and construct or restore client object

It initializes the built-in properties of the request object, such as the request's IP address and any form input elements associated with the request. If the URL for the request specifies other properties, those are initialized for the request object, as described in "Encoding Information in a URL" on page 115.

If the client object already exists, the runtime engine retrieves it based on the specified client-maintenance technique. (See "Techniques for Maintaining the client Object" on page 143.) If no client object exists, the runtime engine constructs a new object with no properties.

You cannot count on the order in which these objects are constructed.

Step 2. Find source page and start constructing HTML page

When you compiled your JavaScript application, the source included HTML pages containing server-side JavaScript statements. The main goal of the runtime engine is to construct, from one of those source pages, an HTML page containing only HTML and client-side JavaScript statements. As it creates this HTML page, the runtime engine stores the partially created page in a special area of memory called a buffer until it is time to send the buffered contents to the client.

Step 3. Add to output buffer or execute code

This step is performed for each piece of code on the source page. The details of the effects of various server-side statements are covered in other sections of this manual. For more information, see "Constructing the HTML Page" on page 105.

For a given request, the runtime engine keeps performing this step until one of these things happens:

Step 4. Save client object properties

The runtime engine saves the client object's properties immediately before the first time it sends part of the HTML page to the client. It only saves these properties once. The runtime engine can repeat steps 3 and 5, but it cannot repeat this step.

The runtime engine saves the properties at this point to support some of the maintenance techniques for the client object. For example, the client URL encoding scheme sends the client properties in the header of the HTML file. Because the header is sent as the first part of the file, the client properties must be sent then.

As a consequence, you should be careful of where in your source file you set client properties. You should always change client properties in the file before any call to redirect or flush and before generating 64KB of HTML output.

If you change property values for the client object in the code after HTML has been sent to the client, those changes remain in effect for the rest of that client request, but they are then discarded. Hence, the next client request does not get those values for the properties; it gets the values that were in effect when content was first sent to the client. For example, assume your code contains these statements:

<P>The current customer is
client.customerName = "Mr. Ed";
client.customerName = "Mr. Bill";
<P>The current customer really is 
This series of statements results in this HTML being sent to the client:

<P>The current customer is Mr. Ed
<P>The current customer really is Mr. Bill
And when the next client request occurs, the value of client.customerName is "Mr. Bill". This very similar set of statements results in the same HTML:

<P>The current customer is
client.customerName = "Mr. Ed";
client.customerName = "Mr. Bill";
<P>The current customer really is
However, when the next client request occurs, the value of client.customerName is "Mr. Ed"; it is not "Mr. Bill".

For more information, see "Techniques for Maintaining the client Object" on page 143.

Step 5. Send HTML to client

The server sends the page content to the client. For pages with no server-side JavaScript statements, the server simply transfers HTML to the client. For other pages, the runtime engine performs the application logic to construct HTML and then sends the generated page to the client.

Step 6. Destroy request object and save or destroy client object

The runtime engine destroys the request object constructed for this client request. It saves the values of the client object and then destroys the physical JavaScript object. It does not destroy either the project or the server object.

Constructing the HTML Page

When you compile your JavaScript application, the source includes HTML pages that contain server-side JavaScript statements and perhaps also HTML pages that do not contain server-side JavaScript statements. When a user accesses a page in an application that does not contain server-side JavaScript statements, the server sends the page back as it would any other HTML page. When a user accesses a page that does contain server-side JavaScript statements, the runtime engine on the server constructs an HTML page to send in response, using one of the source pages of your application.

The runtime engine scans the source page. As it encounters HTML statements or client-side JavaScript statements, it appends them to the page being created. As it encounters server-side JavaScript statements, it executes them. Although most server-side JavaScript statements perform processing on the server, some affect the page being constructed. The following sections discuss three functions--write, flush, and redirect--that affect the HTML page served.

Generating HTML

As discussed earlier in this chapter, the write function generates HTML based on the value of JavaScript expression given as its argument. For example, consider this statement

write("<P>Customer Name is:" + project.custname + ".");
In response to this statement, JavaScript generates HTML including a paragraph tag and some text, concatenated with the value of the custname property of the project object. For example, if this property is "Fred's software company", the client would receive the following HTML:

<P>Customer Name is: Fred's software company.
As far as the client is concerned, this is normal HTML on the page. However, it is actually generated dynamically by the JavaScript runtime engine.

Flushing the Output Buffer

To improve performance, JavaScript buffers the HTML page it constructs. The flush function immediately sends data from the internal buffer to the client. If you do not explicitly call the flush function, JavaScript sends data to the client after each 64KB of content in the constructed HTML page.

Don't confuse the flush function with the flush method of the File class. (For information on using the File class to perform file input and output, see "File System Service" on page 170.)

You can use flush to control the timing of data transfer to the client. For example, you might choose to flush the buffer before an operation that creates a delay, such as a database query. Also, if a database query retrieves a large number of rows, flushing the buffer every few rows prevents long delays in displaying data.

NOTE: If you use the client cookie technique to maintain the properties of the client object, you must make all changes to the client object before flushing the buffer. For more information, see "Techniques for Maintaining the client Object" on page 143.
The following code fragment shows how flush is used. Assume that your application needs to perform some action on every customer in your customer database. If you have a lot of customers, this could result in a lengthy delay. So that the user doesn't have to wait in front of an unchanging screen, your application could send output to the client before starting the processing and then again after processing each row. To do so, you could use code similar to the following:

cursor = conn.cursor ("SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER", true);
while ( ) {
   // ... process the row ...

Changing to a New Client Request

The redirect function terminates the current client request and starts another for the specified URL. For example, assume you have this statement:

When the runtime engine executes this statement, it terminates the current request. The runtime engine does not continue to process the original page. Therefore any HTML or JavaScript statements that follow the call to redirect on the original page are lost. The client immediately loads the indicated page, discarding any previous content.

The parameter to redirect can be any server-side JavaScript statement that evaluates to a URL. In this way, you can dynamically generate the URL used in redirect. For example, if a page defines a variable choice, you can redirect the client to a page based on the value of choice, as follows:

redirect ("" 
   + choice + ".html");
If you want to be certain that the current client properties are available in the new request, and you're using one of the URL-based maintenance techniques for the client object, you should encode the properties in the URL you pass to redirect. For information on doing so, see "Manually Appending client Properties to URLs" on page 156.

In general, properties of the request object and top-level JavaScript variables last only for a single client request. When you redirect to a new page, you may want to maintain some of this information for multiple requests. You can do so by appending the property names and values to the URL, as described in "Encoding Information in a URL" on page 115.

Accessing CGI Variables

Like most web servers, Netscape servers set values for a particular set of environment variables, called CGI variables, when setting up the context for running a CGI script. Writers of CGI scripts expect to be able to use these variables in their scripts.

By contrast, Netscape web servers do not set up a separate environment for server-side JavaScript applications. Nevertheless, some of the information typically set in CGI variables can also be useful in JavaScript applications. The runtime engine provides several mechanisms for accessing this information:

The following table lists properties of the request object that correspond to CGI variables. For more information on these properties and on the request object in general, see "The request Object" on page 129.

Table 5.7 CGI variables accessible as properties of the request object  
CGI variable Property Description

The authorization type, if the request is protected by any type of authorization. Netscape web servers support HTTP basic access authorization. Example value: basic


The name of the local HTTP user of the web browser, if HTTP access authorization has been activated for this URL. Note that this is not a way to determine the user name of any person accessing your program. Example value: ksmith


The HTTP method associated with the request. An application can use this to determine the proper response to a request. Example value: GET


The HTTP protocol level supported by the client's software. Example value: HTTP/1.0


Information from the requesting HTML page; if "?" is present, the information in the URL that comes after the "?". Example value: x=42

The server-side function ssjs_getCGIVariable lets you access the environment variables set in the server process, including the CGI variables listed in the following table.

Table 5.8 CGI variables accessible through ssjs_getCGIVariable  
Variable Description

The authorization type, if the request is protected by any type of authorization. Netscape web servers support HTTP basic access authorization. Example value: basic


If security is active on the server, the value of this variable is ON; otherwise, it is OFF. Example value: ON


The number of bits in the session key used to encrypt the session, if security is on. Example value: 128


The number of bits used to generate the server's private key. Example value: 128


Path information, as sent by the browser. Example value: /cgivars/cgivars.html


The actual system-specific pathname of the path contained in PATH_INFO. Example value: /usr/ns-home/myhttpd/js/samples/cgivars/cgivars.html


Information from the requesting HTML page; if "?" is present, the information in the URL that comes after the "?". Example value: x=42


The IP address of the host that submitted the request. Example value:


If DNS is turned on for the server, the name of the host that submitted the request; otherwise, its IP address. Example value:


The name of the local HTTP user of the web browser, if HTTP access authorization has been activated for this URL. Note that this is not a way to determine the user name of any person accessing your program. Example value: ksmith


The HTTP method associated with the request. An application can use this to determine the proper response to a request. Example value: GET


The pathname to this page, as it appears in the URL. Example value: cgivars.html


The hostname or IP address on which the JavaScript application is running, as it appears in the URL. Example value:


The TCP port on which the server is running. Example value: 2020


The HTTP protocol level supported by the client's software. Example value: HTTP/1.0


The URL that the user typed to access this server. Example value: https://piccolo:2020

The syntax of ssjs_getCGIVariable is shown here:

value = ssjs_getCGIVariable("name");
This statement sets the variable value to the value of the name CGI variable. If you supply an argument that isn't one of the CGI variables listed in Table 5.8, the runtime engine looks for an environment variable by that name in the server environment. If found, the runtime engine returns the value; otherwise, it returns null. For example, the following code assigns the value of the standard CLASSPATH environment variable to the JavaScript variable classpath:

classpath = ssjs_getCGIVariable("CLASSPATH");
The httpHeader method of request returns the header of the current client request. For a CGI script, Netscape web servers set CGI variables for some of the information in the header. For JavaScript applications, you get that information directly from the header. Table 5.9 shows information available as CGI variables in the CGI environment, but as header properties in server-side JavaScript. In header properties, the underlines in the CGI-variable name (_) are replaced with dashes (-); for example, the CGI variable CONTENT_LENGTH corresponds to the header property content-length.

Table 5.9 CGI variables accessible through the client header  
CGI variable Description

The number of bytes being sent by the client.


The type of data being sent by the client, if a form is submitted with the POST method.


Enumerates the types of data the client can accept.


Identifies the browser software being used to access your program.


A date, set according to GMT standard time, allowing the client to request a response be sent only if the data has been modified since the given date.

For more information on manipulating the client header, see "Request and Response Manipulation" on page 182.

The following table shows the CGI variables that are not supported by server-side JavaScript, because they are not applicable when running JavaScript applications.

Table 5.10 CGI variables not supported by server-side JavaScript  
Variable Description

The version of CGI running on the server. Not applicable to JavaScript applications.


The type of server you are running. Not available to JavaScript applications.

Communicating Between Server and Client

Frequently your JavaScript application needs to communicate information either from the server to the client or from the client to the server. For example, when a user first accesses the videoapp application, the application dynamically generates the list of movie categories from the current database contents. That information, generated on the server, needs to be communicated back to the client. Conversely, when the user picks a category from that list, the user's choice must be communicated back to the server so that it can generate the set of movies.

Sending Values from Client to Server

Here are several ways to send information from the client to the server:

Accessing Form Values

Forms are the bread and butter of a JavaScript application. You use form elements such as text fields and radio buttons as the primary mechanism for transferring data from the client to the server. When the user clicks a Submit button, the browser submits the values entered in the form to the server for processing.

The ACTION attribute of the FORM tag determines the application to which the values are submitted. To send information to the application on the server, use an application URL as the value of the ACTION attribute.

If the document containing the form is a compiled part of the same application, you can simply supply the name of the page instead of a complete URL. For example, here is the FORM tag from the Hangman sample application:

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="hangman.html">
Forms sent to server-side JavaScript applications can use either get or post as the value of the METHOD attribute.

NOTE: Server-side JavaScript applications do not automatically support file upload. That is, if the action specified is a page in a JavaScript application and you submit an INPUT element of TYPE="file", your application must manually handle the file, as described in "Request and Response Manipulation" on page 182.
Each input element in an HTML form corresponds to a property of the request object. The property name is specified by the NAME attribute of the form element. For example, the following HTML creates a request property called guess that accepts a single character in a text field. You refer to this property in server-side JavaScript as request.guess.

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="hangman.html"> 
What is your guess?
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="guess" SIZE="1">
A SELECT form element that allows multiple selections requires special treatment, because it is a single property that can have multiple values. You can use the getOptionValue function to retrieve the values of selected options in a multiple select list. For more information, see "Using Select Lists" on page 114.

For more information on the request object, see "The request Object" on page 129.

If you want to process data on the client first, you have to create a client-side JavaScript function to perform processing on the form-element values and then assign the output of the client function to a form element. You can hide the element, so that it is not displayed to the user, if you want to perform client preprocessing.

For example, suppose you have a client-side JavaScript function named calc that performs calculations based on the user's input. You want to pass the result of this function to your application for further processing. You first need to define a hidden form element for the result, as follows:

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="result" SIZE=5>
Then you need to create an onClick event handler for the Submit button that assigns the output of the function to the hidden element:

<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit"
The value of result is submitted along with any other form-element values. This value can be referenced as request.result in the application.

Using Select Lists

The HTML SELECT tag, used with the MULTIPLE attribute, allows you to associate multiple values with a single form element. If your application requires select lists that allow multiple selected options, you use the getOptionValue function to get the values in JavaScript. The syntax of getOptionValue is

itemValue = getOptionValue(name, index)
Here, name is the string specified as the NAME attribute of the SELECT tag, and index is the zero-based ordinal index of the selected option. The getOptionValue function returns the value of the selected item, as specified by the associated OPTION tag.

The function getOptionValueCount returns the number of options (specified by OPTION tags) in the select list. It requires only one argument, the string containing the name of the SELECT tag.

For example, suppose you have the following element in a form:

<SELECT NAME="what-to-wear" MULTIPLE SIZE=8>
   <OPTION>Wool Sweater
   <OPTION SELECTED>Sweatshirt
   <OPTION>Leather Jacket
   <OPTION>Running Shoes
You could process the input from this select list as follows:

var i = 0;
var howmany = getOptionValueCount("what-to-wear");
while ( i < howmany ) {
   var optionValue =
      getOptionValue("what-to-wear", i);
   write ("<br>Item #" + i + ": " + optionValue + "\n");
If the user kept the default selections, this script would return:

Item #0: Jeans
Item #1: Sweatshirt
Item #2: Socks

Encoding Information in a URL

You can manually encode properties of the request object into a URL that accesses a page of your application. In creating the URL, you use the following syntax:

Here, URL is the base URL, each varNameN is a property name, and each valueN is the corresponding property value (with special characters escaped). In this scheme, the base URL is followed by a question mark (?) which is in turn followed by pairs of property names and their values. Separate each pair with an ampersand (&). When the runtime engine on the server receives the resultant URL as a client request, it creates a request property named varNameN for each listed variable.

For example, the following HTML defines a hyperlink to a page that instantiates the request properties i and j to 1 and 2, respectively. JavaScript statements in refpage.html can then refer to these variables as request.i and request.j.

<A HREF="refpage.html?i=1&j=2">Click Here</A>
Instead of using a static URL string, as in the preceding example, you can use server-side or client-side JavaScript statements to dynamically generate the URL that encodes the property values. For example, your application could include a page such as the following:

function compute () {
   // ...replace with an appropriate computation
   // that returns a search string ...
   return "?num=25";
<a HREF="refpage.htm" onClick="">
Click here to submit a value.</a></p>
In this case, when the user clicks the link, the runtime engine on the client runs the onClick event handler. This event handler sets the search portion of the URL in the link to whatever string is returned by the compute function. When the runtime engine on the server gets this request, it creates a num property for the request object and sets the value to 25.

As a second example, you might want to add request properties to a URL created in a server-side script. This is most likely to be useful if you'll be redirecting the client request to a new page. To add request properties in a server-side script, you could instead use this statement:

<A HREF=`"refpage.html?i=" + escape(i) + "&j=" + escape(j)`>
   Click Here</A>
If you create a URL in a server-side JavaScript statement, the client object's properties are not automatically added. If you're using a URL-based maintenance technique for the client object, use the addClient function to generate the final URL. In this example, the statement would be:

<A HREF=`addClient("refpage.html?i=" + escape(i)
   + "&j=" + escape(j))`>Click Here</A>
For information on using addClient, see "Manually Appending client Properties to URLs" on page 156.

The core JavaScript escape function allows you to encode names or values appended to a URL that may include special characters. In general, if an application needs to generate its own property names and values in a URL request, you should use escape, to ensure that all values are interpreted properly. For more information, see the Server-Side JavaScript Reference.

Remember that a URL does not change when a user reloads it, although the page's contents may change. Any properties sent in the original URL are restored to their values in the URL as it was first sent, regardless of any changes that may have been made during processing. For example, if the user clicks the Reload button to reload the URL in the previous example, i and j are again set to 1 and 2, respectively.

Sending Values from Server to Client

A JavaScript application communicates with the client through HTML and client-side JavaScript. If you simply want to display information to the user, there is no subtlety: you create the HTML to format the information as you want it displayed.

However, you may want to send values to client scripts directly. You can do this in a variety of ways, including these three:

Default Form Values and Hidden Form Elements

To display an HTML form with default values set in the form elements, use the INPUT tag to create the desired form element, substituting a server-side JavaScript expression for the VALUE attribute. For example, you can use the following statement to display a text element and set the default value based on the value of client.custname:

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="customerName" SIZE="30"
The initial value of this text field is set to the value of the variable client.custname. So, if the value of client.custname is Victoria, this statement is sent to the client:

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="customerName" SIZE="30" VALUE="Victoria">
You can use a similar technique with hidden form elements if you do not want to display the value to the user, as in this example:

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custID" SIZE=5 VALUE=`client.custID`>
In both cases, you can use these values in client-side JavaScript in property values of objects available on the client. If these two elements are in a form named entryForm, then these values become the JavaScript properties document.entryForm.customerName and document.entryForm.custID, respectively. You can then perform client processing on these values in client-side scripts. For more information, see the Client-Side JavaScript Guide.

Direct Substitution

You can also use server-side JavaScript to generate client-side scripts. These values can be used in subsequent statements on the client. As a simple example, you could initialize a client-side variable named budget based on the value of client.amount as follows:

<p>The budget is:
write("var budget = " + client.amount);
If the value of client.amount is 50, this would generate the following JavaScript:

<p>The budget is:
var budget = 50
When run on the client, this appears as follows:

The budget is: 50

Using Cookies

Cookies are a mechanism you can use on the client to maintain information between requests. This information resides in a file called cookie.txt (the cookie file) stored on the client machine. The Netscape cookie protocol is described in detail in the Client-Side JavaScript Guide.

You can use cookies to send information in both directions, from the client to the server and from the server to the client. Cookies you send from the client become properties of either the client object or of the request object. Although you can send any string value to the client from the server as a cookie, the simplest method involves sending client object properties.

Properties of the client Object as Cookies

If an application uses the client cookie technique to maintain the client object, the runtime engine on the server stores the names and values of properties of the client object as cookies on the client. For information on using cookies to maintain the client object, see "Techniques for Maintaining the client Object" on page 143.

For a client property called propName, the runtime engine automatically creates a cookie named NETSCAPE_LIVEWIRE.propName, assuming the application uses the client cookie maintenance technique. The runtime engine encodes property values as required by the Netscape cookie protocol.

To access these cookies in a client-side JavaScript script, you can extract the information using the document.cookie property and a function such as the getSSCookie function shown here:

function getSSCookie(name) {
   var search = "NETSCAPE_LIVEWIRE." + name + "=";
   var retstr = "";
   var offset = 0;
   var end = 0;
   if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
      offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search);
      if (offset != -1) {
         offset += search.length;
         end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
         if (end == -1)
            end = document.cookie.length;
         retstr = unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end));
The getSSCookie function is not a predefined JavaScript function. If you need similar functionality, you must define it for your application.

To send information to the server to become a property of the client object, add a cookie whose name is of the form NETSCAPE_LIVEWIRE.propName. Assuming your application uses the client cookie maintenance technique, the runtime engine on the server creates a client property named propName for this cookie.

To do so, you can use a function such as the following:

function setSSCookie (name, value, expire) {
   document.cookie =
      "NETSCAPE_LIVEWIRE." + name + "="
      + escape(value)
      + ((expire == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expire.toGMTString()));
Here, too, the setSSCookie function is not a predefined JavaScript function. If you need similar functionality, you must define it for your application.

You can call these functions in client-side JavaScript to get and set property values for the client object, as in the following example:

var value = getSSCookie ("answer"); 
if (value == "") {
   var expires = new Date();
   expires.setDate(expires.getDate() + 7);
   setSSCookie ("answer", "42", Expires);
   document.write ("The answer is ", value);
This group of statements checks whether there is a client property called answer. If not, the code creates it and sets its value to 42; if so, it displays its value.

Other Cookies

When a request is sent to the server for a page in a JavaScript application, the header of the request includes all cookies currently set for the application. You can use the request.httpHeader method to access these cookies from server-side JavaScript and assign them to server-side variables. Conversely, you can use the addResponseHeader function to add new cookies to the response sent back to the client. This functionality is described in "Request and Response Manipulation" on page 182.

On the client, you can use a function such as the following to access a particular cookie:

function GetCookie (name) {
   var arg = name + "=";
   var alen = arg.length;
   var clen = document.cookie.length;
   var i = 0;
   while (i < clen) {
      var j = i + alen;
      if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) {
         var end = document.cookie.indexOf (";", j);
         if (end == -1)
            end = document.cookie.length;
         return unescape(document.cookie.substring(j, end));
      i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
      if (i == 0) break;
   return null;
And you can use a function such as the following to set a cookie on the client:

function setCookie (name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {
   document.cookie =
      name + "="
      + escape(value)
      + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "")
      + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "")
      + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "")
      + ((secure) ? "; secure" : "");
If the path you specify for a cookie is in your JavaScript application, then that cookie will be sent in any request sent to the application.

You can use this technique for passing cookie information between the client and the server regardless of the client object maintenance technique you use.

Garbage Collection

Server-side JavaScript contains a garbage collector that automatically frees memory allocated to objects no longer in use. Most users do not need to understand the details of the garbage collector. This section gives an overview of the garbage collector and information on when it is invoked.

Important This section provides advanced users with a peek into the internal workings of server-side JavaScript. Netscape does not guarantee that these algorithms will remain the same in future releases.
The JavaScript object space consists of arenas. That is, the JavaScript runtime engine allocates a set of arenas from which it allocates objects. When the runtime engine receives a request for a new object, it first looks on the free list. If the free list has available space, the engine allocates that space. Otherwise, the runtime engine allocates space from the arena currently in use. If all arenas are in use, the runtime engine allocates a new arena. When all the objects from an arena are garbage, the garbage collector frees the arena.

A JavaScript string is typically allocated as a GC object. The string has a reference to the bytes of the string which are also allocated in the process heap. When a string object is garbage collected, the string's bytes are freed.

The JavaScript garbage collector is a based on mark and sweep. It does not relocate objects. The garbage collector maintains a root set of objects at all times. This root set includes the JavaScript stack, the global object for the JavaScript context, and any JavaScript objects which have been explicitly added to the root set. During the mark phase, the garbage collector marks all objects that are reachable from the root set. At the end of this phase, all unmarked objects are garbage. All garbage objects are collected into a free list.

A garbage collection is considered necessary if the number of bytes currently in use is 1.5 times the number of bytes that were in use at the end of the last garbage collection. The runtime engine checks for this condition at the following points and starts the garbage collector if it needs to:

Error Handling in Server-Side JavaScript

The ssjs_onError function, when defined in your application, is called in the event of a server-side JavaScript error such as "undefined variable name." In a ssjs_onError function you can do anything you can do in a server-side JavaScript function, including access the the server, project, client and request objects. You can also redirect and call other functions.

The ssjs_onError function has the following syntax:

function ssjs_onError (<message>,<file>,<line number>) 

<message> is the error message text

<file> is the source file name

<line number> is the line number of the error

A JavaScript error during the execution of the onError function is reported in the error log and the livewire trace (if active). The ssjs_onError function is not called recursively, however. An error in the onError function causes a report in the error log, but does not launch a call to onError.

Here is an example function:

function ssjs_onError(msg,file,line) 
write("error message: "+msg+"<br>\n") 
write("file name: "+file+"<br>\n") 
write("line number: "+line+"<br>\n") 
NOTE: To give each page its own special onError function, add an assignment to ssjs_onError at the beginning of the code for the page. For example:

ssjs_onError = custom_onError; 
function custom_onError(msg,file,line) 
// ... 
Server-side JavaScript executes whatever ssjs_onError represents at the time of the error. You can use a single ssjs_onError function that is shared by all pages, or you can dynamically switch to another onError function at any time, including at the beginning of each page. If two requests execute the same onError function at the same time, they have different execution environments, just as if you are simultaneously executing any other function.

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Last Updated: 09/29/99 18:01:51

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