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Chapter 2
Top-Level Functions

This chapter contains all JavaScript functions not associated with any object. In the ECMA specification, these functions are referred to as properties and methods of the global object.

The following table summarizes the top-level functions.

Table 2.1 Top-level functions
Function Description

Appends client information to URLs.


Adds new information to the response header sent to the client.


Assigns BLOb data to a column in a cursor.


Calls a native function.


Displays values of expressions in the trace window or frame.


Removes information from the header of the response sent to the client.


Returns the hexadecimal encoding of an argument in the ISO Latin-1 character set; used to create strings to add to a URL.


Evaluates a string of JavaScript code without reference to a particular object.


Flushes the output buffer.


Gets values of individual options in an HTML SELECT form element.


Gets the number of options in an HTML SELECT form element.


Evaluates an argument to determine if it is not a number.


Converts an object to a number.


Parses a string argument and returns a floating-point number.


Parses a string argument and returns an integer.


Redirects the client to the specified URL.


Registers a native function for use in server-side JavaScript.


Returns an identifier you can use to uniquely specify the client object.


Returns the value of the specified environment variable set in the server process, including some CGI variables.


Returns the identifier for the client object used by some of JavaScript's client-maintenance techniques.


Converts an object to a string.


Returns the ASCII string for the specified hexadecimal encoding value.


Adds statements to the client-side HTML page being generated.


Adds client object property values to a dynamically generated URL or the URL used with the redirect function.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0





A string representing a URL


addClient is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

Use addClient to preserve client object property values when you use redirect or generate dynamic links. This is necessary if an application uses client or server URL encoding to maintain the client object; it does no harm in other cases. Since the client maintenance technique can be changed after the application has been compiled, it is always safer to use addClient, even if you do not anticipate using a URL encoding scheme.

See the Server-Side JavaScript Guide for information about using URL encoding to maintain client properties.


In the following example, addClient is used with the redirect function to redirect a browser:

In the following example, addClient preserves client object property values when a link is dynamically generated:

<A HREF='addClient("page" + project.pageno + ".html")'>
   Jump to new page</A>

See also



Adds new information to the response header sent to the client.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 3.0


addResponseHeader(field, value)



A field to add to the response header.


The information to specify for that field.


addResponseHeader is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

You can use the addResponseHeader function to add information to the header of the response you send to the client.

For example, if the response you send to the client uses a custom content type, you should encode this content type in the response header. The JavaScript runtime engine automatically adds the default content type (text/html) to the response header. If you want a custom header, you must first remove the old default content type from the header and then add the new one. If your response uses royalairways-format as a custom content type, you would specify it this way:

You can use the addResponseHeader function to add any other information you want to the response header.

Remember that the header is sent with the first part of the response. Therefore, you should call these functions early in the script on each page. In particular, you should ensure that the response header is set before any of these happen:

See also



Assigns BLOb data to a column in a cursor.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0


blob (path)



A string representing the name of a file containing BLOb data. This string must be an absolute pathname.


A blob object.


blob is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

Use this function with an updatable cursor to insert or update a row containing BLOb data. To insert or update a row using SQL and the execute method, use the syntax supported by your database vendor.

On DB2, blobs are limited to 32 KBytes.

Remember that back slash ("\") is the escape character in JavaScript. For this reason, in NT filenames you must either use 2 backslashes or a forward slash.


The following statements update BLOb data from the specified GIF files in columns PHOTO and OFFICE of the current row of the EMPLOYEE table.

// Create a cursor
cursor = database.cursor("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE
   customer.ID = " + request.customerID
// Position the pointer on the row
// Assign the blob data = blob("c:/customer/photos/myphoto.gif") = blob("c:/customer/photos/myoffice.gif")
// And update the row


Calls an external function and returns the value that the external function returns.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0


callC(JSFunctionName, arg1,..., argN)



The name of the function as it is identified with RegisterCFunction.


A comma-separated list of arguments to the external function. The arguments can be any JavaScript values: strings, numbers, or Boolean values. The number of arguments must match the number of arguments required by the external function.


callC is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

The callC function returns the string value that the external function returns; callC can only return string values.


The following example assigns a value to the variable isRegistered according to whether the attempt to register the external function echoCCallArguments succeeds or fails. If isRegistered is true, the callC function executes.

var isRegistered =
if (isRegistered == true) {
   var returnValue =
   callC("echoCCallArguments", "first arg", 42, true, "last arg")

See also



Displays a JavaScript expression in the trace facility.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0





Any valid JavaScript expression.


debug is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

Use this function to display the value of an expression for debugging purposes. The value is displayed in the trace facility of the Application Manager following the brief description "Debug message:".


The following example displays the value of the variable data:

debug("The final value of data is " + data)


Removes information from the header of the response sent to the client.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 3.0





A field to remove from the response header.


deleteResponseHeader is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

You can use the deleteResponseHeader function to remove information from the header of the response you send to the client. The most frequent use of this function is to remove the default content-type information before adding your own content-type information with addResponseHeader.

For more information, see addResponseHeader.


Returns the hexadecimal encoding of an argument in the ISO-Latin-1 character set.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.0, NES 2.0

ECMA version

ECMA-262 compatible, except for Unicode characters.





A string in the ISO-Latin-1 character set.


escape is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

Use the escape and unescape functions to encode and decode (add property values manually) a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), or a URI-type string.

The escape function encodes special characters in the specified string and returns the new string. It encodes spaces, punctuation, and any other character that is not an ASCII alphanumeric character, with the exception of these characters:

* @ - _ + . /


Example 1. The following example returns "%26":

escape("&") // returns "%26"
Example 2. The following statement returns a string with encoded characters for spaces, commas, and apostrophes.

// returns "The_rain.%20In%20Spain%2C%20Ma%92am"
escape("The_rain. In Spain, Ma'am")
Example 3. In the following example, the value of the variable theValue is encoded as a hexadecimal string and passed on to the request object when a user clicks the link:

<A HREF='"mypage.html?val1="+escape(theValue)')>Click Here</A>

See also



Evaluates a string of JavaScript code without reference to a particular object.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.0

ECMA version






A string representing a JavaScript expression, statement, or sequence of statements. The expression can include variables and properties of existing objects.


eval is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

The argument of the eval function is a string. If the string represents an expression, eval evaluates the expression. If the argument represents one or more JavaScript statements, eval performs the statements. Do not call eval to evaluate an arithmetic expression; JavaScript evaluates arithmetic expressions automatically.

If you construct an arithmetic expression as a string, you can use eval to evaluate it at a later time. For example, suppose you have a variable x. You can postpone evaluation of an expression involving x by assigning the string value of the expression, say "3 * x + 2", to a variable, and then calling eval at a later point in your script.

If the argument of eval is not a string, eval returns the argument unchanged. In the following example, the String constructor is specified, and eval returns a String object rather than evaluating the string.

eval(new String("2+2")) // returns a String object containing "2+2"
eval("2+2")             // returns 4

Backward Compatibility

JavaScript 1.1. eval is also a method of all objects. This method is described for the Object class.


The following examples display output using document.write. In server-side JavaScript, you can display the same output by calling the write function instead of using document.write.

Example 1. In the following code, both of the statements containing eval return 42. The first evaluates the string "x + y + 1"; the second evaluates the string "42".

var x = 2
var y = 39
var z = "42"
eval("x + y + 1") // returns 42
eval(z)           // returns 42
Example 2. In the following example, the getFieldName(n) function returns the name of the specified form element as a string. The first statement assigns the string value of the third form element to the variable field. The second statement uses eval to display the value of the form element.

var field = getFieldName(3) 
document.write("The field named ", field, " has value of ",
   eval(field + ".value"))
Example 3. The following example uses eval to evaluate the string str. This string consists of JavaScript statements that open an Alert dialog box and assign z a value of 42 if x is five, and assigns 0 to z otherwise. When the second statement is executed, eval will cause these statements to be performed, and it will also evaluate the set of statements and return the value that is assigned to z.

var str = "if (x == 5) {alert('z is 42'); z = 42;} else z = 0; "
document.write("<P>z is ", eval(str))
Example 4. In the following example, the setValue function uses eval to assign the value of the variable newValue to the text field textObject:

function setValue (textObject, newValue) {
   eval ("document.forms[0]." + textObject + ".value") = newValue
Example 5. The following example creates breed as a property of the object myDog, and also as a variable. The first write statement uses eval('breed') without specifying an object; the string "breed" is evaluated without regard to any object, and the write method displays "Shepherd", which is the value of the breed variable. The second write statement uses myDog.eval('breed') which specifies the object myDog; the string "breed" is evaluated with regard to the myDog object, and the write method displays "Lab", which is the value of the breed property of the myDog object.

function Dog(name,breed,color) {
myDog = new Dog("Gabby")
var breed='Shepherd'
document.write("<P>" + eval('breed'))
document.write("<BR>" + myDog.eval('breed'))

See also

Object.eval method


Sends data from the internal buffer to the client.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0






flush is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

To improve performance, JavaScript buffers the HTML page it constructs. The flush function immediately sends data from the internal buffer to the client. If you do not explicitly call the flush function, JavaScript sends data to the client after each 64KB of content in the constructed HTML page.

Use the flush function to control when data is sent to the client. For example, call the flush function before an operation that creates a delay, such as a database query. If a database query retrieves a large number of rows, you can flush the buffer after retrieving a small number of rows to prevent long delays in displaying data.

Because the flush function updates the client's cookie file as part of the HTTP header, you should perform any changes to the client object before flushing the buffer, if you are using client cookie to maintain the client object. For more information, see the Server-Side JavaScript Guide. Do not confuse the flush method of the File object with the top-level flush function.


The following example iterates through a text file and outputs each line in the file, preceded by a line number and five spaces. The flush function then causes the client to display the output.

while (!In.eof()) {
   AscLine = In.readln();
   if (!In.eof())
      write(LPad(LineCount + ": ", 5), AscLine, "\n");

See also



Returns the text of a selected OPTION in a SELECT form element.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0


getOptionValue(name, index)



A name specified by the NAME attribute of the SELECT tag


Zero-based ordinal index of the selected option.


A string containing the text for the selected option, as specified by the associated OPTION tag.


getOptionValue is a top-level function and is not associated with any object. It corresponds to the Option.text property available to client-side JavaScript.

The SELECT tag allows multiple values to be associated with a single form element, with the MULTIPLE attribute. If your application requires select lists that allow multiple selected options, you use the getOptionValue function to get the values of selected options in server-side JavaScript.


Suppose you have the following form element:

<SELECT NAME="what-to-wear" MULTIPLE SIZE=8>
   <OPTION>Wool Sweater
   <OPTION SELECTED>Sweatshirt
   <OPTION>Leather Jacket
   <OPTION>Running Shoes
You could process the input from this select list in server-side JavaScript as follows:

var loopIndex = 0
var loopCount = getOptionValueCount("what-to-wear") // 3 by default
while ( loopIndex < loopCount ) {
   var optionValue = getOptionValue("what-to-wear",loopIndex)
   write("<br>Item #" + loopIndex + ": " + optionValue + "\n")
If the user kept the default selections, this script would return

Item #1: Jeans
Item #3: Sweatshirt
Item #4: Socks

See also



Returns the number of options selected by the user in a SELECT form element.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0





Specified by the NAME attribute of the SELECT tag.


getOptionValueCount is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

Use this function with getOptionValue to process user input from SELECT form elements that allow multiple selections.


See the example for getOptionValue.

See also



Evaluates an argument to determine if it is not a number.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.0: Unix only

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0: all platforms

ECMA version






The value you want to evaluate.


isNaN is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

On platforms that support NaN, the parseFloat and parseInt functions return NaN when they evaluate a value that is not a number. isNaN returns true if passed NaN, and false otherwise.


The following example evaluates floatValue to determine if it is a number and then calls a procedure accordingly:

if (isNaN(floatValue)) {
} else {

See also

Number.NaN, parseFloat, parseInt


Converts the specified object to a number.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.2, NES 3.0

ECMA version






An object


Number is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

When the object is a Date object, Number returns a value in milliseconds measured from 01 January, 1970 UTC (GMT), positive after this date, negative before.

If obj is a string that does not contain a well-formed numeric literal, Number returns NaN.


The following example converts the Date object to a numerical value:

d = new Date ("December 17, 1995 03:24:00")
alert (Number(d))
This displays a dialog box containing "819199440000."

See also



Parses a string argument and returns a floating point number.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.0: If the first character of the string specified in parseFloat(string) cannot be converted to a number, returns NaN on Solaris and Irix and 0 on all other platforms.

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0: Returns NaN on all platforms if the first character of the string specified in parseFloat(string) cannot be converted to a number.

ECMA version






A string that represents the value you want to parse.


parseFloat is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

parseFloat parses its argument, a string, and returns a floating point number. If it encounters a character other than a sign (+ or -), numeral (0-9), a decimal point, or an exponent, it returns the value up to that point and ignores that character and all succeeding characters. Leading and trailing spaces are allowed.

If the first character cannot be converted to a number, parseFloat returns NaN.

For arithmetic purposes, the NaN value is not a number in any radix. You can call the isNaN function to determine if the result of parseFloat is NaN. If NaN is passed on to arithmetic operations, the operation results will also be NaN.


The following examples all return 3.14:

var x = "3.14"
The following example returns NaN:


See also

isNaN, parseInt


Parses a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix or base.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.0: If the first character of the string specified in parseInt(string) cannot be converted to a number, returns NaN on Solaris and Irix and 0 on all other platforms.

JavaScript 1.1, LiveWire 2.0: Returns NaN on all platforms if the first character of the string specified in parseInt(string) cannot be converted to a number.

ECMA version



parseInt(string[, radix])



A string that represents the value you want to parse.


An integer that represents the radix of the return value.


parseInt is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

The parseInt function parses its first argument, a string, and attempts to return an integer of the specified radix (base). For example, a radix of 10 indicates to convert to a decimal number, 8 octal, 16 hexadecimal, and so on. For radixes above 10, the letters of the alphabet indicate numerals greater than 9. For example, for hexadecimal numbers (base 16), A through F are used.

If parseInt encounters a character that is not a numeral in the specified radix, it ignores it and all succeeding characters and returns the integer value parsed up to that point. parseInt truncates numbers to integer values. Leading and trailing spaces are allowed.

If the radix is not specified or is specified as 0, JavaScript assumes the following:

If the first character cannot be converted to a number, parseInt returns NaN.

For arithmetic purposes, the NaN value is not a number in any radix. You can call the isNaN function to determine if the result of parseInt is NaN. If NaN is passed on to arithmetic operations, the operation results will also be NaN.


The following examples all return 15:

parseInt("F", 16)
parseInt("17", 8)
parseInt("15", 10)
parseInt(15.99, 10)
parseInt("FXX123", 16)
parseInt("1111", 2)
parseInt("15*3", 10)
The following examples all return NaN:

parseInt("Hello", 8)
parseInt("0x7", 10)
parseInt("FFF", 10)
Even though the radix is specified differently, the following examples all return 17 because the input string begins with "0x".

parseInt("0x11", 16)
parseInt("0x11", 0)

See also

isNaN, parseFloat, Object.valueOf


Redirects the client to the specified URL.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0





The URL to which you want to redirect the client.


redirect is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

The redirect function redirects the client browser to the URL specified by the location parameter. The value of location can be relative or absolute.

When the client encounters a redirect function, it loads the specified page immediately and discards the current page. The client does not execute or load any HTML or script statements in the page following the redirect function.

You can use the addClient function to preserve client object property values. See addClient for more information.


The following example uses the redirect function to redirect a client browser:

The page displayed by the newhome.html link could contain content such as the following:

<H1>New location</H1>
The URL you tried to access has been moved to:<BR>
<LI><A HREF=></A>
<P>This notice will remain until 12/31/97.

See also



Registers an external function for use with a server-side JavaScript application.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0


registerCFunction(JSFunctionName, libraryPath,



The name of the function as it is called in JavaScript.


The full filename and path of the library, using the conventions of your operating system.


The name of the function as it is defined in the library.


registerCFunction is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

Use registerCFunction to make an external function available to a server-side JavaScript application. The function can be written in any language, but you must use C calling conventions.

To use an external function in a server-side JavaScript application, register the function with registerCFunction, and then call it with the callC function. Once an application registers a function, you can call the function any number of times.

The registerCFunction function returns true if the external function is registered successfully; otherwise, it returns false. For example, registerCFunction can return false if the JavaScript runtime engine cannot find either the library or the specified function inside the library.

To use a backslash (\) character as a directory separator in the libraryPath parameter, you must enter a double backslash (\\). The single backslash is a reserved character.


See the example for the callC function.

See also



Returns a unique string you can use to uniquely specify the client object.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 3.0






ssjs_generateClientID is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

This function is closely related to ssjs_getClientID. See the description of that function for information on these functions and the differences between them.


Returns the value of the specified environment variable set in the server process, including some CGI variables.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 3.0





A string containing the name of the environment variable to retrieve.


ssjs_getCGIVariable is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

ssjs_getCGIVariable lets you access the environment variables set in the server process, including the CGI variables listed in the following table.

Table 2.2 CGI variables accessible through ssjs_getCGIVariable  
Variable Description

The authorization type, if the request is protected by any type of authorization. Netscape web servers support HTTP basic access authorization. Example value: basic


If security is active on the server, the value of this variable is ON; otherwise, it is OFF. Example value: ON


The number of bits in the session key used to encrypt the session, if security is on. Example value: 128


The number of bits used to generate the server's private key. Example value: 128


Path information, as sent by the browser. Example value: /cgivars/cgivars.html


The actual system-specific pathname of the path contained in PATH_INFO. Example value: /usr/ns-home/myhttpd/js/samples/cgivars/cgivars.html


Information from the requesting HTML page; if "?" is present, the information in the URL that comes after the "?". Example value: x=42


The IP address of the host that submitted the request. Example value:


If DNS is turned on for the server, the name of the host that submitted the request; otherwise, its IP address. Example value:


The name of the local HTTP user of the web browser, if HTTP access authorization has been activated for this URL. Note that this is not a way to determine the user name of any person accessing your program. Example value: ksmith


The HTTP method associated with the request. An application can use this to determine the proper response to a request. Example value: GET


The pathname to this page, as it appears in the URL. Example value: cgivars.html


The hostname or IP address on which the JavaScript application is running, as it appears in the URL. Example value:


The TCP port on which the server is running. Example value: 2020


The HTTP protocol level supported by the client's software. Example value: HTTP/1.0


The URL that the user typed to access this server. Example value: https://piccolo:2020

If you supply an argument that isn't one of the CGI variables listed in n, the runtime engine looks for an environment variable by that name in the server environment. If found, the runtime engine returns the value; otherwise, it returns null. For example, the following code assigns the value of the standard CLASSPATH environment variable to the JavaScript variable classpath:

classpath = ssjs_getCGIVariable("CLASSPATH");


Returns the identifier for the client object used by some of JavaScript's client-maintenance techniques.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 3.0






ssjs_getClientID is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

For some applications, you may want to store information specific to a client/application pair in the project or server objects. In these situations, you need a way to refer uniquely to the client/application pair. JavaScript provides two functions for this purpose, ssjs_generateClientID and ssjs_getClientID.

Each time you call ssjs_generateClientID, the runtime engine returns a new identifier. For this reason, if you use this function and want the identifier to last longer than a single client request, you need to store the identifier, possibly as a property of the client object.

If you use this function and store the ID in the client object, you may need to be careful that an intruder cannot get access to that ID and hence to sensitive information.

An alternative approach is to use the ssjs_getClientID function. If you use one of the server-side maintenance techniques for the client object, the JavaScript runtime engine generates and uses a identifier to access the information for a particular client/application pair.

When you use these maintenance techniques, ssjs_getClientID returns the identifier used by the runtime engine. Every time you call this function from a particular client/application pair, you get the same identifier. Therefore, you do not need to store the identifier returned by ssjs_getClientID. However, if you use any of the other maintenance techniques, this function returns "undefined"; if you use those techniques you must instead use the ssjs_generateClientID function.

If you need an identifier and you're using a server-side maintenance technique, you probably should use the ssjs_getClientID function. If you use this function, you do not need to store and track the identifier yourself; the runtime engine does it for you. However, if you use a client-side maintenance technique, you cannot use the ssjs_getClientID function; you must use the ssjs_generateClientID function.


Converts the specified object to a string.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.2, NES 3.0

ECMA version






An object.


String is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

The String method converts the value of any object into a string; it returns the same value as the toString method of an individual object.

When the object is a Date object, String returns a more readable string representation of the date. Its format is: Thu Aug 18 04:37:43 Pacific Daylight Time 1983.


The following example converts the Date object to a readable string.

D = new Date (430054663215)
alert (String(D))
This displays a dialog box containing "Thu Aug 18 04:37:43 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) 1983."

See also



Returns the ASCII string for the specified hexadecimal encoding value.

Core function

Implemented in

JavaScript 1.0, NES 1.0

ECMA version

ECMA-262 compatible, except for Unicode characters.





A string containing characters in the form "%xx", where xx is a 2-digit hexadecimal number.


unescape is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

The string returned by the unescape function is a series of characters in the ISO-Latin-1 character set.

In server-side JavaScript, use this function to decode name/value pairs in URLs.


The following example returns "&":

The following example returns "!#":

In the following example, val1 has been passed to the request object as a hexadecimal value. The statement assigns the decoded value of val1 to myValue.

myValue = unescape(request.val1)

See also



Generates HTML based on an expression and sends it to the client.

Server-side function

Implemented in

NES 2.0





A valid JavaScript expression.


write is a top-level function and is not associated with any object.

The write function causes server-side JavaScript to generate HTML that is sent to the client. The client interprets this generated HTML as it would static HTML. The server-side write function is similar to the client-side document.write method.

To improve performance, the JavaScript engine on the server buffers the output to be sent to the client and sends it in large blocks of at most 64 KBytes in size. You can control when data are sent to the client by using the flush function.

Do not confuse the write method of the File object with the write function. The write function outputs data to the client; the write method outputs data to a physical file on the server.


In the following example, the write function is passed a string, concatenated with a variable, concatenated with a BR tag:

write("The operation returned " + returnValue + "<BR>")
If returnValue is 57, this example displays the following:

The operation returned 57

See also


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Last Updated: 11/13/98 10:24:03

Copyright (c) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation