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服务器端对象. Provides functionality for displaying and linking to BLOb data.
You do not create a separate blob object. Instead, if you know that the value of a cursor property contains BLOb data, you use these methods to access that data:
Conversely, to store BLOb data in a database, use the blob function.
Displays BLOb data stored in a database.
cursorName.colName.blobImage (format, altText, align, widthPixels, heightPixels, borderPixels, ismap)
An HTML IMG tag for the specified image type.
Use blobImage to create an HTML image tag for a graphic image in a standard format such as GIF or JPEG.
The blobImage method fetches a BLOb from the database, creates a temporary file (in memory) of the specified format, and generates an HTML image tag that refers to the temporary file. The JavaScript runtime engine removes the temporary file after the page is generated and sent to the client.
While creating the page, the runtime engine keeps the binary data that blobImage fetches from the database in active memory, so requests that fetch a large amount of data can exceed dynamic memory on the server. Generally it is good practice to limit the number of rows retrieved at one time using blobImage to stay within the server's dynamic memory limits.
示例 1. The following example extracts a row containing a small image and a name. It writes HTML containing the name and a link to the image:
cursor = connobj.cursor("SELECT NAME, THUMB FROM FISHTBL WHERE ID=2") write(cursor.name + " ") write(cursor.thumb.blobImage("gif")) write("<BR>") cursor.close()
These statements produce this HTML:
示例 2. The following example creates a cursor from the rockStarBios 表 and uses blobImage to display an image retrieved from the photos column:
cursor = database.cursor("SELECT * FROM rockStarBios WHERE starID = 23") while(cursor.next()) { write(cursor.photos.blobImage("gif", "Picture", "left", 30, 30, 0,false)) } cursor.close()
This example displays an image as if it were created by the following HTML:
<IMG SRC="livewire_temp.gif" ALT="Picture" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=30 HEIGHT=30 BORDER=0>
The livewire_temp.gif file in this example is the file in which the rockStarBios 表 stores the BLOb data.
Returns a link tag that references BLOb data with a link. Creates an HTML link to the BLOb.
cursorName.colName.blobLink (mimeType, linkText)
An HTML link tag.
Use blobLink if you do not want to display graphics (to reduce bandwidth requirements) or if you want to provide a link to an audio clip or other multimedia content not viewable inline.
The blobLink method fetches BLOb data from the database, creates a temporary file in memory, and generates a hypertext link to the temporary file. The JavaScript runtime engine on the server removes the temporary files that blobLink creates after the user clicks the link or sixty seconds after the request has been processed.
The runtime engine keeps the binary data that blobLink fetches from the database in active memory, so requests that fetch a large amount of data can exceed dynamic memory on the server. Generally it is good practice to limit the number of rows retrieved at one time using blobLink to stay within the server's dynamic memory limits.
示例 1. The following statements extract a row containing a large image and a name. It writes HTML containing the name and a link to the image:
cursor = connobj.cursor("SELECT NAME, PICTURE FROM FISHTBL WHERE ID=2") write(cursor.name + " ") write(cursor.picture.blobLink("image/gif", "Link" + cursor.id)) write("<BR>") cursor.close()
These statements produce this HTML:
Anthia <A HREF="LIVEWIRE_TEMP2">Link2</A><BR>
示例 2. The following example creates a cursor from the rockStarBios 表 and uses blobLink to create links to images retrieved from the photos column:
write("Click a link to display an image:<P>") cursor = database.cursor("select * from rockStarBios") while(cursor.next()) { write(cursor.photos.blobLink("image/gif", "Image " + cursor.id)) write("<BR>") } cursor.close()
This example generates the following HTML:
Click a link to display an image:<P> <A HREF="LIVEWIRE_TEMP1">Image 1</A><BR> <A HREF="LIVEWIRE_TEMP2">Image 2</A><BR> <A HREF="LIVEWIRE_TEMP3">Image 3</A><BR> <A HREF="LIVEWIRE_TEMP4">Image 4</A><BR>
The LIVEWIRE_TEMP files in this example are temporary files created in memory by the blobLink method.
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