JSObject is converted to the original JavaScript object.
Any other Java object is converted to a JavaScript wrapper, which can be used to access methods and fields of the Java object. Converting this wrapper to a string will call the toString method on the original object, converting to a number will call the floatValue method if possible and fail otherwise. Converting to a boolean will try to call the booleanValue method in the same way.
Java arrays are wrapped with a JavaScript object that understands array.length and array【索引】.
A Java boolean is converted to a JavaScript boolean.
Java byte, char, short, int, long, float, and double are converted to JavaScript numbers.
Objects that are wrappers around Java objects are unwrapped.
Other objects are wrapped with a JSObject.
Strings, numbers, and booleans are converted to String, Float, and Boolean objects respectively.
Note If you call a Java method from JavaScript, this conversion happens automatically--you can pass in "int" argument and it works.
表 14.1 Methods for the JSObject class
The netscape.javascript.JSObject class has the following static methods: 表 14.2 Static methods for the JSObject class
表 14.2 Static methods for the JSObject class
The following sections show the declaration and usage of these methods. call Method. Calls a JavaScript method. Equivalent to "this.methodName(args[0], args[1], ...)" in JavaScript. Declaration public Object call(String methodName, Object args[]) eval Method. Evaluates a JavaScript expression. The expression is a string of JavaScript source code which will be evaluated in the context given by "this". Declaration public Object eval(String s) getMember Method. Retrieves a named member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to "this.name" in JavaScript. Declaration public Object getMember(String name) getSlot Method. Retrieves an indexed member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to "this【索引】" in JavaScript. Declaration public Object getSlot(int index) getWindow Static method. Returns a JSObject for the window containing the given applet. This method is available only on the client. Declaration public static JSObject getWindow(Applet applet) removeMember Method. Removes a named member of a JavaScript object. Declaration public void removeMember(String name) setMember Method. Sets a named member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to "this.name = value" in JavaScript. Declaration public void setMember(String name, Object value) setSlot Method. Sets an indexed member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to "this【索引】 = value" in JavaScript. Declaration public void setSlot(int index, Object value) toString Method. Converts a JSObject to a String. Overrides: toString in class Object Declaration public String toString()