JBoss.org Community Documentation
The top-down development strategy begins with the abstract contract for the service, which includes the WSDL file and zero or more schema files. The wsconsume tool is then used to consume this contract, and produce annotated Java classes (and optionally sources) that define it.
wsconsume seems to have a problem with symlinks on unix systems
Using the WSDL file from the bottom-up example, a new Java implementation that adheres to this service can be generated. The "-k" option is passed to wsconsume to preserve the Java source files that are generated, instead of providing just classes:
$ wsconsume -k EchoService.wsdl echo/Echo.java echo/EchoResponse.java echo/EchoService.java echo/Echo_Type.java echo/ObjectFactory.java echo/package-info.java echo/Echo.java echo/EchoResponse.java echo/EchoService.java echo/Echo_Type.java echo/ObjectFactory.java echo/package-info.java
The following table shows the purpose of each generated file:
File |
Purpose |
Echo.java |
Service Endpoint Interface |
Echo_Type.java |
Wrapper bean for request message |
EchoResponse.java |
Wrapper bean for response message |
ObjectFactory.java |
JAXB XML Registry |
package-info.java |
Holder for JAXB package annotations |
EchoService.java |
Used only by JAX-WS clients |
Examining the Service Endpoint Interface reveals annotations that are more explicit than in the class written by hand in the bottom-up example, however, these evaluate to the same contract:
@WebService(name = "Echo", targetNamespace = "http://echo/") public interface Echo { @WebMethod @WebResult(targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "echo", targetNamespace = "http://echo/", className = "echo.Echo_Type") @ResponseWrapper(localName = "echoResponse", targetNamespace = "http://echo/", className = "echo.EchoResponse") public String echo( @WebParam(name = "arg0", targetNamespace = "") String arg0); }
The only missing piece (besides the packaging) is the implementation class, which can now be written, using the above interface.
package echo; @javax.jws.WebService(endpointInterface="echo.Echo") public class EchoImpl implements Echo { public String echo(String arg0) { return arg0; } }