Community Documentation
Part III. JGroups and JBoss Cache
Table of Contents
10. JGroups Services
10.1. Configuring a JGroups Channel's Protocol Stack
10.1.1. Common Configuration Properties
10.1.2. Transport Protocols
10.1.3. Discovery Protocols
10.1.4. Failure Detection Protocols
10.1.5. Reliable Delivery Protocols
10.1.6. Group Membership (GMS)
10.1.7. Flow Control (FC)
10.1.8. Fragmentation (FRAG2)
10.1.9. State Transfer
10.1.10. Distributed Garbage Collection (STABLE)
10.1.11. Merging (MERGE2)
10.2. Key JGroups Configuration Tips
10.2.1. Binding JGroups Channels to a Particular Interface
10.2.2. Isolating JGroups Channels
10.2.3. Improving UDP Performance by Configuring OS UDP Buffer Limits
10.3. JGroups Troubleshooting
10.3.1. Nodes do not form a cluster
10.3.2. Causes of missing heartbeats in FD
11. JBoss Cache Configuration and Deployment
11.1. Key JBoss Cache Configuration Options
11.1.1. Editing the CacheManager Configuration
11.1.2. Cache Mode
11.1.3. Transaction Handling
11.1.4. Concurrent Access
11.1.5. JGroups Integration
11.1.6. Eviction
11.1.7. Cache Loaders
11.1.8. Buddy Replication
11.2. Deploying Your Own JBoss Cache Instance
11.2.1. Deployment Via the CacheManager Service
11.2.2. Deployment Via a
11.2.3. Deployment Via a
Chapter 9. JBoss Messaging Clustering Notes
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Chapter 10. JGroups Services