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The major benefit of the JSF framework is a component based architecture. The component in JSF is not just a set of HTML code rendered and interpreted by a browser. The JSF component is a combination of a client-side widget coupled with the server-side object that represents component behavior including data validation, events handling, business layers bean binding, etc.
Comparing to a page-oriented development approach, JSF allows to use a component-oriented paradigm to build a well-designed, highly customizable UI interface based on reusable components.
However, there is not yet enough sets of rich components on the market that might enable the rapid application development. One of the most important problems is a time-consuming and very complicated process of the component creation. Even the very primitive JSF component requires the UIComponent class, Renderer class, Tag class and a faces configuration file (faces-config.xml) to be written.
In order to use the component library in a Facelets environment, you should add the *.taglib.xml file to this checklist.
Creation of the rich component takes even more time. You have to provide the ListenerTagHandler class, a class for creating a listener interface, an event processing method name in a listener interface, an event class, render specific classes for each possible render kit used with the component.
Therefore, the process of JSF component creation is pretty complicated but repeatable. Jonas Jacobi and John R. Fallows in their "Pro JSF and Ajax Bulling Rich Internet Components" book describe the process in details. This description and used approaches are very similar to our own experience and have been used as a methodology for Component Development Kit (CDK) - a sub-project of RichFaces that allows you to easily create rich components with built-in Ajax support.
The significant features of the Component Development Kit (CDK) are:
Quick development start. A new component development starts from a pre-generated component project template. It contains the whole required infrastructure and necessary files generated. It's necessary only to have a Maven installed. All other required stuff will be loaded and configured automatically. For more information about how to work with Maven on JBoss projects explore corresponding articles at JBoss portal.
Declarative approach for a component development. It's necessary only to specify meta-data and a code specific for your component. All other required artifacts are generated for you.
Independent development life-cycle. Component Development Kit (CDK) presumes development of each component isolated from each other with further assembling them into the component library. Hence, this allows to organize a continuous process when one component is already in production condition, but another is just started.
Possibility to create a first-class rich components with built-in Ajax functionality and add Ajax capability to the existing JSF applications.
Facility for automatic testing. At the moment of generating the initial project structure, the Unit Test classes are also generated. The RichFaces also provides the Mock-test facility that allows to emulate a run-time environment and automatically test components before their are gathered into the result library.
Optimization for different JSF implementations. As soon as the most part of a result code is generated, the Component Development Kit (CDK) becomes able to generate an implementation specific code along with a universal code. It makes sense if it's necessary to optimize a result code using features specific for the particular implementation. For example, for using with JSF 1.2 only.
Create a modern rich user interface look-and-feel with JSP-like templates and skins-based technology. RichFaces comes with a number of predefined skins to get you started, but you can also easily create your own custom skins.