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JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

6.9.5.  < rich:changeExpandListener > available since 3.1.0

The <rich:changeExpandListener> represents an action listener method that is notified on an expand/collapse event on the node.

The <rich:changeExpandListener> is used as a nested tag with <rich:tree> and <rich:treeNode> components.

Attribute "type" defines the fully qualified Java class name for the listener. This class should implement org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedListener interface.

The typical variant of using:

<rich:tree switchType="server" value="#{}" var="item" nodeFace="#{item.type}">
    <rich:changeExpandListener type="demo.ListenerBean"/>
    <!-- Tree nodes --> 

Java bean source:

package demo;

import org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedEvent;
public class ListenerBean implements org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedListener{
    public void processExpansion(NodeExpandedEvent arg0){
        //Custom Developer Code 

Table of <rich:changeExpandListener> attributes.