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This is a component for defining what appears under the mouse cursor during drag-and-drop operations. The displayed drag indicator can show information about the dragged elements.
Customizable look and feel
Customizable marker according to the type of dragable elements
In the simplest way the component could be defined empty - in that case a default indicator is shown like this:
For indicator customization you need to define one of the following facets:
"single" — indicator shown when dragging a single item;
"multiple" — indicator shown when dragging several items.
The current implementation of the <rich:dragIndicator> component does not support multiple items selection. The feature is described for future releases.
Thus for specify a look-and-feel you have to define one of these facets and include into it a content that should be shown in indicator.
To place some data from drag or drop zones into component you can use macro definitions. They are being defining in the following way:
<rich:dndParam> component with a specific name and value is being included into a drag/drop support component (an image can be defined as placed inside <rich:dndParam> without defining a value).
in needed place a parameter value is included into the marking of indicator using syntax (name of parameter)
For instance, this:
<rich:dndParam name="testDrop">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/file-manager.png" />
Is placed into indicator as follows:
<f:facet name="single">
Indicator can accept two default macro definitions:
Thus including one of these elements in the marking of indicator, in other words after setting up appropriate parameters in DnD components and defining only default indicator - without specifying facets - a developer gets these parameters values displayed in indicator in the order "marker - label".
The macro definition "marker" can be customized depending on what a draggable element is located over. For that you should define one of these three parameters (specify a parameter with one of three names):
Parameter will be set instead of {marker} into indicator when a draggable element is positioned over drop zone that accept this type of elements
Parameter is set instead of {marker} into indicator when a draggable element is positioned over drop zone that doesn't accept this type of elements
Parameter is set instead of {marker} into indicator when a draggable element is positioned over all the rest of page elements
If you use
inside a form
do not forget to use id like formId:indicatorID
defined in
indicator attribute.
Table of <rich:dragIndicator> attributes.
Table 6.68. Component Identification Parameters
Name | Value |
component-type | org.richfaces.Draggable |
component-class | org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDragIndicator |
component-family | org.richfaces.DragIndicator |
renderer-type | org.richfaces.DragIndicatorRenderer |
tag-class | org.richfaces.taglib.DragIndicatorTag |
On the component LiveDemo page you can see the example of <rich:dragIndicator> usage and sources for the given example.