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JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

6.11.6.  < rich:inplaceInput > available since 3.2.0

The <rich:inplaceInput> is an input component used for displaying and editing data inputted.

The <rich:inplaceInput> component was designed to facilitate displaying and inputting (editing) some data.

The "value" attribute is a value-binding expression for the current value of the component.

The component has three functional states:

The "editEvent" attribute provides an option to assign a JavaScript action to initiate the change of the state from view/changed to edit. The default value is "onclick".


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" editEvent="ondblclick"/> 

The <rich:inplaceInput> component provides specific event attributes:


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" oneditactivation="if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to change the value?')){return false;}" />

The given code illustrates how "oneditactivation" attribute works, namely when the state is being changed from view to edit, a confirmation window with a message "Are you sure you want to change value?" comes up.

Using the boolean "selectOnEdit" attribute set to true, the text in the input field will be selected when the change from view/changed state to edit occurs.

This is the result:

If the <rich:inplaceInput> loses focus, input data is saved automatically and the component displays a new value. Additionally, the data is saved when "Enter" is pressed. Nevertheless, you can use the "showControls" attribute, which makes "Save" and "Cancel" buttons appear next to the input field. If the controls are used, data is not saved automatically when the form loses focus: user has to confirm that he/she wants to save/discard the data explicitly. In both cases (with controls or without them) the input data can be discarded by pressing "Esc" key.


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" showControls="true"/>

You can also position the controls relatively to the input field, by means of

  • the "controlsHorizontalPosition" attribute with "left", "right" and "center" definitions

  • the "controlsVerticalPosition " attribute with "bottom", "center" and "top" definitions


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" showControls="true" controlsVerticalPosition="bottom" controlsHorizontalPosition="left"/>

This is the result:

It is also possible to use "controls" facet in order to replace the default controls with facets content. See the example below.


<rich:inplaceInput defaultLabel="Click here to edit" showControls="true" controlsHorizontalPosition="left" controlsVerticalPosition="bottom" id="inplaceInput">
    <f:facet name="controls">
        <h:commandButton value="Save" onclick="#{rich:component('inplaceInput')}.save();" type="button" />
        <h:commandButton value="Cancel" onclick="#{rich:component('inplaceInput')}.cancel();" type="button" />

This is the result:


The "controls" facet also implies using "showControls" attribute and it has to be defined as "true".

Redefinition of the "save" and "cancel" icons can be performed using "saveControlIcon" and "cancelControlIcon" attributes. You need to define the path to where your images are located.


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" defaultLabel='click to edit'

The <rich:inplaceInput> component could be rendered with <span> or <div> elements to display its value. In order to change default <span> output, use "layout" attribute with "block" value.

The <rich:inplaceInput> component supports the standard "tabindex" attribute. When the component gets focus the edit mode is activated.

The "inputWidth" , "minInputWidth" , "maxInputWidth" attributes are provided to specify the width, minimal width and maximal width for the input element respectively.

Table of <rich:inplaceInput> attributes.

You can find all necessary information about style classes redefinition in Definition of Custom Style Classes section.

On the component Live Demo page you can see the example of <rich:inplaceIput> usage and sources for the given example.