JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
Context menus are called when you right-click on a UI element. RichFaces library provides a special component <rich:contextMenu > to implement this type of functionality.
Context menu is made for the following UI controls:
Album menu item in navigation menu/Album thumbnail
Image thumbnail
Shelf menu item in navigation menu
Let's have a look at how the context menu for a single image is constructed.
<rich:contextMenu disableDefaultMenu="false" style="text-align:left;" rendered="#{controller.isUserImage(image)}"
event="oncontextmenu" attached="true" submitMode="ajax" attachTo="#{mediaOutput}">
<rich:menuItem value="#{messages['image.delete']}" limitToList="true"
<rich:menuItem value="#{messages['image.edit']}" limitToList="true"
<rich:menuItem value="#{messages['image_show']}" limitToList="true"
That is a listing from \includes\contextMenu\CMForImage.xhtml
This code is included into the very bottom of imageList.xhtml file like this:
<ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForImage.xhtml" >
<ui:param name="image" value="#{image}" />
<ui:param name="mediaOutput" value="#{rich:clientId('img')}"/>
The context menu code is included with 2 parameters: "image"
and "mediaOutput"
. The first ( "image"
) is the name of the current image. The <a4j:repeat> iterates over a collection of images(see the next listing), the name of the current image is stored in the "image"
variable. "mediaOutput"
parameter is set with the help of rich:clientId('id')
that returns client id by short id or null if the component with the id specified hasn't been found.
This is the block of code that displays each image:
<a4j:repeat id="imageList" value="#{model.images}" var="image" rows="20">
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.cssClass}">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="pr_photo_bg" style="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.imageBgStyle}" value="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.imageBg}" />
<h:panelGrid cellpadding="0">
reRender="mainArea, treePanel">
<a4j:mediaOutput id="img" element="img"
style="border : 1px solid #FFFFFF;"
value="#{fileManager.transformPath(image.fullPath, imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.filePostfix)}">
<f:param value="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.x}" name="x" />
<rich:dragSupport rendered="#{controller.isUserImage(image)}" reRender="mainArea, treePanel" id="dragSource" dragIndicator="dragIndicator"
dragType="image" dragValue="#{image}">
<rich:dndParam id="dragParam" name="label" value="#{image.name}" />
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_name">#{image.name}</h:panelGroup>
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_data">
<h:outputText value="#{image.created}">
<f:convertDateTime />
<ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForImage.xhtml" >
<ui:param name="image" value="#{image}" />
<ui:param name="mediaOutput" value="#{rich:clientId('img')}"/>
The key attribute of <contextMenu> is "attachTo" that specifies for which control the context menu is displayed. As you can see this attribute has #{mediaOutput}
as its value( attachTo="#{mediaOutput}"
so this way the id of the current image is passed to <rich:contexMenu> and this is how it knows what photo is affected by user actions.