HOWTO use Jena with an external DIG reasoner


The built-in Jena rule-based reasoners are able to provide semantic entailments for ontologies using OWL-lite, and some constructs from OWL-DL and OWL-full. However, for large or complex ontologies the rule-based approach can computationally very expensive. Moreover, there are useful modelling primitives in OWL-DL that many semantic-web applications will wish to make use of, but which the rule-based reasoners don't handle. Jena's architecture provides a mechanism for attaching external reasoners to Jena models, by re-implementing the Graph interface. Jena version 2.1 onwards provides an illustration of this technique by providing a transparent gateway between Jena ontology models and external reasoners implementing the DIG description logic reasoner interface (henceforth abbreviated simply to the DIG interface).

The DIG interface is an emerging standard for providing access to description-logic reasoning via an HTTP-based interface to a separate reasoning process. Available DIG reasoners at the time of writing include: Racer, FaCT and Pellet. In principle, Jena should work with any conformant DIG reasoner (but see note below). The current release is known to work with Pellet, version 1.3-beta. Jena's DIG interface does not work correctly with RacerPro (i.e. versions greater than 1.7.23, which was the last free release). Now that RacerPro is a commercial product, we are unfortunately not in a position to test the Jena code against it.

Our current recommendation is to use the Pellet reasoner, since it is robust and scalable, and is available under under an open-source license. Pellet is available from this download site.


Figure 1 shows an overview of the connection between a Jena ontology model and an existing DIG reasoner process.

schematic diagram
Figure 1: Schematic of dataflows between Jena model and DIG reasoner

As figure 1 shows, accessing a DIG reasoner in Jena uses the identical API to accessing a normal in-memory model. That is, the usual model API is used to, for example, list the classes in the model or determine the properties of an individual. Moreover, the information inferred by the reasoner is available as RDF triples. So, if the reasoner determines that a class A is unsatisfiable, the triple :A rdfs:subClassOf owl:Nothing will appear in the model. Figure 1 also illustrates that the DIG adapter must be told the host name and port number for accessing the HTTP interface of the reasoner.

Setting up a Jena DIG reasoner

In Jena, a reasoner is an object that creates instances of an inference graph (InfGraph) that is able to produce additional triples based on the triples asserted in the base graph. This is shown in Figure 1: the base graph is maintained on the Jena side (i.e. client-side); when a triple is added to a model backed by a DIG reasoner it is first asserted into the base graph. This allows Jena programs access to the raw data, as well as the inferred data. For example, it is typically only the contents of the base graph that is written out when the model is serialized.

To create a DIGReasoner object that can bind a base graph to an external reasoner, we invoke the DIGReasonerFactory. The full syntax for doing this is:

   DIGReasonerFactory drf = (DIGReasonerFactory) ReasonerRegistry.theRegistry()
                                                                 .getFactory( DIGReasonerFactory.URI );
   DIGReasoner r = (DIGReasoner) drf.create( null );

Since this is quite verbose, a short-cut exists:

   DIGReasoner r = (DIGReasoner) ReasonerRegistry.theRegistry().create( DIGReasonerFactory.URI, null );

However, note that there are circumstances when the longer form is required (see below). The null parameter passed to the create call is an optional configuration Resource. To pass configuration parameters to the reasoner, such as a non-default host or port address for connecting to the reasoner, properties are attached to a resource and passed in to the create call.

Note that a DIG reasoner does not necessarily have built-in knowledge of the common semantic-web ontology languages (such as OWL and DAML+OIL). The DIG encoding language is neutral to such specific encodings. This presents a problem when working with OWL and DAML, as some facts are assumed to be common knowledge (for example the fact that owl:TransitiveProperty is an owl:ObjectProperty). The Jena rule reasoner handles this requirement by defining specific rules for the common-knowledge language axioms. This is not an option for the Jena DIG reasoner (a model that relied on both internal and external reasoners would be complex indeed!). Instead, we provide an option to create a DIG reasoner with a specific set of axioms built-in to the model. These are provided by variants to the create() call: createWithDAMLAxioms(Resource configuration) createWithOWLAxioms(Resource configuration). Thus, to create a DIG reasoner specialised for OWL usage, with configuration parameters attached to the resource config we would use:

   DIGReasonerFactory drf = (DIGReasonerFactory) ReasonerRegistry.theRegistry()
                                                                 .getFactory( DIGReasonerFactory.URI );
   DIGReasoner r = (DIGReasoner) drf.createWithOWLAxioms( config );

It may be noted that creating a reasoner with pre-loaded axioms in this way precludes the use of the short-cut form.

Attaching a DIG reasoner to an ontology model

A Jena OntModel provides a convenience API for working with semantic web ontology sources. To bind an OntModel to the DIG reasoner, we create an ontology model spec that includes the DIG reasoner created above. A typical pattern (assuming reasoner r has already been created, see above) is:

  OntModelSpec spec = new OntModelSpec( OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM );
  spec.setReasoner( r );
  OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( spec, null );

Ontology model m can then be used in the normal way. If a large model is to be prepared, it may sometimes be more efficient to create the model first, with no reasoner, then bind that model to the reasoner to create the inference model. A typical pattern is:

  OntModel base = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM, null );
  // ... build or load the model contents ...
  OntModelSpec spec = new OntModelSpec( OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM );
  spec.setReasoner( r );
  OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( spec, base );

Configuring the DIG reasoner interface

The DIG reasoner can be configured by passing configuration properties attached to a config resource when invoking create() on the reasoner factory. The following table shows the configuration parameters recognised by the DIG reasoner. Note that the prefix rConf: is defined as, and that vocabulary constants are available from the ReasonerVocabulary class in Java.

URIVocabulary constantMeaning
rConf:extReasonerURL EXT_REASONER_URL Specifies the URL of the connection to the reasoner. Only the hostname and port are used. Default value is http://localhost:8081.
rConf: extReasonerOntologyLang EXT_REASONER_ONT_LANG A URI that specifies the ontology language (OWL or DAML) that will be used with the reasoner. The URI constants are available from the ProfileRegistry. Default is OWL.
rConf:extReasonerAxioms EXT_REASONER_AXIOMS Specifies a URL for a set of axioms to load into the reasoner to support the ontology language being used. Default value is none.

Extended example

The following program shows a complete example of using the DIG reasoner, with a non-default URL to connect to. We assume that the DIG reasoner has been started on port 2004 (e.g. with sh -port 2004).

import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.ReasonerRegistry;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.dig.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.*;

public class DIGExample
  public static void main( String[] args ) {
    // set up a configuration resource to connect to the reasoner
    // on port 2004 on the local system
    Model cModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
    Resource conf = cModel.createResource();
    conf.addProperty( ReasonerVocabulary.EXT_REASONER_URL, 
                      cModel.createResource( "http://localhost:2004" ) );
    // create the reasoner factory and the reasoner
    DIGReasonerFactory drf = (DIGReasonerFactory) ReasonerRegistry.theRegistry()
                                                                  .getFactory( DIGReasonerFactory.URI );
    DIGReasoner r = (DIGReasoner) drf.create( conf );
    // now make a model
    OntModelSpec spec = new OntModelSpec( OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM );
    spec.setReasoner( r );
    OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( spec, null );
    // load an input document "" );
    // list the inconsistent classes
    StmtIterator i = m.listStatements( null, OWL.equivalentClass, OWL.Nothing );
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        System.out.println( "Class " + i.nextStatement().getSubject() + " is unsatisfiable" );

The output produced by this program was:

Class is unsatisfiable
Class 2d9c06:fca384780f:-7ff4 is unsatisfiable
Class is unsatisfiable
Class is unsatisfiable

The second value is Jena's anonymous node (bNode) identifier for a class expression from the input document that intersects with Koala, which is itself unsatisfiable.

Caveats and cautions

The DIG interface has been tested with OWL as the input language and Pellet as the reasoning engine. Other reasoners, or the use of DAML+OIL as the input language, are provided for in the code but not well tested yet. Users are encouraged to report problems and suggestions to the Jena support list.

Note also that DIG itself is an immature standard. Some parts of OWL-DL cannot be expressed in the DIG tell language, and some desirable queries are not possible. An ongoing discussion about improving DIG is continuing on the DIG-users list, hosted by SourceForge.

CVS $Id: dig-reasoner.html,v 1.2 2005/10/05 15:23:01 ian_dickinson Exp $