Package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph

This package defines the Graph and Node family of classes, which form the underlying datatypes of the Jena system.


Interface Summary
BulkUpdateHandler Defines how bulk update may be done on Graphs.
Capabilities Interface for expressing capabilities.
FrontsNode HasNode - interface for objects that front a Node in some context.
FrontsTriple FrontsTriple (see also FrontsNode) is an interface for things that can be seen as wrappers round triples.
GetTriple this interface describes types that can have a triple extracted using a getTriple method.
Graph The interface to be satisfied by implementations maintaining collections of RDF triples.
GraphAdd The Add part of Graph's interface.
GraphEventManager The component of a graph responsible for managing events and listeners.
GraphListener Interface for listening to graph-level update events.
GraphMaker A factory for providing instances of named graphs with appropriate storage models.
GraphStatisticsHandler A graph's StatisticsHandler offers access to some statistics about that graph's contents that might be useful for optimisation.
NodeVisitor The NodeVisitor interface is used by Node::visitWith so that an application can have type-dispatch on the class of a Node.
Reifier This interface represents the type of things that can hold reified triples for a Jena Graph.
TransactionHandler Preliminary interface for graphs supporting transactions.
TripleBoundary An interface for expressing a stopping condition on triples, such as in sub-graph extraction.
TripleIterator An extended iterator that can return its next element as a Triple.
TripleMatch Interface for triple matching; may become obsolete.

Class Summary
Factory A factory class for creating Graphs.
GraphEvents GraphEvents is the base class for Jena general graph events.
GraphExtract GraphExtract offers a very simple recursive extraction of a subgraph with a specified root in some supergraph.
GraphUtil An ad-hoc collection of useful code for graphs; starting with findAll, which is graph-specific, and extending to iteratorToSet and iteratorToList, which are here because they are used in tests and in the bulk update handlers.
Node A Node has five subtypes: Node_Blank, Node_Anon, Node_URI, Node_Variable, and Node_ANY.
Node_ANY A Node_ANY (there should be only one) is a meta-node that is used to stand for any other node in a query.
Node_Blank RDF blank nodes, ie nodes with identity but without URIs.
Node_Concrete This is the class of "concrete" nodes, ie those which correspond to actual RDF data - URIs, blank nodes, and literals.
Node_Fluid This is the subclass of "fluid" nodes, ie nodes that are "holes" in pattern matching.
Node_Literal An RDF node holding a literal value.
Node_NULL The Highlander Node_NULL exists for the database code (as a Node that coresponds to a null in database tables for the reification code).
Node_URI RDF nodes with a global identity given by a URI.
Node_Variable "variable" nodes; these are outside the RDF2003 specification, but are used internally for "placeholder" nodes where blank nodes would be wrong, most specifically in Query.
NodeCache A NodeCache caches nodes according to their labels, to reduce store turnover at the expense of some additional computation.
Triple Triples are the basis for RDF statements; they have a subject, predicate, and object field (all nodes) and express the notion that the relationship named by the predicate holds between the subject and the object.
Triple.Field A Field is a selector from Triples; it allows selectors to be passed around as if they were functions, hooray.
TripleCache TripleCache caches triples according to their SPO members, to reduce store turnover at the expense of some added computation.
TripleMatchFilter A class to turn a triple (treated as a pattern) into a Filter.
TripleMatchIterator An iterator that selects triples from an underlying iterators of triples It used to take TripleMatch's, but those are obsolete.

Exception Summary
Node.NotLiteral Exception thrown if a literal-access operation is attemted on a non-literal node.

Package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph Description

This package defines the Graph and Node family of classes, which form the underlying datatypes of the Jena system.

Copyright � 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP