Class ResourceUtils

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.util.ResourceUtils

public class ResourceUtils
extends java.lang.Object

General utility methods that operate on RDF resources, but which are not specific to a given model.

CVS $Id:,v 1.16 2008/01/02 12:07:44 andy_seaborne Exp $
Ian Dickinson, HP Labs (email)

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.util.List maximalLowerElements(java.util.Collection resources, Property rel, boolean inverse)
           Answer the maximal lower elements of the given collection, given the partial ordering rel.
static java.util.List maximalLowerElements(java.util.Iterator resources, Property rel, boolean inverse)
           Given a collection of resources, and a relation defining a partial order over those resources, answer the sub-collection that contains only those elements that appear in the maximal generator of the relation.
static java.util.List partition(java.util.List l, Property p)
          Answer a list of lists, which is a partition of the given input list of resources.
static Model reachableClosure(Resource root)
          Answer a model that contains all of the resources reachable from a given resource by any property, transitively.
static java.util.List removeEquiv(java.util.List l, Property p, Resource ref)
          Remove from the given list l of Resources, any Resource that is equivalent to the reference resource ref under the relation p.
static Resource renameResource(Resource old, java.lang.String uri)
          Answer a new resource that occupies the same position in the graph as the current resource old, but that has the given URI.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ResourceUtils()
Method Detail


public static java.util.List maximalLowerElements(java.util.Collection resources,
                                                  Property rel,
                                                  boolean inverse)

Answer the maximal lower elements of the given collection, given the partial ordering rel. See maximalLowerElements( Iterator, Property, boolean ) for details.

resources - A collection of resources
rel - A property defining a partial-ordering on resources
inverse - If true, we invert the given property (by reversing the order of the arguments), which allows us to use eg subClassOf as a partial order operator for both sub-class and super-class relationships
The collection that contains only those resources are not greater than another resource under the partial order.


public static java.util.List maximalLowerElements(java.util.Iterator resources,
                                                  Property rel,
                                                  boolean inverse)

Given a collection of resources, and a relation defining a partial order over those resources, answer the sub-collection that contains only those elements that appear in the maximal generator of the relation. Specifically, a resource x is excluded from the return value if there is another resource y in the input collection such that y Rel x holds.

resources - An iterator over a collection of resources
rel - A property defining a partial-ordering on resources
inverse - If true, we invert the given property (by reversing the order of the arguments), which allows us to use eg subClassOf as a partial order operator for both sub-class and super-class relationships
The list that contains only those resources are not greater than another resource under the partial order.


public static java.util.List removeEquiv(java.util.List l,
                                         Property p,
                                         Resource ref)

Remove from the given list l of Resources, any Resource that is equivalent to the reference resource ref under the relation p. Typically, p will be owl:subClassOf or owl:subPropertyOf or some similar predicate. A resource R is defined to be equivalent to ref iff R p ref is true and ref p R is true.

The equivalent resources are removed from list l in place, the return value is the list of removed resources.

l - A list of resources from which the resources equivalent to ref will be removed
p - An equivalence predicate
ref - A reference resource
A list of the resources removed from the parameter list l


public static java.util.List partition(java.util.List l,
                                       Property p)

Answer a list of lists, which is a partition of the given input list of resources. The equivalence relation is the predicate p. So, two resources a and b will be in the same partition iff (a p b) && (b p a).

l - A list of resources
p - An equivalence predicate
A list of lists which are the partitions of l under p


public static Resource renameResource(Resource old,
                                      java.lang.String uri)

Answer a new resource that occupies the same position in the graph as the current resource old, but that has the given URI. In the process, the existing statements referring to old are removed. Since Jena does not allow the identity of a resource to change, this is the closest approximation to a rename operation that works.

Notes: This method does minimal checking, so renaming a resource to its own URI is unpredictable. Furthermore, it is a general and simple approach, and in given applications it may be possible to do this operation more efficiently. Finally, if res is a property, existing statements that use the property will not be renamed, nor will occurrences of res in other models.

old - An existing resource in a given model
uri - A new URI for resource old, or null to rename old to a bNode
A new resource that occupies the same position in the graph as old, but which has the new given URI.


public static Model reachableClosure(Resource root)

Answer a model that contains all of the resources reachable from a given resource by any property, transitively. The returned graph is the sub-graph of the parent graph of root, whose root node is the given root. Cycles are permitted in the sub-graph.

root - The root node of the sub-graph to extract
A model containing all reachable RDFNodes from root by any property.

Copyright � 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP