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Contact the core Jetty developers at

private support for your internal/customer projects ... custom extensions and distributions ... versioned snapshots for indefinite support ... scalability guidance for your apps and Ajax/Comet projects ... development services from 1 day to full product delivery


Mailing Lists

Developers and users alike are welcome to engage the Jetty community. We all have day jobs here so don't just ask questions on IRC and frustrated if no one answers right away. Stick around to hear an answer, one is likely coming at some point!

Mailing Lists

We have a number of options for people that wish to subscribe to our mailing lists.

  • Jetty Developers List

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  • Jetty Users List

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  • Jetty Announcements List

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  • Jetty Commit List

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Internet Relay Chat - IRC

Much of our conversations about Jetty occur on IRC in one location or another. Users are always welcome to come join our IRC channels and talk with us, other users, or just lurk. - #jetty

Our primary location, we recommend that if your looking to find folks on IRC you try here.

We also have commit notifications coming to this channel on the bottom and top of the hour. - #jetty

Our prior location before the move to the eclipse foundation. We are idle on here.

Commit Tracking

Since Jetty is composed of a diverse array of project source repositories, bridged between the eclipse foundation, the codehaus, and some simple projects on GitHub, we use a hidden gem of opensource called to aggregate commits on our primary repositories to one location so its easier to follow what and where things are happening.


  • This page is updated at the bottom and the top of the hour. RSS feeds are also available through this service.

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