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Configuring Virtual Hosts

Virtual Host Names

A virtual host is an alternative name, registered in DNS, for an IP address such that multiple domain names will resolve the the same IP of a shared server instance. If the content to be served to the aliases names is different, then a virtual host names need to be configured for each deployed context to indicate which names a context will respond to.

Virtual hosts are set on a context by calling the setVirtualHosts or addVirtualHost method which can be done either

Virtual Host Names

Jetty supports the following styles of virtual host name:

A fully qualified host name. It is important to list all variants as a site may receive traffic from both and just


A wildcard qualified host which will match only one level of arbitrary names. * will match and, but not

An IP address may be given as a virtual host name to indicate that a context should handle requests received on that server port that do not have a host name specified (HTTP/0.9 or HTTP/1.0)


A connector name, which is not strictly a virtual host, but instead will only match request that are received on connectors that have a matching name set with Connector.setName(String).


Non ascii and IDN domain names can be set as virtual host using Puny Code equivalents that may be obtained from a Punycode/IDN converters. For example if the non ascii domain name www.√ is given to a browser, then it will make a request that uses the domain name, which is the name that should be added as the virtual host name.

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