JGroups tutorial

Bela Ban

JGroups Project


$Id: master.xml,v 1.4 2007/07/18 14:26:26 belaban Exp $

This document is copyrighted. Copies are allowed for personal use. Redistribution only with written permission of the author(s).

$Date: 2007/07/18 14:26:26 $

Table of Contents

About the tutorial
1. Installation
1.1. Download
1.2. Configuration
1.3. Testing your Setup
1.4. Running a Demo Program
1.5. Using JGroups without a network
1.6. Trouble shooting
2. Writing a simple application
2.1. JGroups overview
2.2. Creating a channel and joining a cluster
2.3. The main event loop and sending chat messages
2.4. Receiving messages and view change notifications
2.5. Trying out the SimpleChat application
2.6. Extra credits: maintaining shared cluster state
2.7. Conclusion