W3C Jigsaw

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This resource provides editable access to connection properties specific to the raw socket access to Jigsaw. As for the other property sheets, the resource just provides a nice way of describing a set of resources, and the way they should be edited, so each attribute below, really corresponds to a property defined in the property file of Jigsaw.

Tunning these resources can be a very difficult exercise. It is recommended that you try very hard to understand these properties before playing with them.


The SocketConnectionProp class inerits from the following classes:

Attributes description

The SocketConnectionProp defines the following attributes:

The number of free (not working) clients the server has to have in order to consider itself under very light load. When the server is running under that load, the server will keep connection opens as long as possible (with no time out).
This attribute is an editable IntegerAttribute
default value
This attribute defaults to 5.

The number of free (not working) clients the server has to have in order to go from the normal load state back into the light load state. The difference between that number and minFree avoids having the server yo-yoing from the light load state to the normal load state.
This attribute is an editable IntegerAttribute
default value
This attribute defaults to 10.

The maximum number of idle client. An idle client thread is a thread waiting for the next request on a persistent connection. When the maxIdle number of idle client threads is reached, the server turns itself either into high load (if it still has free clients), or dead load otherwise. Under normal load, the client pool will make sure to shutdown at least one persistent connection before accepting a new one. Under high load the server will start adjusting thread prorities (it will lower the accepting thread's priority under the normal client's thread priority, to give more CPU to client threads). On dead load, the server will reject incomming connections.
This attribute is an editable IntegerAttribute
default value
This attribute defaults to 20.

The maximum simultaneous number of client connections the server will ever accept.
This attribute is an editable IntegerAttribute
default value
This attribute defaults to 32.

The timeout that will indicate that a thread is no longer usefull. A minmum number of threads will always remain alive, even though this timeout value is provided.
This attribute is an editable IntegerAttribute
default value
This attribute defaults to 10000.

The maximum number of allowed threads, whatever happens.
This attribute is an editable IntegerAttribute
default value
This attribute defaults to 40.

Jigsaw Team
$Id: org.w3c.jigsaw.http.socket.SocketConnectionProp.html,v 1.2 1998/03/27 08:20:18 bmahe Exp $