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Cocoon and Jigsaw
Installing cocoon on Jigsaw

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Installing cocoon on Jigsaw

Download Cocoon
Jigsaw has been tested with Cocoon 1.8.

Cocoon is a servlet, so we only have to install it and configure Jigsaw to "associate" all xml documents to that servlet.

Update your CLASSPATH variable:
Edit servlet.properties
In [jigsaw-home]/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/config/servlet.properties Add the lines:
servlet.cocoon.description=The Cocoon Servlet
Configure xml mapping
Ok, it's time to restart Jigsaw with the new configuration. Now we need to "map" all xml documents to the Cocoon servlet, for that we use a ServletMapperFrame exactly like we do for jsp configuration.

So, setup the indexer with JigAdmin (eg: cocoon-indexer). Under the "extensions" node add the "xml" extension using a FileResource associated to a ServletMapperFrame. Then, in the ServletMapperFrame, set the "servlet-url" field to the Cocoon Servlet URI (eg: /servlet/cocoon).

XML Mapping configuration

Note: don't forget to associate the cocoon-indexer to the top level directory resource of your cocoon space.

Read the documentation!
Cocoon User Guide