Howto: How to compile JOnAS

The content of this guide is the following:

  1. Target Audience and Rationale
  2. Getting the JOnAS Source
  3. Recompiling JOnAS from the Source
  4. Recompiling the package JOnAS/Jetty/Axis from the Source
  5. Recompiling the package JOnAS/Tomcat/Axis from the Source

Target Audience and Rationale

The target audience for this chapter is the JOnAS user who wants to build a JOnAS version from the source code obtained from CVS.

Getting the JOnAS Source

CVS (Concurrent Version System) provides network-transparent source control for groups of developers. It runs on most UNIX systems and on Windows NT systems. Refer to for more information

CVS provides many read-only cvs commands, such as cvs status or cvs diff. However, because it is read only, an individual user cannot commit changes. To start working with CVS on JOnAS, make a checkout of the jonas module, using the following command:

    cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/JOnAS login
    (hit enter key when prompted for password)
    cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/JOnAS co jonas

The CVSROOT variable can be set, instead of using the -d option.

Recompiling JOnAS from the Source

  1. Download Ant from the Ant project site.

    The build.xml file used for building JOnAS is located in the objectweb/jonas directory.

  2. The JDK and ANT must have been successfully configured. (JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME, PATH environment variables)
  3. Set the following environment variables with the appropriate value:
  4. Perform the following:

    cd $OBJECTWEB_HOME/jonas and choose a target:

Recompiling the package JOnAS/Jetty/Axis from the Source

  1. Download Ant from the Ant project site.

    The build.xml file used for building JOnAS is located in the objectweb/jonas directory.

  2. Place the bcel.jar in the ANT_HOME/lib directory. It is available for downloading from the Jakarta web site.
  3. The JDK and ANT must have been successfully configured. (JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME, PATH environment variables)
  4. Set the following environment variables with the appropriate value:
  5. Perform the following:

    cd $OBJECTWEB_HOME/jonas and choose a target:

Recompiling the package JOnAS/Tomcat/Axis from the Source

  1. Download Ant from the Ant project site.

    The build.xml file used for building JOnAS is located in the objectweb/jonas directory.

  2. Place the bcel.jar in the ANT_HOME/lib directory. It is available for downloading from the Jakarta web site.
  3. The JDK and ANT must have been successfully configured. (JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME, PATH environment variables)
  4. Set the following environment variables with the appropriate value:
  5. Perform the following:

    cd $OBJECTWEB_HOME/jonas and choose a target: