Chapter 3. Using the Graphical Installer

Since the graphical installer will only install new packages (and not upgrade those previously-installed), a few packages must be removed prior to installation:
rpm -e xalan-j ant-libs ant mx4j commons-modeler jaf javamail junit bcel
In a similar manner, remove Eclipse packages if any are installed on your system:
rpm -e eclipse eclipse-lomboz

If you chose to burn a CD of the ISO, upon inserting the CD you will most likely be presented with the choice of running the graphical installer; select "Yes". Should you not be prompted, run the following commands (as root) to mount the CD:

mkdir /mnt/rhaps
mount /mnt/cdrom /mnt/rhaps

If you chose not to burn a CD of the ISO, you will need to mount the ISO image. Do this by running the following commands (as root):

mkdir /mnt/rhaps
mount -o loop path_to_iso /mnt/rhaps

Once the CD or ISO image is mounted, run the following command (as root) to start the installer:

cd /mnt/rhaps

After you start the installer, you are presented with the License Agreement.

Figure 3-1. License Agreement

Click I Accept to continue.

Figure 3-2. Package Management Introduction

Click Forward to begin your installation. The installer will perform some checks to determine which packages it can install and if any are already present on your system.

Figure 3-3. Package Checks

Now you can begin selecting which parts of Red Hat Application Server and Developer Suite you want to install. Packages have been grouped into categories for easy selection. The following is a brief description of the package categories:

Package CategoryDescription
Red Hat Application Server - Common PackagesThese packages are required for both JOnAS and Tomcat installations. Selecting either JOnAS or Tomcat installation will automatically install this category as well.
Red Hat Application Server - JOnAS InstallationThe packages for the JOnAS installation.
Red Hat Application Server - Client InstallationThe packages for the client installation.
Red Hat Application Server - Tomcat Installation (Standalone)The packages for the standalone Tomcat installation.
Red Hat Application Server - Examples and DemosThese packages are examples and demonstrations for various components of Red Hat Application Server.
Red Hat Application Server - DocumentationRed Hat Application Server documentation in HTML and PDF forms.
Red Hat Developer Suite - Eclipse SDKThe packages for Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools, Plugin Development Environment, and Documentation
Red Hat Developer Suite - CDTThe packages for C/C++ Development Tools
Red Hat Developer Suite - RPM PluginThe packages for the RPM Plugin.
Red Hat Developer Suite - OProfile PluginThe packages for OProfile Profiling Support.
Red Hat Developer Suite - ChangeLog PluginThe packages for the ChangeLog Plugin.
Red Hat Developer Suite - Lomboz PluginThe packages for Application Server development tools.

Table 3-1. Package Categories

Figure 3-4. Category Selection

Once a package category is selected, the individual packages within that category can be viewed by clicking the Details button. Hold the mouse over the word Details to make the button appear:

Figure 3-5. Package Details

For the Red Hat Application Server - Examples and Demos category, clicking Details enables you to pick and choose individual packages that you would like to install:

Figure 3-6. Choosing Packages

Other than for the Examples and Demos and the Documentation categories, you cannot individually select and/or un-select packages within the category:

Figure 3-7. Some Packages Occur as Groups Only

After you have made all your selections, clicking Forward gives you an overview of what packages will be installed and their space requirements:

Figure 3-8. Package Installation Overview

During installation of the packages, the installer will display progress information:

Figure 3-9. Package Installation Progress

Once the installation has completed, the installer indicates that it has finished successfully:

Figure 3-10. Installation Complete