Chapter 4. Packages Included in Red Hat Application Server and Red Hat Developer Suite

Red Hat Application Server contains Application Server Packages, JOnAS-specific Packages, JOnAS Client Packages, and stand-alone Tomcat Packages.

Red Hat Developer Suite contains Developer Suite Packages.

ant1.6.1Ant is a platform-independent build tool for java.
ant-apache-bsf1.6.1Optional apache bsf tasks for ant.
ant-apache-resolver1.6.1Optional apache resolver tasks for ant.
ant-commons-logging1.6.1Optional commons logging tasks for ant.
ant-jakarta-bcel1.6.1Optional jakarta bcel tasks for ant.
ant-jakarta-log4j1.6.1Optional jakarta log4j tasks for ant.
ant-jakarta-oro1.6.1Optional jakarta oro tasks for ant.
ant-jakarta-regexp1.6.1Optional jakarta regexp tasks for ant.
ant-javamail1.6.1Optional javamail tasks for ant.
ant-jdepend1.6.1Optional jdepend tasks for ant.
ant-jmf1.6.1Optional jmf tasks for ant.
ant-junit1.6.1Optional junit tasks for ant.
ant-scripts1.6.1Additional Perl and Python scripts for ant.
ant-swing1.6.1Optional swing tasks for ant.
ant-trax1.6.1Optional trax tasks for ant.
ant-xalan21.6.1Optional xalan2 tasks for ant.
antlr2.7.2ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions.
bcel5.1The Byte Code Engineering Library is intended to give users a convenient means to analyze, create, and manipulate Java class files.
jaf1.0.2JavaBeans Activation Framework reference implementation.
jakarta-commons-beanutils1.6.1Jakarta Commons BeanUtils Package. The scope of this package is to create a package of Java utility methods for accessing and modifying the properties of arbitrary JavaBeans.
jakarta-commons-collections2.1Utilities for handling Java collections; these extend or augment the Java Collections Framework.
jakarta-commons-digester1.5XML-to-Java-object mapping utility commonly used for parsing XML configuration files.
jakarta-commons-el1.0Implementation for javax.servlet.jsp.el.
jakarta-commons-fileupload1.0Utilities for uploading files.
jakarta-commons-launcher0.9Cross platform Java application launcher.
jakarta-commons-logging1.0.4Logging utilities: wrappers around a variety of logging API implementations.
jakarta-commons-modeler1.1Mechanisms to create Model MBeans compatible with the Java Management Extensions (JMX) specification.
jakarta-commons-validator1.0.2A framework to define validation methods and rules in XML files with support for internationalization.
jakarta-taglibs-standard1.1.0Open source implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library.
jasper55.0.19JSP Engine - JSP 2.0 API.
javamail1.3.1A platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications.
javamail-monolithic1.3.1Javamail in one monolithic jar.
jdepend2.6Java Design Quality Metrics. JDepend allows you to automatically measure the quality of a design in terms of its extensibility, reusability, and maintainability to effectively manage and control package dependencies.
jta1.0.1Java Transaction API reference implementation.
junit3.8.1Java regression test package. JUnit is a regression testing framework used by developer's who implement unit tests in Java.
log4j1.2.8Java logging package. Log4j is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.
mod_jk22.0.4Connects Apache Web Server and Tomcat.
mod_jk2-tools2.0.4Miscellaneous mod_jk2 analysis and report tools.
mx4j1.1.1OpenJMX is an open source implementation of the Java(TM) Management Extensions (JMX).
netcomponents1.3.8NetComponents is an Internet protocol suite. This version supports Finger, Whois, TFTP, Telnet, POP3, FTP, NNTP, SMTP, and some miscellaneous protocols like Time and Echo.
oro2.0.8Full regular expressions API. The Jakarta-ORO Java classes are a set of text-processing Java classes that provide Perl5 compatible regular expressions, AWK-like regular expressions, glob expressions, and utility classes for performing substitutions, splits, filtering filenames, etc.
regexp1.3Simple regular expressions API.
servletapi55.0.18Java servlet and JSP implementation classes.
struts1.1Web application framework.
xalan-j22.5.2Xalan is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. It implements the W3C Recommendations for XSL Transformations (XSLT) and the XML Path Language (XPath).
xerces-j22.6.2Java XML parser. Xerces 2 is a fully conforming XML Schema processor. This version of Xerces introduces the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), a complete framework for building parser components and configurations that is extremely modular and easy to program.
xerces-j2-scripts2.6.2Additional utility scripts for xerces-j2.
xml-commons1.0Common code for XML projects.
xml-commons-apis1.0API subproject of xml-commons.
xml-commons-resolver1.1Resolver subproject of xml-commons; catalog-based entity and URI resolution.
xml-commons-which1.0Which subproject of xml-commons.

Table 4-1. Red Hat Application Server Application Server Packages

adaptx0.9.6Adaptx is an extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) processor.
avalon-framework4.1.4Avalon-framework provides interfaces that define relationships between commonly used application components, best-of-practice pattern enforcements, and several lightweight convenience implementations of the generic components.
avalon-logkit1.2Avalon-logkit provides a logging toolkit designed for secure, performance-oriented logging in applications.
axis1.1Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) submission to W3C.
batik1.5Batik is a toolkit for manipulating SVG images.
batik-monolithic1.5All batik in one monolithic jar.
batik-rasterizer1.5Batik SVG rasterizer.
batik-slideshow1.5Batik SVG slideshow.
batik-squiggle1.5Batik SVG browser.
batik-svgpp1.5Batik SVG pretty printer.
batik-ttf2svg1.5Batik SVG font converter.
bsf2.3.0Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is a set of Java classes which provides scripting language support within Java applications, and access to Java objects and methods from scripting languages.
bsh1.3.0BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable, Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java.
castor0.9.5Castor is a data binding framework for Java.
castor-test0.9.5Tests for castor.
castor-xml0.9.5XML support for castor.
concurrent1.3.2Concurrent provides standardized, efficient versions of utility classes commonly encountered in concurrent Java programming.
cryptix3.2Cryptix provides a cleanroom implementation of Sun's Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) version 1.1. It also contains the Cryptix Provider, which offers a wide range of algorithms and support for PGP 2.x.
cryptix-asn13.2Java Transaction API reference implementation.
ejb2.1Enterprise Java Bean API.
fop0.20.5Formatting Objects Processor is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) and an independent formatter.
gnu.getopt1.0.9A Java port of GNU getopt, a class for parsing command-line arguments passed to programs.
ht2html2.0The Web site generator.
httpunit1.5.4Test tool for web applications.
jakarta-commons-discovery0.2Tools for locating implementations for pluggable interfaces.
jakarta-commons-httpclient2.0A framework for working with the client-side of the HTTP protocol.
jakarta-commons-lang2.0 Common set of utility classes that provide extra functionality for classes in java.lang.
javacc3.2A parser/scanner generator for Java.
javagroups2.1.1JavaGroups is a toolkit for reliable multicast communication. It can be used to create groups of processes whose members can send messages to each other.
java_cup0.10A Java source interpreter.
jdom1.0Java alternative to DOM and SAX.
jimi1.0A class library for manipulating images.
jlex1.2.6A lexical analyzer generator.
jms1.1Java Message Service.
jonas4.1.2An open-source application server.
jtidy1.0An HTML syntax checker and pretty printer.
jtidy-scripts1.0Utility scripts for jtidy.
jython2.2A Java implementation of the Python language.
ldapjdk4.1The Mozilla LDAP Java SDK.
libreadline-java0.8.0Java wrapper for the GNU-readline library.
nekohtml0.8.3A simple HTML scanner and tag balancer that enables application programmers to parse HTML documents and access the information using standard XML interfaces.
oldrhino1.5JavaScript for Java.
puretls0.9Java implementation of the SSLv3 and TLSv1 (RFC2246) protocols.
rhino1.5JavaScript for Java.
saxon6.5.3Java XSLT processor. The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents.
saxon-aelfred6.5.3Java XML parser.
saxon-fop6.5.3FOP support for saxon.
saxon-jdom6.5.3JDOM support for saxon.
saxon-scripts6.5.3Utility scripts for saxon.
wsdl4j1.4Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit (WSDL4J) allows the creation, representation, and manipulation of WSDL documents describing services.
xalan-j2-xsltc2.5.2XSLT compiler

Table 4-2. Red Hat Application Server JOnAS-specific Packages

jonas-client4.1.2JOnAS "fat client" support.

Table 4-3. Red Hat Application Server JOnAS Client Packages

jakarta-commons-daemon1.0Jakarta Commons Daemon Package. The scope of this package is to define an API in line with the current Java(tm) Platform APIs to support an alternative invocation mechanism.
jakarta-commons-dbcp1.2.1Jakarta Commons Database Pooling Package.
jakarta-commons-pool1.1A generic object pooling interface: a toolkit for creating modular object pools and several general purpose pool implementations.
struts-webapps-tomcat51.1Sample struts webapps for tomcat5.
tomcat55.0.27Apache Servlet/JSP Engine that conforms to the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.
tomcat5-admin-webapps5.0.27Administration web application for Tomcat.
tomcat5-admin5.0.27Web application for Tomcat.
tyrex1.0Service provider for both Servlet and EJB containers, JMS providers and generic connectors.

Table 4-4. Red Hat Application Server Stand-alone Tomcat Packages

eclipse-jdt3.0.0Eclipse Java development tools.
eclipse-gtk23.0.0GTK2 UI for the Eclipse IDE.
eclipse-source3.0.0Eclipse Source.
eclipse-scripts3.0.0Eclipse startup scripts.
eclipse-platform3.0.0Eclipse platform common files. In addition to this, you'll need the startup scripts and a UI package (GTK2) to be able to run the IDE.
eclipse-pde3.0.0Eclipse PDE.
libswt3-gtk23.0.0SWT Library for GTK2.

Table 4-5. Red Hat Developer Suite SDK Packages

eclipse-cdt2.0The eclipse-cdt package contains Eclipse features and plugins that are useful for C and C++ development.

Table 4-6. Red Hat Developer Suite CDT Packages

eclipse-rpm1.1.0The eclipse-rpm package contains an Eclipse plugin for building RPMs.

Table 4-7. Red Hat Developer Suite RPM Plugin Packages

eclipse-oprofile1.1.0The eclipse-oprofile package contains Eclipse plugins for the OProfile package.

Table 4-8. Red Hat Developer Suite OProfile Plugin Packages

eclipse-changelog1.1The eclipse-changelog package contains Eclipse features and plugins that are useful for ChangeLog maintenance.

Table 4-9. Red Hat Developer Suite ChangeLog Plugin Packages

eclipse-lomboz3.0The eclipse-lomboz package contains the Lomboz Eclipse plugin, a toolkit for web and J2EE (TM) applications development.

Table 4-10. Red Hat Developer Suite Lomboz Plugin Packages