Chapter 10. Defining the Deployment Descriptor

This chapter is for the Enterprise Bean provider; that is, the person in charge of developing the software components on the server side.

10.1. Principles

The bean programmer is responsible for providing the deployment descriptor associated with the developed Enterprise Beans. The Bean Provider's responsibilities and the Application Assembler's responsibilities are to provide an XML deployment descriptor that conforms to the deployment descriptor's XML schema as defined in the EBJ specification version 2.0. (Refer to $JONAS_ROOT/xml/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd or

To deploy Enterprise JavaBeans on the EJB server, information not defined in the standard XML deployment descriptor may be needed. For example, this information may include the mapping of the bean to the underlying database for an Entity Bean with container-managed persistence. This information is specified during the deployment step in another XML deployment descriptor that is specific to JOnAS. The JOnAS-specific deployment descriptor's XML schema is located in $JONAS_ROOT/xml/jonas-ejb-jar_X_Y.xsd. The file name of the JOnAS-specific XML deployment descriptor must be the file name of the standard XML deployment descriptor prefixed by "jonas-".

The parser gets the specified schema via the classpath (schemas are packaged in the $JONAS_ROOT/lib/common/ow_jonas.jar file).

The standard deployment descriptor should include the following structural information for each Enterprise Bean:

The JOnAS-specific deployment descriptor contains information for each Enterprise Bean including: