II. Enterprise Beans Programmer's Guide

This part contains information for the Enterprise Beans programmer; that is, the person in charge of developing the software components on the server side and, more specifically, the Session Beans.

The individual in charge of developing Enterprise Beans should consult chapters in this part for instructions on how to perform the following tasks:

  • Write the source code for the beans.

  • Specify the deployment descriptor.

  • Bundle the compiled classes and the deployment descriptor into an EJB JAR file.

For information on developing the three types of enterprise beans, refer to:

The deployment descriptor specification is presented in Chapter 10 Defining the Deployment Descriptor.

More specific issues related to transaction behavior, the Enterprise Bean environment, and security service are presented in the corresponding chapters: Chapter 11 Transactional Behavior of EJB Applications, Chapter 12 Enterprise Bean Environment, and Chapter 13 Security Management.

Principles and tools for providing EJB JAR files are presented in Chapter 14 EJB Packaging and Chapter 15 Application Deployment and Installation Guide.