Mathematical Operations and Elementary Functions
Julia provides a complete collection of basic arithmetic and bitwise operators across all of its numeric primitive types, as well as providing portable, efficient implementations of a comprehensive collection of standard mathematical functions.
Arithmetic Operators
The following arithmetic operators are supported on all primitive numeric types:
Expression | Name | Description |
+x | unary plus | the identity operation |
-x | unary minus | maps values to their additive inverses |
x + y | binary plus | performs addition |
x - y | binary minus | performs subtraction |
x * y | times | performs multiplication |
x / y | divide | performs division |
x \ y | inverse divide | equivalent to y / x |
x ^ y | power | raises x to the y th power |
x % y | remainder | equivalent to rem(x,y) |
as well as the negation on Bool
Expression | Name | Description |
!x | negation | changes true to false and vice versa |
Julia's promotion system makes arithmetic operations on mixtures of argument types "just work" naturally and automatically. See Conversion and Promotion for details of the promotion system.
Here are some simple examples using arithmetic operators:
julia> 1 + 2 + 3
julia> 1 - 2
julia> 3*2/12
(By convention, we tend to space operators more tightly if they get applied before other nearby operators. For instance, we would generally write -x + 2
to reflect that first x
gets negated, and then 2
is added to that result.)
Bitwise Operators
The following bitwise operators are supported on all primitive integer types:
Expression | Name |
~x | bitwise not |
x & y | bitwise and |
x | y | bitwise or |
x ⊻ y | bitwise xor (exclusive or) |
x >>> y | logical shift right |
x >> y | arithmetic shift right |
x << y | logical/arithmetic shift left |
Here are some examples with bitwise operators:
julia> ~123
julia> 123 & 234
julia> 123 | 234
julia> 123 ⊻ 234
julia> xor(123, 234)
julia> ~UInt32(123)
julia> ~UInt8(123)
Updating operators
Every binary arithmetic and bitwise operator also has an updating version that assigns the result of the operation back into its left operand. The updating version of the binary operator is formed by placing a =
immediately after the operator. For example, writing x += 3
is equivalent to writing x = x + 3
julia> x = 1
julia> x += 3
julia> x
The updating versions of all the binary arithmetic and bitwise operators are:
+= -= *= /= \= ÷= %= ^= &= |= ⊻= >>>= >>= <<=
An updating operator rebinds the variable on the left-hand side. As a result, the type of the variable may change.
julia> x = 0x01; typeof(x)
julia> x *= 2 # Same as x = x * 2
julia> typeof(x)
Vectorized "dot" operators
For every binary operation like ^
, there is a corresponding "dot" operation .^
that is automatically defined to perform ^
element-by-element on arrays. For example, [1,2,3] ^ 3
is not defined, since there is no standard mathematical meaning to "cubing" an array, but [1,2,3] .^ 3
is defined as computing the elementwise (or "vectorized") result [1^3, 2^3, 3^3]
. Similarly for unary operators like !
or √
, there is a corresponding .√
that applies the operator elementwise.
julia> [1,2,3] .^ 3
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
More specifically, a .^ b
is parsed as the "dot" call (^).(a,b)
, which performs a broadcast operation: it can combine arrays and scalars, arrays of the same size (performing the operation elementwise), and even arrays of different shapes (e.g. combining row and column vectors to produce a matrix). Moreover, like all vectorized "dot calls," these "dot operators" are fusing. For example, if you compute 2 .* A.^2 .+ sin.(A)
(or equivalently @. 2A^2 + sin(A)
, using the @.
macro) for an array A
, it performs a single loop over A
, computing 2a^2 + sin(a)
for each element of A
. In particular, nested dot calls like f.(g.(x))
are fused, and "adjacent" binary operators like x .+ 3 .* x.^2
are equivalent to nested dot calls (+).(x, (*).(3, (^).(x, 2)))
Furthermore, "dotted" updating operators like a .+= b
(or @. a += b
) are parsed as a .= a .+ b
, where .=
is a fused in-place assignment operation (see the dot syntax documentation).
Note the dot syntax is also applicable to user-defined operators. For example, if you define ⊗(A,B) = kron(A,B)
to give a convenient infix syntax A ⊗ B
for Kronecker products (kron
), then [A,B] .⊗ [C,D]
will compute [A⊗C, B⊗D]
with no additional coding.
Numeric Comparisons
Standard comparison operations are defined for all the primitive numeric types:
Operator | Name |
== | equality |
!= , ≠ | inequality |
< | less than |
<= , ≤ | less than or equal to |
> | greater than |
>= , ≥ | greater than or equal to |
Here are some simple examples:
julia> 1 == 1
julia> 1 == 2
julia> 1 != 2
julia> 1 == 1.0
julia> 1 < 2
julia> 1.0 > 3
julia> 1 >= 1.0
julia> -1 <= 1
julia> -1 <= -1
julia> -1 <= -2
julia> 3 < -0.5
Integers are compared in the standard manner – by comparison of bits. Floating-point numbers are compared according to the IEEE 754 standard:
Finite numbers are ordered in the usual manner.
Positive zero is equal but not greater than negative zero.
is equal to itself and greater than everything else exceptNaN
is equal to itself and less then everything else exceptNaN
is not equal to, not less than, and not greater than anything, including itself.
The last point is potentially surprising and thus worth noting:
julia> NaN == NaN
julia> NaN != NaN
julia> NaN < NaN
julia> NaN > NaN
and can cause especial headaches with Arrays:
julia> [1 NaN] == [1 NaN]
Julia provides additional functions to test numbers for special values, which can be useful in situations like hash key comparisons:
Function | Tests if |
isequal(x, y) | x and y are identical |
isfinite(x) | x is a finite number |
isinf(x) | x is infinite |
isnan(x) | x is not a number |
considers NaN
s equal to each other:
julia> isequal(NaN, NaN)
julia> isequal([1 NaN], [1 NaN])
julia> isequal(NaN, NaN32)
can also be used to distinguish signed zeros:
julia> -0.0 == 0.0
julia> isequal(-0.0, 0.0)
Mixed-type comparisons between signed integers, unsigned integers, and floats can be tricky. A great deal of care has been taken to ensure that Julia does them correctly.
For other types, isequal()
defaults to calling ==()
, so if you want to define equality for your own types then you only need to add a ==()
method. If you define your own equality function, you should probably define a corresponding hash()
method to ensure that isequal(x,y)
implies hash(x) == hash(y)
Chaining comparisons
Unlike most languages, with the notable exception of Python, comparisons can be arbitrarily chained:
julia> 1 < 2 <= 2 < 3 == 3 > 2 >= 1 == 1 < 3 != 5
Chaining comparisons is often quite convenient in numerical code. Chained comparisons use the &&
operator for scalar comparisons, and the &
operator for elementwise comparisons, which allows them to work on arrays. For example, 0 .< A .< 1
gives a boolean array whose entries are true where the corresponding elements of A
are between 0 and 1.
Note the evaluation behavior of chained comparisons:
julia> v(x) = (println(x); x)
v (generic function with 1 method)
julia> v(1) < v(2) <= v(3)
julia> v(1) > v(2) <= v(3)
The middle expression is only evaluated once, rather than twice as it would be if the expression were written as v(1) < v(2) && v(2) <= v(3)
. However, the order of evaluations in a chained comparison is undefined. It is strongly recommended not to use expressions with side effects (such as printing) in chained comparisons. If side effects are required, the short-circuit &&
operator should be used explicitly (see Short-Circuit Evaluation).
Elementary Functions
Julia provides a comprehensive collection of mathematical functions and operators. These mathematical operations are defined over as broad a class of numerical values as permit sensible definitions, including integers, floating-point numbers, rationals, and complex numbers, wherever such definitions make sense.
Moreover, these functions (like any Julia function) can be applied in "vectorized" fashion to arrays and other collections with the dot syntax f.(A)
, e.g. sin.(A)
will compute the sine of each element of an array A
Operator Precedence
Julia applies the following order of operations, from highest precedence to lowest:
Category | Operators |
Syntax | . followed by :: |
Exponentiation | ^ |
Fractions | // |
Multiplication | * / % & \ |
Bitshifts | << >> >>> |
Addition | + - | ⊻ |
Syntax | : .. followed by |> |
Comparisons | > < >= <= == === != !== <: |
Control flow | && followed by || followed by ? |
Assignments | = += -= *= /= //= \= ^= ÷= %= |= &= ⊻= <<= >>= >>>= |
For a complete list of every Julia operator's precedence, see the top of this file: src/julia-parser.scm
You can also find the numerical precedence for any given operator via the built-in function Base.operator_precedence
, where higher numbers take precedence:
julia> Base.operator_precedence(:+), Base.operator_precedence(:*), Base.operator_precedence(:.)
(9, 11, 15)
julia> Base.operator_precedence(:+=), Base.operator_precedence(:(=)) # (Note the necessary parens on `:(=)`)
(1, 1)
Numerical Conversions
Julia supports three forms of numerical conversion, which differ in their handling of inexact conversions.
The notation
to a value of typeT
is a floating-point type, the result is the nearest representable value, which could be positive or negative infinity.If
is an integer type, anInexactError
is raised ifx
is not representable byT
x % T
converts an integerx
to a value of integer typeT
congruent tox
, wheren
is the number of bits inT
. In other words, the binary representation is truncated to fit.The Rounding functions take a type
as an optional argument. For example,round(Int,x)
is a shorthand forInt(round(x))
The following examples show the different forms.
julia> Int8(127)
julia> Int8(128)
ERROR: InexactError()
[1] Int8(::Int64) at ./sysimg.jl:77
julia> Int8(127.0)
julia> Int8(3.14)
ERROR: InexactError()
[1] convert(::Type{Int8}, ::Float64) at ./float.jl:658
[2] Int8(::Float64) at ./sysimg.jl:77
julia> Int8(128.0)
ERROR: InexactError()
[1] convert(::Type{Int8}, ::Float64) at ./float.jl:658
[2] Int8(::Float64) at ./sysimg.jl:77
julia> 127 % Int8
julia> 128 % Int8
julia> round(Int8,127.4)
julia> round(Int8,127.6)
ERROR: InexactError()
[1] trunc(::Type{Int8}, ::Float64) at ./float.jl:651
[2] round(::Type{Int8}, ::Float64) at ./float.jl:337
See Conversion and Promotion for how to define your own conversions and promotions.
Rounding functions
Function | Description | Return type |
round(x) | round x to the nearest integer | typeof(x) |
round(T, x) | round x to the nearest integer | T |
floor(x) | round x towards -Inf | typeof(x) |
floor(T, x) | round x towards -Inf | T |
ceil(x) | round x towards +Inf | typeof(x) |
ceil(T, x) | round x towards +Inf | T |
trunc(x) | round x towards zero | typeof(x) |
trunc(T, x) | round x towards zero | T |
Division functions
Function | Description |
div(x,y) | truncated division; quotient rounded towards zero |
fld(x,y) | floored division; quotient rounded towards -Inf |
cld(x,y) | ceiling division; quotient rounded towards +Inf |
rem(x,y) | remainder; satisfies x == div(x,y)*y + rem(x,y) ; sign matches x |
mod(x,y) | modulus; satisfies x == fld(x,y)*y + mod(x,y) ; sign matches y |
mod1(x,y) | mod() with offset 1; returns r∈(0,y] for y>0 or r∈[y,0) for y<0 , where mod(r, y) == mod(x, y) |
mod2pi(x) | modulus with respect to 2pi; 0 <= mod2pi(x) < 2pi |
divrem(x,y) | returns (div(x,y),rem(x,y)) |
fldmod(x,y) | returns (fld(x,y),mod(x,y)) |
gcd(x,y...) | greatest positive common divisor of x , y ,... |
lcm(x,y...) | least positive common multiple of x , y ,... |
Sign and absolute value functions
Function | Description |
abs(x) | a positive value with the magnitude of x |
abs2(x) | the squared magnitude of x |
sign(x) | indicates the sign of x , returning -1, 0, or +1 |
signbit(x) | indicates whether the sign bit is on (true) or off (false) |
copysign(x,y) | a value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y |
flipsign(x,y) | a value with the magnitude of x and the sign of x*y |
Powers, logs and roots
Function | Description |
sqrt(x) , √x | square root of x |
cbrt(x) , ∛x | cube root of x |
hypot(x,y) | hypotenuse of right-angled triangle with other sides of length x and y |
exp(x) | natural exponential function at x |
expm1(x) | accurate exp(x)-1 for x near zero |
ldexp(x,n) | x*2^n computed efficiently for integer values of n |
log(x) | natural logarithm of x |
log(b,x) | base b logarithm of x |
log2(x) | base 2 logarithm of x |
log10(x) | base 10 logarithm of x |
log1p(x) | accurate log(1+x) for x near zero |
exponent(x) | binary exponent of x |
significand(x) | binary significand (a.k.a. mantissa) of a floating-point number x |
For an overview of why functions like hypot()
, expm1()
, and log1p()
are necessary and useful, see John D. Cook's excellent pair of blog posts on the subject: expm1, log1p, erfc, and hypot.
Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
All the standard trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are also defined:
sin cos tan cot sec csc
sinh cosh tanh coth sech csch
asin acos atan acot asec acsc
asinh acosh atanh acoth asech acsch
sinc cosc atan2
These are all single-argument functions, with the exception of atan2, which gives the angle in radians between the x-axis and the point specified by its arguments, interpreted as x and y coordinates.
Additionally, sinpi(x)
and cospi(x)
are provided for more accurate computations of sin(pi*x)
and cos(pi*x)
In order to compute trigonometric functions with degrees instead of radians, suffix the function with d
. For example, sind(x)
computes the sine of x
where x
is specified in degrees. The complete list of trigonometric functions with degree variants is:
sind cosd tand cotd secd cscd
asind acosd atand acotd asecd acscd
Special functions
Function | Description |
gamma(x) | gamma function at x |
lgamma(x) | accurate log(gamma(x)) for large x |
lfact(x) | accurate log(factorial(x)) for large x ; same as lgamma(x+1) for x > 1 , zero otherwise |
beta(x,y) | beta function at x,y |
lbeta(x,y) | accurate log(beta(x,y)) for large x or y |