
Base URL: /hub/api, Version: 0.7.0

The REST API for JupyterHub

Default request content-types: application/json
Default response content-types: application/json
Schemes: http,https


Path Operation Description

Get JupyterHub version

/authorizations/cookie/{cookie_name}/{cookie_value} GET

Identify a user from a cookie

/authorizations/token POST

Request a new API token

/authorizations/token/{token} GET

Identify a user from an API token

/groups GET

List groups

/groups/{name} DELETE

Delete a group


Get a group by name


Create a group

/groups/{name}/users DELETE

Remove users from a group


Add users to a group

/info GET

Get detailed info about JupyterHub

/proxy GET

Get the proxy's routing table


Notify the Hub about a new proxy


Force the Hub to sync with the proxy

/services GET

List services

/services/{name} GET

Get a service by name

/shutdown POST

Shutdown the Hub

/users GET

List users


Create multiple users

/users/{name} DELETE

Delete a user


Get a user by name


Modify a user


Create a single user

/users/{name}/admin-access POST

Grant admin access to this user's notebook server

/users/{name}/server DELETE

Stop a user's server


Start a user's single-user notebook server



Type: apiKey





Get JupyterHub version


This endpoint is not authenticated for the purpose of clients and user to identify the JupyterHub version before setting up authentication.

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The JupyterHub version

version: string

The version of JupyterHub itself

Request a new API token

POST /authorizations/token

Request a new API token to use with the JupyterHub REST API. If not already authenticated, username and password can be sent in the JSON request body. Logging in via this method is only available when the active Authenticator accepts passwords (e.g. not OAuth).

Uses default content-types: application/json

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The new API token

token: string

The new API token.

Identify a user from an API token

GET /authorizations/token/{token}

token path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The user identified by the API token

List groups

GET /groups

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The list of groups

Delete a group

DELETE /groups/{name}


group name

path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

204 No Content

The group has been deleted

Get a group by name

GET /groups/{name}


group name

path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The group model

Create a group

POST /groups/{name}


group name

path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

201 Created

The group has been created

Remove users from a group

DELETE /groups/{name}/users

Uses default content-types: application/json

The users to remove from the group

users: string[]

List of usernames to remove from the group


group name

path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The users have been removed from the group

Add users to a group

POST /groups/{name}/users

Uses default content-types: application/json

The users to add to the group

users: string[]

List of usernames to add to the group


group name

path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The users have been added to the group

Get detailed info about JupyterHub

GET /info

Detailed JupyterHub information, including Python version, JupyterHub's version and executable path, and which Authenticator and Spawner are active.

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

Detailed JupyterHub info

version: string

The version of JupyterHub itself

python: string

The Python version, as returned by sys.version

sys_executable: string

The path to sys.executable running JupyterHub

authenticator: object
class: string

The Python class currently active for JupyterHub Authentication

version: string

The version of the currently active Authenticator

spawner: object
class: string

The Python class currently active for spawning single-user notebook servers

version: string

The version of the currently active Spawner

Get the proxy's routing table

GET /proxy

A convenience alias for getting the routing table directly from the proxy

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

Routing table

configurable-http-proxy routing table (see configurable-http-proxy docs for details)

Notify the Hub about a new proxy

PATCH /proxy

Notifies the Hub of a new proxy to use.

Uses default content-types: application/json

Any values that have changed for the new proxy. All keys are optional.

ip: string

IP address of the new proxy

port: string

Port of the new proxy

protocol: string

Protocol of new proxy, if changed

auth_token: string

CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN for the new proxy

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK


Force the Hub to sync with the proxy

POST /proxy

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK


List services

GET /services

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The service list

Get a service by name

GET /services/{name}


service name

path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The Service model

Shutdown the Hub

POST /shutdown

Uses default content-types: application/json

Whether users's notebook servers should be shutdown as well (default from Hub config)

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

Hub has shutdown

List users

GET /users

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The Hub's user list

Create multiple users

POST /users

Uses default content-types: application/json

usernames: string[]

list of usernames to create on the Hub

admin: boolean

whether the created users should be admins

Uses default content-types: application/json

201 Created

The users have been created

The created users

Delete a user

DELETE /users/{name}



path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

204 No Content

The user has been deleted

Get a user by name

GET /users/{name}



path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The User model

Modify a user

PATCH /users/{name}

Change a user's name or admin status

Uses default content-types: application/json

Updated user info. At least one key to be updated (name or admin) is required.

name: string

the new name (optional, if another key is updated i.e. admin)

admin: boolean

update admin (optional, if another key is updated i.e. name)



path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

The updated user info

Create a single user

POST /users/{name}



path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

201 Created

The user has been created

Grant admin access to this user's notebook server

POST /users/{name}/admin-access



path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

200 OK

Sets a cookie granting the requesting administrator access to the user's notebook server

Stop a user's server

DELETE /users/{name}/server



path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

202 Accepted

The user's notebook server has not yet stopped as it is taking a while to stop

204 No Content

The user's notebook server has stopped

Start a user's single-user notebook server

POST /users/{name}/server



path string

Uses default content-types: application/json

201 Created

The user's notebook server has started

202 Accepted

The user's notebook server has not yet started, but has been requested

Schema definitions

Group: object

name: string

The group's name

users: string[]

The names of users who are members of this group


Service: object

name: string

The service's name

admin: boolean

Whether the service is an admin

url: string

The internal url where the service is running

prefix: string

The proxied URL prefix to the service's url

pid: number

The PID of the service process (if managed)

command: string[]

The command used to start the service (if managed)


User: object

name: string

The user's name

admin: boolean

Whether the user is an admin

groups: string[]

The names of groups where this user is a member

server: string

The user's notebook server's base URL, if running; null if not.

pending: string , x ∈ { spawn , stop }

The currently pending action, if any

last_activity: string (date-time)

Timestamp of last-seen activity from the user