The JupyterHub API

Authenticating Services

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Authenticating Services


Authenticating services with JupyterHub

Cookies are sent to the Hub for verification, replying with a JSON model describing the authenticated user.

HubAuth can be used in any application, even outside tornado.

HubAuthenticated is a mixin class for tornado handlers that should authenticate with the Hub.


A class for authenticating with JupyterHub

This can be used by any application.

If using tornado, use via HubAuthenticated mixin. If using manually, use the .user_for_cookie(cookie_value) method to identify the user corresponding to a given cookie value.

The following config must be set:

  • api_token (token for authenticating with JupyterHub API), fetched from the JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN env by default.

The following config MAY be set:

  • api_url: the base URL of the Hub’s internal API, fetched from JUPYTERHUB_API_URL by default.
  • cookie_cache_max_age: the number of seconds responses from the Hub should be cached.
  • login_url (the public /hub/login URL of the Hub).
  • cookie_name: the name of the cookie I should be using, if different from the default (unlikely).
config c.HubAuth.api_token = Unicode('')

API key for accessing Hub API.

Generate with jupyterhub token [username] or add to config.

config c.HubAuth.api_url = Unicode('')

The base API URL of the Hub.

Typically http://hub-ip:hub-port/hub/api

config c.HubAuth.base_url = Unicode('/')

The base URL prefix of this application

e.g. /services/service-name/ or /user/name/


config c.HubAuth.cache_max_age = Int(300)

The maximum time (in seconds) to cache the Hub’s responses for authentication.

A larger value reduces load on the Hub and occasional response lag. A smaller value reduces propagation time of changes on the Hub (rare).

Default: 300 (five minutes)

config c.HubAuth.cookie_name = Unicode('jupyterhub-services')

The name of the cookie I should be looking for

config c.HubAuth.hub_host = Unicode('')

The public host of JupyterHub

Only used if JupyterHub is spreading servers across subdomains.

config c.HubAuth.hub_prefix = Unicode('/hub/')

The URL prefix for the Hub itself.

Typically /hub/

config c.HubAuth.login_url = Unicode('/hub/login')

The login URL to use

Typically /hub/login

config c.HubAuth.api_token = Unicode('')

API key for accessing Hub API.

Generate with jupyterhub token [username] or add to config.

config c.HubAuth.api_url = Unicode('')

The base API URL of the Hub.

Typically http://hub-ip:hub-port/hub/api

config c.HubAuth.base_url = Unicode('/')

The base URL prefix of this application

e.g. /services/service-name/ or /user/name/


config c.HubAuth.cache_max_age = Int(300)

The maximum time (in seconds) to cache the Hub’s responses for authentication.

A larger value reduces load on the Hub and occasional response lag. A smaller value reduces propagation time of changes on the Hub (rare).

Default: 300 (five minutes)

config c.HubAuth.cookie_name = Unicode('jupyterhub-services')

The name of the cookie I should be looking for


Get the user token from a request

  • in URL parameters: ?token=<token>
  • in header: Authorization: token <token>

Get the Hub user for a given tornado handler.

Checks cookie with the Hub to identify the current user.

Parameters:handler (tornado.web.RequestHandler) – the current request handler
Returns:The user model, if a user is identified, None if authentication fails.

The ‘name’ field contains the user’s name.

Return type:user_model (dict)
config c.HubAuth.hub_host = Unicode('')

The public host of JupyterHub

Only used if JupyterHub is spreading servers across subdomains.

config c.HubAuth.hub_prefix = Unicode('/hub/')

The URL prefix for the Hub itself.

Typically /hub/

config c.HubAuth.login_url = Unicode('/hub/login')

The login URL to use

Typically /hub/login

Ask the Hub to identify the user for a given cookie.

  • encrypted_cookie (str) – the cookie value (not decrypted, the Hub will do that)
  • use_cache (bool) – Specify use_cache=False to skip cached cookie values (default: True)

The user model, if a user is identified, None if authentication fails.

The ‘name’ field contains the user’s name.

Return type:

user_model (dict)

user_for_token(token, use_cache=True)

Ask the Hub to identify the user for a given token.

  • token (str) – the token
  • use_cache (bool) – Specify use_cache=False to skip cached cookie values (default: True)

The user model, if a user is identified, None if authentication fails.

The ‘name’ field contains the user’s name.

Return type:

user_model (dict)


Mixin for tornado handlers that are authenticated with JupyterHub

A handler that mixes this in must have the following attributes/properties:

  • .hub_auth: A HubAuth instance
  • .hub_users: A set of usernames to allow. If left unspecified or None, username will not be checked.
  • .hub_groups: A set of group names to allow. If left unspecified or None, groups will not be checked.


class MyHandler(HubAuthenticated, web.RequestHandler):
    hub_users = {'inara', 'mal'}

    def initialize(self, hub_auth):
        self.hub_auth = hub_auth

    def get(self):

Property indicating that all successfully identified user or service should be allowed.


Check whether Hub-authenticated user or service should be allowed.

Returns the input if the user should be allowed, None otherwise.

Override if you want to check anything other than the username’s presence in hub_users list.

Parameters:model (dict) – the user or service model returned from HubAuth
Returns:The user model if the user should be allowed, None otherwise.
Return type:user_model (dict)

Tornado’s authentication method

Returns:The user model, if a user is identified, None if authentication fails.
Return type:user_model (dict)

Return the Hub’s login URL


alias of HubAuth